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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. no, it's not. most colleges have license offers with microsoft where they can distribute copies of windows for just the cost of the tech's time to make the CD. it's completely legal - and an advertised option through the tech department of every state school.
  2. just get someone who's still there to get a copy for you =) that's how i got my first copy of xp...8 dollars.
  3. same reaction here, nekofrog. there's one hole in that argument, pez. 32-bit: up to approx. 3.5 gigs (due to video ram, system space reservations) 64-bit: up to 127.5 gigs of ram (due to the same reasons). 128-bit: way more. there's no way in hell consumer systems are going to overrun 128 gigs of ram any time soon. 128-bit will be for super-machines - not for the commercial market. 64-bit should have been the standard when vista came out, all told - the x86 architecture was useless with the high memory demands that vista puts on it.
  4. lol i enjoyed the scifi miniseries, even with the atrocious acting and 'special effects'. i just can't wait to actually see everything in hi-def, pretty much.
  5. i wouldn't see the point in having your standard 32-bit architecture any more. it just doesn't make any sense from a development standpoint - why purposely limit your computer's ability to access memory? it's bogus from any viewpoint. it's not like they're going to be able to cross-over drivers from previous systems any more anyways.
  6. with today's high-end special effects, this has the chance to be really, really epic. and i can't wait.
  7. http://thebetaguy.com/exclusives/?postid=1029344029&title=microsoft-windows-7-exclusive sorry for the double threadpost, but this is EXTREMELY interesting. basically, windows 7 will break from every other version of windows in saying that it will be completely re-written from the ground up - while dropping all semblance of backwards compatibility with all programs. it'll then use apple's old idea of virtual machines to allow computers to run xp/vista based software rather than scaling back the code to allow older programs to still be able to recognize key interface points. awesome! maybe this time we won't get a load of crap, like what vista is now.
  8. http://sffmedia.com/content/view/179/1/ just off the firehose... .sounds awesome! dune is one of my favorite SF books ever, so i can't wait for this.
  9. i have a 360 now. play h3 with me, please.
  10. i hate you all edit - SCUBA DIVERS! i SO can't wait to throw it down with that. who gets to be the mentally handicapped black dude? aeroz?
  11. what the hell? since when does hardware = love? @gt - i'm up for hand delivering stuff for whoever, as long as it's reasonable. however, up to this point i have mailed almost everything i've built. so, yeah, i'll ship to cali...but don't expect me to drive three days just to hold your hand while you plug in some USBs =)
  12. nah, just a standard drive (unfortunately). it'll let me rip to my hard drive, which is all i'd care about anyways.
  13. eh - you're missing the point. i still get a dvd drive for less than half of what it costs normally to get one...and now that hd dvd's are dead, they sell on ebay for cheaper than normal dvds. sounds good to me.
  14. dlux is the king of cool, so we officially are cool now.
  15. boy, there's so many of us already! keep telling everyone else about it!
  16. making fun is always a bad thing when you're a stranger. just keep that in mind here on OCR. unless people 'know' you, don't poke fun at them.
  17. i need you to sing a high g while upside down in a box...
  18. for some reason, every time i see 'brand new day', i think 'its a hard knock life'. and it BOTHERS me.
  19. i've done it twice - look it up in the archives. no one plays anymore enough to warrant keeping it up. however, most everyone's IGNs are in there, of those that play anymore.
  20. if snapple wasn't so good at making bacon, i'd get pissed
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