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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I honestly thought I was the only to ever buy that game. It's nice to know at least one other person did. I last saw a few copies in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, and it made me feel sorry for it. Iwata, the president of Nintendo, announced it himself during a live international conference viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. So yeah, might be true. Just a bit.
  2. I don't know, this years Nintendo one was pretty fucking good for that. They dropped a lot of bombs with stuff like Smash Bros for both 3DS and Wii U (gotta find a better name for that, like a shorthand form... WU?) as well as the tons of 3rd party support for the new console.
  3. You just have to not expect anything good from them. That way, when something good actually does happen, it's great again. Lowered expectations: the key to being happy.
  4. People said the same thing about using the DS touch screen.
  5. Fuck that name, did you not see those titles? Tekken, Darksiders 2 (FOR LAUNCH), Ninja Gaiden... just, ow, I can't remember them all now. Fuck, Nintendo won this year. Everyone that has been asking "where are the core games?", I say to you "THERE! There are your goddamn core games! On Nintendo!"
  6. Need a thread title update. The official name is Wii U.
  7. CONFIRMED JUST NOW! Oh god, this is the best year EVER!
  8. Darksworde stated a few times that we can only make specific threads about games and systems, not general threads. Hence, the locked Sony and MS threads.
  10. http://www.destructoid.com/e3-gravity-is-really-pretty-and-i-want-it-hands-on--203098.phtml Some of you may recall seeing a clip from the Sony conference where they showcased a dozen or so games for their new portable, the Vita. One of those games was an anime-style, cel-shaded game where w a girl fights monsters in a small town (totally original, I know). But it caught my eye and I was wondering what it was. Turns out it's called Gravity, and the name is apt. You play a young girl that is granted control over gravity from a mysterious cat, who happens to be granting wishes to little girls. So, it's a magic girl story. But according to the article, you get to alter gravity so that you're fighting on the sides of buildings and stuff, so that's cool. So, that's one game I'm kind of interested in for the Vita. And at $250 (assuming they keep the price the same for US and Canadian), it's looking worthwhile.
  11. What was the one anime-style cel-shaded game on Vita? They only showed a few seconds of it when I caught it, but maybe they showed more when I was getting dinner? Specifically, this one, at 0:58 to 1:08.
  12. Yes, but having lots of good first party titles didn't help the GameCube or the N64. I have to see what the Cafe is going to offer now.
  13. Uhm, holy shit. Vita is $249 Wifi and $299 3G. That means for something that has a better, bigger screen, better wireless, and some damn good looking stuff coming up for it... fuck. Now, I'm a long-time Nintendo handheld buyer. I have owned and still own pretty much every GameBoy and DS model so far. So this isn't some random observation. The only way Nintendo can recover from that is the Cafe to be waaaaaaaaaay more than what anyone was expecting.
  14. Then it wouldn't be Minecraft anymore, would it? My guess is they're just stabilizing it for the 360 and make it Kinect compatible, and leave the rest of the game alone.
  15. Because why should MS be all about their motion controls?
  16. I love how they said that Minecraft was going to be an exclusive title. Aside from PC, Mac and certain Android phones. But you know, exclusive!
  17. Yeah, this year, X-Box 360 seems to be about using Kinect for as many things as possible. They pulled a last minute reveal of Halo 4, though. That's kind of cool. But when asked if Kinect would be used for Halo 4, the MS rep kind of dodged the question and didn't give an actual answer. Roo-roh, Shaggy!
  18. halc once punched a dinosaur in the balls, which was impressive enough, but then we found out that said dinosaur was originally female. That's right: halc 's punches can change the gender of his target just before impact, to maximize the hurt. And that's why we offer him cake every year to appease him, and not be gender-switch punched in the crotch. Incidentally, that's where the tradition of birthday cakes comes from.
  19. And it's exclusive! Aside from the PC version. And the Sony Ericsson smartphone. And Mac. BUT IT'S EXCLUUUUUUUSIVE.
  20. Actually, it's usually one topic each for the Big Three, with specific threads for individual games. Well, Mass Effect 3 is now a Kinect game, so you get to speak your conversation options. Yay?
  21. Agreed. It's almost like it's from Golden Sun or another RPG series entirely. They really outdid themselves on the soundtrack this generation.
  22. The newer Hulk was way better than the first one. It was the movie that killed Ang Lee's career, and set back comic book movies a few years. Hell, I'd rather watch both Fantastic Four movies right after each other than watch the first Hulk movie half-way through.
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