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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i come to this thread to hear actual discussion about the game, not constant whining from literally every post you write. sorry if that doesn't fit in your world view.
  2. i see bleck and armadon making the same arguments, in different places: they liked a champ before they were brought into balance with a lot of other stuff. snatch has always been strong simply because by not being visible in one place he could easily be a huge number of other places, and you literally wouldn't know until he popped up out of nowhere in generally good position to screw you up. the force projection he gets from that far outweighs his (roughly equivalent in quality) skills. of course he has counters. these counters don't completely shut him down any more than other adcs get shut down by counters. twitch was one of two marksmen in every high-level game. do the math. stop being ornery because rito plz.
  3. i love it on yorick. the ability to use your muramasa to boost damage dramatically then get back all your mana on the next wave by turning it off and letting reaver drain it for you is awesome mid-late game when yorick can be really hampered by low mana after big fights. also cd is always welcome on him since the only cd items i usually get on him is spirit visage and frozen fist.
  4. she's a ridiculous support, which you didn't mention. tons of damage on the traps, and as a dps support she doesn't offer cc but she does offer heals and an AS buff, which is solid.
  5. there is a distinct lack of cocaine in that trailer. just sayin.
  6. anyone looking to purchase a new (large) power supply in the coming months: www.maximumpc.com/corsair_goes_80_plus_platinum_hxi_series_power_supplies_2014 the HX and AX series of power supplies by corsair are easily the best computer components i've ever purchased, in terms of quality, longevity compared to others in that class of component, and price. 170$ for a 750w, 92%+ efficiency power supply is a steal when you consider that they offer a seven-year warranty in a world of 2- and 3-years. a comparison: the seasonic 460w in my music PC is also a highly-decorated and reviewed PSU, but it's only lasted 3 years (twice now, i've had two die on me within warranty). this is for a system that might see 25 hours a month in usage, compared to me having my main system running probably 50-60hrs a week minimum for five years straight. i've had my AX850 for almost five years now, and it still puts out close to 85% of its rated power (most PSUs degrade at a rate of 5-10% per year depending on usage) at roughly 88-90% efficiency across the board. stunning performance. that's considering it spent two years hooked up to a power inverter because the house we lived in had poorly-grounded outlets, too. no other component has outperformed its specs for so long. it still can do bursts over 900w, as well (the peak i measured it outputting when i bought it was almost 1k for a few seconds during system startup). i rarely plug components but this is one i'm anxiously looking at. i'm sure my AX will die at some point (either because of so many years of usage or from kids), and i'll be eyeing the HXi series when it does.
  7. from my experience, there's no clean way to replace all your boxes with one supersystem and not have to deal with updates all the time. you can, however, move stuff around and put it elsewhere (like having a media server via Plex that handles your electronic media). i will note that i used xbmc for a long time, and while the interface for xbmc is better the compatibility with everything for Plex (and the ability to send to your smartphone easily) and chromecast made Plex a clear winner in my mind. let me know if you change your mind and i'll help you out =)
  8. i had a setup like this for a while. keeping up on bluray program updates was astonishingly annoying. since you already have a NAS - is it a NAStybox where it's just a PC in a corner, or is it a real NAS? - i'd suggest using a combination of Plex, chromecast, a real blu-ray player, and a normal gaming PC hooked to your system. my media server at home is a POS computer crammed into a case behind a chair in my office. i run Plex on it - a low-overhead media converter - and use my smartphone to cast media to my TV. if i don't have my phone, my sony blu-ray player can do it as well via the interface (it sees it as a media server). chromecast is 35$, the bluray player was 100$ on amazon, and my server is junk i had sitting around. in your instance, you could run plex on the computer you plan on using for gaming, and just point it at your NAS for the content. you'd have to have the gaming pc on for media, but it's not a big tradeoff. nice thing about plex is that it'll nab media from most major websites via plugins. not sure about german stuff specifically. regarding the PC, you're dishing out for a great case and CPU but majorly skimping on the motherboard, you have no graphics card, and that PSU is not the greatest. go corsair for the PSU (their 550w and 650w model is in that range), get a mini-itx tower like the bitfenix prodigy instead so you can fit a real graphics card in there, go with a smaller CPU since most games aren't CPU limited unless you're doing MMOs (the 4150 looks good for the price), and get a real graphics card. the prodigy can fit decent-sized cards so the 560/660 range of nvidia cards looks nice there, and it'll fit a seasonic or corsair lower-power PSU just fine. use the psucalculator to determine the size (add 20% to whatever it spits out). it'd look something like: i3-4150 4-8gb ram gigabyte GA-H97M-D3H mobo prodigy case 750Ti/r7 265/660 gfx card 550w PSU, ideally bronze or better for heat samsung 250gb 840 evo (7TE250BW is my fav currently) tuner card it'd be less cash as a whole but a more functional system for what you're doing. if you really want to rev it up go with a bigger CPU, but that one's small enough you can go with stock cooling easy or get a low-overhead noctua or xigmatek aftermarket if you want.
  9. this is a brilliant post. it reinforces what i've said before - often it's not worth ganking a lane after a certain point. if you're in top, you're playing a champ without consistent cc or against a very mobile champ like vi, irelia, or jax, and you give up first blood because of minions or something dumb, i'm not coming top any time soon. the other thing he didn't reference unfortunately is that another reason that the jungler isn't coming to your lane is because he's babysitting two really, really bad lanes. we've seen this in situations where a top is a singed that's spamming goo and has no mana at five minutes and mid is a ziggs who doesn't know how to use his minefield, or something equally awful. sometimes the jungler just needs to live around a lane until they get back on their feet, which is horrible because it gives the other jungler free reign, but occasionally there's no other option.
  10. i primarily jungle or top, but i've got different kits of players that i like in different game modes. like, i love playing kog, twitch, sona (!!!), kayle, and vel'koz in ARAM, but i've only really ever played vel in a real game. yorick's a favorite but i rarely get a comp where i can play him. i probably play a total of ten consistently.
  11. how many champs does everyone have? i checked today and i have 67. i also have 15k IP, but i'm waiting for the new dude to come out to see if i want to get him.
  12. they're expired. i already have riot blitz so i tried it out, but it says expired rather than 'you already have this'.
  13. interesting note i read: california is an at-will state, meaning that all 'without cause' means it that he didn't do anything specific to be let go.
  14. punchtanium? whatever his shield's made of, how did he not rip out an American-sized boner when he kissed scarlett johansson? don't care what you all think, she's the hottest woman in film, bar none. then he acts like he's not even interested. maybe the serum shrank his nuts.
  15. nah, he braced himself and still got thrown around (there's a scene where the winter soldier throws him into a car or something by hitting the shield after America braces himself). heck, even in the fight with the merc at the beginning that happens a few times.
  16. marty o'donnell won a ton of awards. i highly doubt they didn't know what they had - he's a known quantity at this point, and his work on (for example) the ODST and halo 4 scores shows both his versatility within a set style and his creativity. both of those scores were fantastic. sometimes even the best matches don't work out, though. i think that link that dusk linked is pretty telling - do what i did and search for 'mart' on the page and you'll see the section i was talking about. again, i'm not defending a corporate entity against an individual, but corporate america is generally not in the business of throwing away blue-chip employees because someone's feelings got hurt. i doubt there's not more going on here.
  17. i really enjoyed this, although i was a bit confused by one thing that came back way too often to ignore. when thor hit cap's shield in avengers, it did what 'vibranium' was supposed to do and nullified the impact completely (like when he used to get shot, the bullets would drop to the floor). in this movie, though, how come when people punched him in the shield, he got knocked back? there shouldn't be any impact force on the metal.
  18. oh look, another pissing contest between neblix acting like he's an adult and meteo acting like he's an adult. how original. i still haven't seen anything specific about what the firing was about. dusk, where'd you hear your story? any more details? if that's the case, regardless of how much he asked for or what he was being paid, it's generally a bad idea to get into a fight with a board of directors for anything. that's like getting fired and suing for your job back, it never really works out.
  19. i don't always post on ocr, but when i do, i request free MIDI remixes for my own listening pleasure with my one and only post, and i also state some ridiculous notion that downloaded wav files will work for a streaming music player in any way, shape, or form.
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