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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. the foxconn board is actually pretty nice, all told, and has a radeon 2100 internal. but this asus model and this gigabyte board both have good onboard video. would that work?
  2. for a cheapo computer, i'd go with an athlon processor. they're way cheaper as a whole. go with a 3ghz windsor for the processor (90$). the windsor is a little older than the 7300's design but will compare favorably for the cost. for the mobo, go with either a cheaper or name-brand model. they're about the same in terms of quality, so pick what features you want. most boards over 65$ are designed for overclocking or extreme stability in weird conditions, so this should work fine. for ram, the performance difference between 1 and 2 gigs is significant, so use some of the money you saved to buy 2 1gb sticks of G.SKILL ram. you could go cheaper, but it's only 30$. that'll hold you over. the cpu comes with a fan if you buy retail, so you're set there. what're you doing for an optical drive? LG's popular burner is only 25$ and it's probably one of the best out there. cost is so close to a -rom drive you should just get a burner. also, with this stuff being as low-heat as it is, you should look into the microATX desktop and microATX mini tower for case sizes. they're REALLY small, and would power this really easily. just look for free shipping deals and you're golden - WAY cheaper than in a store, really. and as long as your psu has at least 250w, you'll be fine for power. hope this helps.
  3. lol. mine's already crossfaded, i wimped out and did a fade-out at the end of the track. i thought it sounded cool until jay started cracking up the first time he heard it.
  4. that'd be pretty cool, man, if you could participate a little more. you know i'm really into the one mix you've got on this project so far.
  5. all malcos, man. that dude's got some pipes.
  6. the song's been done for a while, last time i heard anything.
  7. it was pretty good, IMO. people expected it to be a pc version of halo or resident evil. it wasn't. of course, it's an FPS with a weak story, which makes it a dime a dozen nowadays.
  8. really? where? i missed them, then. of course, i did the vocal processing in...6/08, according to my files. so it's been a while. although, considering i had a pretty low-pitched drone on perfect fifths and turned it into everything that you heard from those two pitches, i thought it turned out pretty good.
  9. hey guys, thought you should all know about this. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is currently available for free on GameTap. go download it now! it's, like, two clicks to get it. make sure you download the patches, though, because that game was buggy as hell when i played it originally.
  10. it was a four-month deadline last time, after spending a few months getting the whole FBRC off the ground to begin with. you'll have time =)
  11. i'm totally in. i really enjoyed this last time. wish i remembered what song i did, since i really flat out don't remember. edit: found it...hey, this is pretty cool.
  12. it's a few hours long if you know how to do everything. it's way longer the first time through. of course, it's also way better if you buy it on sale, like i did when it was featured download of the week on XBLA. wait until steam puts it on sale, and buy it then.
  13. penny arcade is a community with a lot of DnD players. it seems most of the people around here aren't as into this kind of stuff.
  14. check out her site. i haven't seen anything from her in ages around here, but it seems she's still active in making music.
  15. newage works as a genre. it's all the stuff enya does. pixie's music is pretty similar.
  16. i thought the aids one was funny. and the wheelchair on on youtube.
  17. pci-e and pci are normal to have on one system. he was asking what your primary graphics card slot is, agp (dinosaur) or pci-e (new standard). that card is much better than the one you mentioned initially, and will blow dhsu's atifanboy () card out of the water. it's got twice the memory at twice the bitrate, a better architecture, and better heat distribution than those mini-coolers that the short cards have. if you can get it for 25 dollars, do it. and get more ram while you're at it, if at all possible. one new 2gb stick of ram is about 25 dollars, as well, and will allow you to add another 2 at a later point.
  18. hmm. this sounds like something to post in the NI bug forums. they're pretty active over there, all told, so they should be able to help you out. i'm not familiar with the interface, so my help is limited.
  19. xp sp3? if so, it doesn't ship with working drivers for hd audio. you'll need an addon.
  20. i'm kind of surprised that baba yetu got as much press as it did with the text being what it is, but it goes to show that people will listen to anything when they don't know what it means.
  21. i think i'll order when it's released, so i can pay more money. i want to support you guys.
  22. i got a song through the panel (with immense help from zircon), it just hasn't been posted...i promise! really!
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