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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i did think he wanted a gaming laptop. along those lines, anorax, i just so happen to be selling my music pc, so ping me if you're interested. it'd be going for a very heavy discount...like, 8 cores and 12gb for less than half what i paid for it. if you need to pick a brand, and only one brand, lenovo still makes the toughest general-use laptops out there. you pay for it, though. acers are also pretty solid in-general. i'll also point to chromebooks if you think your use can make that work - they're like 150-200$, so even if it's garbage, you throw it out three years in a row and buy a new one, and it's still cheaper than most general laptops for the same period of time. and it's a freaking new computer each year.
  2. is there a real and specific need to game on the go on that laptop? if so, you're going to need to shell out a bit of cash, and make some sacrifices. a discrete graphics card, which you need for even some more basic games, uses a lot more power and definitely costs more bank than an integrated solution. it sounds like you have a laptop now that works pretty well for what you're doing. so why replace that? use it as a mobile machine, and get a desktop. you can get twice the PC for the same price. or, if you're set on giving it away, distill what you use it for (probably browsing and stuff) and replace it with something that does that, like a tablet or cheap chromebook, and use the money you've not spent on a new laptop on that desktop. if you're set on a laptop, you've gotta think about what you'll want a few years from now. things like hard drive space are easily expandable, so don't pay up-front for tons of spare space. along those lines, RAM is usually pretty cheap to buy aftermarket and install yourself, so don't pay a ton for whatever markup they put on it. focus on a big CPU, and if you plan on gaming, a decent graphics card. most games aren't multithreaded right now, let alone use a quad core to capacity, so focus more on getting a modern CPU with a high base clockrate (not turbo clockrate) rather than more cores. even a few years from now, i'd be surprised if fully multi-threaded games came out that used a slower quad better than a fast dual-core. additionally, dual-cores are much more power efficient and last longer on battery. also, in general, i prefer intel's CPUs but that's more personal lately than anything. in the past, they were just about always better than AMD, but AMD's mobile CPUs are making a comeback, so don't totally discount them. regarding GPUs, i still use this as a good comparison. there's so many mobile versions now that it's difficult to keep track. note that if you're not planning on gaming, a discrete GPU isn't really needed. regarding brands, i prefer lenovo. beyond that...there's really a lot less difference between the major manufacturers than there used to be. in terms of build quality, you want an outer shell of either strong, solid plastic or metal, that features a solid hinge that hinges on the outside edges of the case (rather than a central hinge which is more stressful on the material) and doesn't flex much when you twist on the bias. you want a solidly-grounded power input with a large plug where it enters the computer, a keyboard that isn't dead-center on the laptop top (where it'll put your hand over a hot HDD or CPU), and a cooling system that uses both a sizable air intake on the bottom and a good-sized blower on the side. you'll also want a chill pad of some sort to set it on when you're not using it but it's on - anything that reduces the heat stress of the internal components is a good thing to have. you'll likely end up with something like this in the long run. there are few options out there that pair a good CPU and a decent GPU (the 840M is surprisingly powerful for the size!) without having to also pay for things like a big HDD and a bunch of extra RAM. if you can find one with a smaller HDD and just replace it with a 120gb SSD, you're set for a long time.
  3. edit - decided to keep the music pc, but sold the interface.
  4. how about this for a resolution: take more time in between posting, so you're not every other post always
  5. while another prophet in the oven would indeed reduce the number of months that my wife was pregnant in 2015, i'm hoping to avoid that for a while.
  6. my resolution is for my wife to be pregnant for fewer months next year.
  7. holy shit, the pretentiousness of this statement is making me laugh so hard.
  8. hexakill is hilarious, especially as twitch. i am the worst ADC ever, but i can farm champs instead of kills, so it works out.
  9. actually, my wife and i are expecting another child! i admit i don't get the dig, though, was it supposed to be funny? in america, adopted children are actually pretty special since they often give childless couples a chance at parenthood, so if we were in a position where adopting was a good idea, i guess i'd feel pretty good. but i don't have a boyfriend. my son will occasionally sit with me when i play games, but never for more than a few seconds at a time. we still track his screen time quite a bit anyways so it's rare that he's looking at a tv for more than the length of one baby einstein episode at a time.
  10. i use an old media pc as a media server now. if you're using cobian or other free alternatives, any pc will work as a 'server' or NAStybox. it sits behind a chair in my room. i've got it set up that i can remote into it via a link on my desktop (using RDP) so i never hook it to a monitor or anything. i'd recommend the red versions of WD drives. my 3tb is fantastic. greens are...not as good of quality in my opinion. let me know when it's time to upgrade. you were doing meteorology stuff, right? i bet some of the new processors and their theoretical processing limits have you salivating =)
  11. just bumping this. remember that if you don't want it to be running custom firmware, you can just update it and it'll go back to being a normal ps3 (albeit one that can't ever go back to cfw).
  12. i should clarify that it's generally acceptable for a mom to not breastfeed if she's having issues with mastitis, or the baby's having trouble latching on, etc. - but it's generally considered standard practice to feed your baby yourself, not the other way around. there's such obvious health benefits for both that it doesn't make a ton of sense to avoid it unless there's a big reason to.
  13. a few notes: yes, i'm still doing this. also, i'm looking to move some spare parts along the pipeline, so let me know if you're interested in buying a computer. of note is the graphics card i got about a year ago (HD 7870, 2gb VRAM, GHz edition, by powercolor). i also have an HTPC case available that i'd be willing to sell to whomever is interested, along with a 150w picoPSU (about the size of your thumb, basically as small as it gets, 98% efficiency, external transformer about the size of an xbox power brick) to use with it.
  14. that's true. my ps3 seemed to render FFXIII pretty well, but admittedly XIII-2 wasn't near as nice to look at on the 360. i know you were banging these drums when the games came out, but it's nice to hear a review of xiii-3 that wasn't "well it wasn't as bad as x other game", which most of them appear to be.
  15. most of the noise about FFXIII these days is people reading day-one release reviews and taking them as gospel. was it the best game ever? no. was it a huge step in the series, far different than past titles? yes. was it successful? in my mind, definitely, and FFXIII-2 was just that much better. i was desperately excited for XIII-3, but was really disappointed with it. i got about five or six hours in and realized i had NO clue what was going on, or how to do stuff. i'm hoping to go back to in after a while but it still is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
  16. n-n-n-necrobump! i'm selling a modded PS3, running Rogero CFW 4.55. it's a slim 120gb model. runs totally fine, disc drive works and everything, just don't use it so i want to move it on now that i've played the games i wanted to play on it. i see them sell for between 200-250$ depending on the condition of the console. mine will include a sixaxis branded controller and the power cord. let me know if you're interested.
  17. i agree, the store's slow even on a nice system with an SSD. just bad coding.
  18. your mp3 player may not support the discs field in ID3 tagging. my suggestion is to name the albums something different, or renumber them so that disc 2 track 1 is after the last track o f disc 1.
  19. dude, i love aram. feel free to add me at prophetikmusic. i primarily play it for the same reason - just more fun (and the games are faster). anyone in particular you like playing? for aram my favorites are sona, yorick, singed, and vel'koz.
  20. i love vel'koz but i rarely get to play him. i'm usually in support or jungle and i prefer initiation supports. i find that his mana costs are so stupid low and his ratios so good that starting with a ring and getting a chalice early is usually enough to never, ever run out of mana. that's with being poke-happy too. one thing i do on him a lot is go for cd boots instead of spellpen, simply because i just stack damage in every other slot and i rarely end up with cd that way. if i get a deathfire late i'll drop them and get spellpen boots, but otherwise it's just not worth it in my opinion. the cd gives you way better everything rather than just doing a few percent more damage.
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