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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i enjoyed one nickelback album...long road, i think it was. there, i said it.
  2. it'd be the mophet of prephisto, actually. it's the whole first sound, not just the first letter.
  3. spoonerisms! i spove loonerisms. anyone heard of Runny Babbit?
  4. i'm getting the unavailable deal sign. i don't know how much it costs, but if you don't do video, it's still only ok at best. that's SUCH a bad processor. 2.2 for amd translates to around 2ghz for intel processors in real-time speed. that's really slow straight-line calculation speed for today's systems. the mobo is ok, but not really suited for the case it'll be in since it has a really hot southbridge. also, that's a poor power supply that'd never be able to handle anything more than what's going into the system
  5. when the tubes in cathode ray tube monitors starts to crap out, it does this. there's a possibility it's something else (like power fluctuations in the wall socket), but i'm fairly sure your monitor is just ready to poop out.
  6. i'd think that a smartphone - like the new blackberry or an iPhone - might be better for portability. at least you aren't spending 800$ on a decent laptop to have it crap out in a few years. of course, it depends on what you'd need to do. zircon, i completely missed your post =) if you're interested, give me a call at some point. i think you'd be surprised how cheap it can get. as for that oil-cooled fishtank, it's just one of those goofy things that's really, REALLY fun to play with. everything runs pretty hot - i think the stable temp is around 70 degrees celsius - but since the entire system is that warm and there's no hotspots there is absolutely no issues. it's been running that hot for over a year. that's with an e8400 (dual-core, 3ghz) oc'd to around 3.8ghz...which, by the way, is ridiculously fast. it takes almost 8 hours to get up to max temp, too, so if you shut it off at night you're fine. i clocked up the ram and graphics card a bit, but not much. all you need is a few fans to push the oil around a bit, although if you're really into it you can get a pump and radiator to cool things off a little. looks pretty cool, too, with some led fans in the system. runs almost silently.
  7. walmart has some cheap and edible store brand stuff. probably my favorite store brand food is wegmans double stuffed o's (oreo knockoffs). the cream's really sweet, rather than being all flakey like oreo cream, and they're almost always on sale for 2/$4...in a container that's larger than the oreo box. i love them.
  8. always wondered where you got your name.
  9. come on, people, love everyone. edit: sinewav - i'm in!
  10. hdmi's settled - the best graphics cable available. usb 3.0 still hasn't even shipped yet. nehelem's settled, too - it's a power-reduced version of the 775 socket, just like they said. as for the oil-cooled thing, send me a pm and i'll give you some specifics. pretty awesome stuff, and cheap, too.
  11. hah, no. too many proprietary bits and pieces. i'll take a laptop you've purchased and upgrade internal components - cpus, gpus (if it's got one already, of course, can't add a discrete card to an integrated laptop graphics system), memory, that kind of stuff. can't build one, though, no. i can make a desktop really portable, but yeah. i really don't like laptops, though. really, you can get a year or two out of them before they're completely outdated and running slow and full of rot. i'd take an upgradeable desktop over a laptop any day of the week.
  12. wow, that stinks. too bad. i was going to offer some spare parts i had lying around, but all i've got currently are a case, psu, and keyboard =) go figure.
  13. i stay away from foods that ooze stinky white goo when they're cooked. just a personal preference.
  14. i grew up with creed in my cd player. looking forward to seeing them come back.
  15. this is utter heresy, halo is the best game EVAR. the story moves my soul to tears.
  16. hey everyone. for those who haven't noticed, i make custom computers for people here on the forums. these aren't usually monster systems, most everything i've done has been for mid-level consumers looking for an upgrade from their current x-year-old castoff system that they use. in honor of receiving my first official tax return as a married man (can you say $5k?), i'm offering a sale on computers sold between now and the end of may. normally, when you buy a computer from me, you pay for the parts, obviously. on top of that, you'll pay 10% of the cost of the parts for assembly of the system and handling (dealing with the crappy post office out here), 50$ for installing the operating system and tweaking the system to reduce bloat, and however much it costs to ship (usually around 45$). for this sale, i'll waive my 50$ OS installation fee, and i'll reduce my normal assembly fee from 10% to 5%. for example, person a wants a computer that does certain functions. i say that the parts will cost 400$ for that system. the final price of the system is about 530$ (50 for os, 40 for assembly, 40 for shipping). under this sale, that computer will only cost $460 - a saving of 70$, or almost 15%. basically, i'll make 20$ off of this system for the 6-8 hours a system build usually takes, rather than the 90$ i'd normally earn. please contact me via pm to get in touch with me. i offer full tech support on all issues that arise - you'll have my phone number, so you just call and i'll talk you through any issues that you might have. i can do any variety of computer - a silent pc, one optimized for children to use, one specifically for gaming - whatever you need, i can do. obviously, if you contact me and express interest, i'm not going to force you to buy anything. feel free to ask about any price range. have a great day, everyone. enjoy your tax returns.
  17. okra is not a food. at least, not an edible one.
  18. that could be easy to change. isn't there a tan in the unmod game?
  19. except it's the main theme redone a bit. that's why it's not there. we already have one 'main theme' track, but it's a chiptune...i'd love to have a version that's non-chiptune as well. it's the only track i'd think about doubling.
  20. i thought that was funny. i also thought the line about going to the gym was hilarious.
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