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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Man, you got some serious puffing and popping going on there. Are you using a pop filter?
  2. FACT: Link's Awaking has a remix album. FACT: None of the other Zelda games have a remix album. FACT: The Oracle games aren't really Zelda games, so they don't count. Therefore, Link's Awakening is the best Zelda. Ergo factso makeitupasIgo.
  3. Link's Awakening, and you fucking know it. EDIT: Bah! Canada gets the game on Sunday, the 19th. Fucking Canadian delayed release dates...
  4. Stop ruining my mockery of Americans, damn it! You're taking all the fun out of it. :)

  5. I keep thinking it's supposed to be lounge lizard. Then I get a funny picture in my mind about a guy in a two-piece tuxedo on a piano singing really cheesy music. Then he starts trolling the audience and the trollface meme appears on his face.
  6. Guys, they might be reading this right now, and all of our accounts on everything could already be compromised! Any second now, they will start hacking our megahertz and wifi-ing our emails servers! They... Wait. What's that sound? Why is my DS Lite on? OH GOD, THEY GOT MY POKEMANZ! MY DS IS BEING HACKED RIGHT NOW! OH GOD NO! NOT MY CHARMANDER!
  7. Damn it, Jack! By posting that, you're validating some kind of position on something! You're only helping and/or hurting whatever cause it is that we're discussing right now!
  8. Wha? You've been here since 2004, and this is the first time? I'm from the same years and I got my first one a couple of years ago.
  9. http://www.destructoid.com/new-wii-u-dev-kits-on-the-way-to-developers-203986.phtml So, it sounds like the hardware isn't exactly finished yet. Who knows? They might be able to figure out how to do two or more tablet streams. Or maybe it's just a better overall design o the dev kit. Or maybe it's just Nintendo saying it's better. I guess we won't know until next year, when it comes out.
  10. Chernabogue, CHIPP Damage and Souliarc have decided to live one more year. They continue to reign over us with their (relative) youth and vigor. Give to them the Cakes of Agedness, adorned with many Candles of Time Passing! Sing the ancient hymn of Felix Natalis Tibi Sit!
  11. I just played it this winter. I can honestly say I never had a problem with enemies attacking me, and I hardly ever found treasures or islands unless I was looking for them. In fact, you might even say it was... Smooth sailing. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
  12. Changing "favorites" to "essentials" doesn't keep it from being a favorites list, which is something OCR doesn't do. Just warning you.
  13. Yeah, the sailing, while fun at first, became a mind-numbing exercise in watching not very much happen. The first time you get to sail, it's all "FUUUUUCK YEEEEEAHH!" as you're jumping over waves and watching things fly by, and the music kicks in just at the right time and you're all "THIS IS THE GREATEST THING EVER!" But after that feeling wears off (and it does), you're left with a rather time-consuming method of travel, and a world that is a bit too big for it's own good. In many ways, it's perhaps the biggest "land" you get to explore, as you can look for miles in every direction and still see something on the horizon. But it just becomes so tedious to use.
  14. Or VHS. Or Betamax. Or film reels. Or filmstrips. Or Edison wax tube recordings. Man, this thing sucks already.
  15. King Kong, for example. Remade twice. And the remakes also got terrible sequels. As well as the various old TV shows remade into movies, like A-Team, McHales Navy, etc. If anyone is guilty of the remake thing, it's Hollywood. They've been doing it longer and probably more often than video games have. Also, I find it kind of funny that you're complaining about a video game getting remade with some new content on a site that deals with remaking video game music with some new content.
  16. See last page for the same video.
  17. "EVERYBODY! Let's roll down the hill!"
  18. I think you're right. I've must be thinking of another video I saw. Too many E3 videos, all overlapping. I'm getting them mixed up.
  19. Last week was something about E3, skip it. This week is some game I've never heard of, but he seems to genuinely like talking about. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3540-Hunted-The-Demons-Forge
  20. You can say the same for lots of games in different genres. Halo sure as fuck didn't switch it up much one game to the next. Neither did Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Hell, Final Fantasy manages to change everything each game and it's still feels like the last five titles.
  21. Yes. Now hand yourself over to the International Courts.
  22. Micheal Facebender? As in, he reshapes a face when he punches it? That's pretty cool!
  23. Come on, even I considered a PSP when it came out, and I've only ever had Nintendo handhelds.
  24. Yeah, you see, if you think someone is spewing bullshit, you don't just call them on it and leave. You back it up with some kind of argument or facts or something to show they're full of bullshit. Really, people. We just went over this a few months ago. Hell, PPR regulars should know this by heart.
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