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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i enjoy aspects of photo-realism in games - not because it looks like they videoed some poor sop to get beaten up or something, but because i can look at it and say "that's quite good animation". was witcher or assassin's creed perfect? no. were they really, really good? yes. and i respect that.
  2. yes. and then mastered is when you've got it 100% and did something like a 3-hearts run for Zelda or something.
  3. i seriously have hundreds of old game boy, n64, and computer games that need to go on this, but i need to find the cartridges and floppies for them to get all the names =)
  4. sign up now! it's awesome, me and dhsu and a few others from OCR are involved, but you all need to get in on this too. http://backloggery.com/
  5. i LOVE that movie. one of my favorites, regardless of how over-the-top it seems.
  6. wait, who capitalized my thread title? and added a question mark?
  7. blizzy-hizz-ahk-ay! happy birfday super asian composer man guy
  8. i saw this thread and immediately thought I NEED TO POST THIS! WHO THE HELL DID I JUST HIT
  9. awesome, i'll check these out. the class gives us a budget of 50$ to use on these projects, so if i can pump it through OCR's store, i'm gonna.
  10. dual processors? that sounds hawt. as for the OMRP, it's still going. i just never update here anymore. soon enough...
  11. i've got a presentation coming up about science fiction in adolescent literature, and i'd like to reference to some extent the cyberpunk genre of writing. if you read it (any level, not just 13-17 year old reading level stuff), what do you read? why is it good? i've always been interested in the genre and just never knew where to start.
  12. HWAAAAAAAAAAAAA great news, man!
  13. when i get my 9600 and new processer, write me in =) i'm all over this.
  14. they've been steady around 225-275, depending on what features you've wanted. still, we should start seeing even the higher-end ones drop to the point where 350 for your SLI needs should be easily done.
  15. now that the 9800s have finally come out (at 599 a pop), 8800s should be dropping soon. that said, i've seen two different 9600GTs for 149$ (after a 20-30$ mail-in rebate) - XFX and MSI both sell one at that cost. neodestiny's actually getting one of the MSI cards for his box, complete with free game (th witcher, WHICH ROCKS)
  16. karedis just got his computer, and he says he likes it. griffin9's is going out this weekend, and i've recieved money from jam stunna for one as well. neodestiny and chrono26 are on the radar as well, as soon as they send me the funds =) anyone else interested?
  17. if you noticed, there's more than one album available...the other one is great, too.
  18. being a composer myself, i can tell you that while composition is hard - really hard - performing is more so because as a composer, you have an eraser. as for research, as a vocalist i never perform a piece before i learn what it's about, and what the composer was into when he wrote it. as a saxophonist, it's the same way. i recently did a piece called Tableaux de Provence on my senior recital. had i not researched it, i wouldn't have known that it was a tribute of sorts to Maurice's time in Provence, France, or that the name (in a slightly obscure dialect of french) means Pictures of Provence, or that each movement was inspired by a unique experience that she had there. THAT makes for a much different performance. just being able to play a piece isn't enough - you've gotta be able to go back and say, 'this is why i did this, and this'. and by the way, most performers don't have teachers to tell them what to do where on a piece. i haven't had a teacher actually tell me what to do somewhere on a piece in months and months and months. i do my own research, my own listening, and my own studying of the piece. that's all i'm going to say regarding this argument. if anyone wants to start a thread, that's fine - just link me there. but i'm not going to continue to post.
  19. this ain't true. there are a large number of famous performers who have done fantastic arrangements, adaptations, and original compositions that are well known. you saying this tells me that you're a well spoken but musically illiterate person...else you would have remembered liszt, paganini, bach, buxtehude, chopin, debussy... if there's one thing i've learned in college, it's that practice is in no way simplistic and easy. while your statement above says 'you get good by practicing, duh' with a bunch of bling added on to make it look good, you should know that practicing is in no way an easy thing to do. it's possibly one of the most learning to practice was one of the most valuable things i learned at college, in all reality. just because you're technically good doesn't mean that you're truly a good musician. this entire paragraph is an enormous load of bullshit, fyi. it also proves that your definition of music doesn't extend beyond HOSHIT INSANE GEETAR SOLO because you don't understand that. is the jazz pianist at your school as good as Herbie Hancock because he can comp chords too? of course not, and it's not because of Herbie's insane knowledge of style and his crazy technique. it's because Herbie's got a pocket so deep that a four-year-old could play in it and sound hot. interpretation is one of the most difficult things to really, truly understand for non-musicians because of the depth behind it, just like in an incredibly complex piece of artwork or a beautiful sunset or anything like that. and the fact that you're saying that a performer's ability is determined solely by interpretation is just as wrong. stage presence, interpretation, research skills, and the ability to theorize and execute a musical idea are all important aspects of a performer's ability - while we often laud interpretation because of the fact that it gets the lion's share of the time in the news, those are all just as important. interpretation is by no means trivialities, either - if someone went through to play a really great solo piece and hit every note, but it sounded lifeless and dead, is that a good performance? no! it's the interpretation that MAKES it art, not in spite of it. more bullshit. you're just writing words with no idea to what they mean. particularly since your first sentence screws with everything you just said. although i think your houdini metaphor raises an interesting question, you're forgetting something. houdini didn't do his act with the idea that people would do it over again. beethoven and wagner and bach and palestrina wrote music to be performed, over and over and over again - and the people we say are fantastic performers are the ones that can do that music EXACTLY as it was in the composer's head. don't get me wrong, i agree with you here. society has lost a lot of depth of understanding in the art work in the past few hundred years. that said, i'm a modernist when it comes to artwork. that does not mean, however, that all art nowadays is worthless, or that the art that's been done in previous times is not any good either. do i understand the point you're attempting to get at? not really - as a performer it doesn't make much sense to depreciate your role. you saying that anyone can do what you do on guitar (which wasn't really all THAT impressive, honestly, learn more than one thing to do with a flat VI chord already) by just repeating endlessly. but you don't have soul when you do that, the spirit of the music is gone when you drill endlessly like that. there's more to a performance than notes and rhythms - and until you understand that (which, it's not a concept that an infant can understand, trust me on that), you really aren't as good as you think you are. in general, no one is, but you definitely aren't. edit - argument and counterargument: done. let's restrain further posting to the PM box to prevent this thread from getting off-topic.
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