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Everything posted by CapnHulk

  1. Sorry hulk...But thanks a bunch for the sig. It's great! No problem, I just thought you had dropped off the face off the earth.
  2. Clear your cookies, and see if that helps.
  3. I'm not sure, photobucket itself is up. Maybe your account got deleted by accident or something?
  4. I figured, I mean....who DOESN'T like Gambit?
  5. Ok, here you go Nocturnal Gambler. I hope you like it. Comments? Gripes? You're going to have to host it yourself though. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Calvin & Hobbes, I'm gonna have to delete your sig soon. Please, come claim it.
  6. I'll see what I can do. I think I can do something spiffy with a name like that, but it may take some time.
  7. Well, if it's a bitmap it won't show up. Other than that I'm not sure what the problem could be.
  8. You don't have to write anything if you don't want. It's all up to you.
  9. Welcome to the boards, and glad you like the sig. Read through the Newb/Tech Help forum THOROUGHLY and everything should be fine. Try to avoid "Favorites" threads...things like "Whut is joo fav Final Fantasee game!!lol" aren't generally welcome.
  10. Glad you like it. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but you may want to stick something like "sig by CapnHulk!" or something underneath. All the cool kids are doing it.
  11. Here you go Myrddraal. Hope you like it, I know I do. Comments? Gripes?
  12. The picture HAS to be on the internet. If you need to host it go to photobucket.com and sign up.
  13. Here you go Calvin, hope you like it. You're going to have to find somewhere to host it though. Photobucket is a pretty good place for that. ----------------------- Tick-tock...I can't host it forever.
  14. I'll see what I can do. Give me a bit to work on it. ---------------------------------------------------- As for you sweetestpea, I have no idea how to do gifs, so if I made you a new sig it wouldn't have a gif. I think yours is pretty nice as is though.
  15. No offense but I've made quite a few sigs for people who have only posted a few times. If you don't post regularly then why get a sig? Don't be so rude, no one HAS to make a sig for you.
  16. Clean up those last 2 posts and maybe we'll talk.
  18. Dont worry about it, glad I could help It's too good for him...I'm sure you saw that Ninja vs. Samurai crap in GD...
  19. Right click the picture and go to "Copy image location."
  20. Yeah the pic isn't showing up.
  21. Click the Profile link, then in the box that says signature, put: and Voila.
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