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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Unless we get like a solid due date, I'm putting off working on my piece. Why, you may ask? Silly rabbit, tricks are for hookers... and I may get a new computer.
  2. Oh Snap! No you did not even just do that. It had to happen folks. It was inebidabedible. On behalf of the rest of the SoS musicians crew, Your welcome!
  3. I'm pretty sure I'm Done with my Desert Palace mix. I sent a wav to Snapple already. Oh, & KFC, if you still have it, could you render my Death Egg piece & send it to Snapple.
  4. I'll have my mix soon. I gotta render it then upload. But, I'mm still good.
  5. BTW. I've yet to hear back on my Desert Palace mix. So... yeah, lemme know if it's good as is.
  6. Well, to be fair, my progress should be at around... 95%. I only have some slight mastering stuff to finish.
  7. I could've swore there was some noob named ABC... or DDT, something like that. He made hip hop music. It was pretty good. Maybe he may even try Boss 1!
  8. Dangit... all star cast, ey. Well, I'd be up for this project if there are any spots, or someone drops out... or if, you know, someone wanted to collab. Anyway, good luck.
  9. ... How exactly did you... stumble on to this site, Alex? I mean, you likey the yaoi? Cause if you do, that's cool... ya perv! BTW, I've only d/l a couple of tracks, but they sound pretty good. Also, Rellik, Ellywu, pixie(I tell you what you is... A good singer), & Roe... the heck was I saying? Oh yeah, Good friggin Job!
  10. OMG I finished my Desert Palace mix! Expect a pm snapple/kfc.
  11. C'mon peopleseses. We finally have perfectly good forums... & nothing. Well, a little activity, but nowhere near what we should have.
  12. That may not be clipping, I'll give it a second look, but I'm pretty sure it's the distortion I added. I wanted them to have some fuzz so I added Fruity Dist to it.
  13. ... Pixie that dream you had was both disgusting... & strangely... seductive. And I fully expect to get a shout out from you Pix... along the lines of "I love you Joker, from OCR as opposed to the Batman comics!" during the next show. Edited for Grammar... or Grammer... mmm, graham crackers.
  14. Ehy Starky, djou get my pm? I'm pretty sure I'm finished with my song, just need your approval.
  15. Yeah, I'll vote for you guys when you gimme some more episodage.
  16. Dangit. That is really terrible news. If your out there (& reading this), Sixto, keep on keeping on!
  17. I'm almost finished with mh mix! The next one I send to Starky will most likely be the final... unless he tells me otherwise. But yeah, home stretch!
  18. Dude... I'd keep the final away from public eyes. Plus you linked to Prophet's song.
  19. Although I'm all for a central site, I think we should refrain from posting finished, or close to finished songs publicly. That just really goes against the purpose of releasing a project, & is more in line with just releasing stand alone songs. Just my opinion.
  20. It would be cool to make a private forum for the project. It's my experience that they work rather well. Gives the whole team the chance to hear & critique eachtoeher. Kinda like the peer review that never happened for DSoP.
  21. Just got finished posting my wip in the... wip board. So, yeah, go listen, make a thread. Let's get this party started funky.
  22. I've given up hope for Duke Nukem Forever. I think that's how long it will be before it's finished. I'm counting on ""Duke Nukem 360", or heck ""Duke Nukem: Viva la Revolution". This project though, it's something worth waiting for. Let we get glitchy music that freezes when I save wrong or put on the damned wraith mask at the wrong time! <3 Computerfoxes
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