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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. yeah, i just change the key of the original to be the same as the other one when i was doing these. no one really cares about the key - you wouldn't really notice that it changed if you heard just the melodies unless it was side-by-side with the original - it's more when people get into shenanigans with the modes and color tones that this becomes a question. a good example of this is my viridian vibe track from the pkmn project.
  2. ugh, 95 CAD for an optical drive is horrible =( sorry your build was so tough, but glad you got it together!
  3. don't buy rosewill. they used to be decent but they're trash now. corsair sells a 500w psu that's excellent and might be cheaper. as for the case, a Two Hundred or Three Hundred from Antec can handle that build, or the corsair carbide in the 50$ range works too. those are usually on free shipping, which is big for cases since they're often 20$ to ship. don't spend 200$ on a mobo. you can get one in the 90-120$ range that's just as good for what you're doing. buy a cheap graphics card in the 30-40$ range that is supported by W10 (GT 610 is probably good) for graphics processing so the cpu doesn't have to do it. go with the 950 EVO, not 850 EVO. edit: i have a 200$ mobo in my case. don't spend 200$ on a mobo *unless you know why you're spending 200$ on a mobo*. i wasn't clear before. i bought this one specifically for overclocking, and i bought it ages ago so i got my money's worth. since basically 0% of people who want to overclock would ask about what to build for a computer, i'm assuming you're using a mobo for basic usage. spending 75$ on a mobo for this then is totally fine.
  4. i don't ship to canada anymore, so you'd probably need to do it yourself. i know you can build a decent box for about 600-700 USD - basic graphics card, good i5 (maybe an i7 for that price point) with hyperthreading, 8gb ram, ~450-500w PSU, some hard drives, etc.
  5. anything on the gameboy is super easy to transcribe. there's only a few channels, and it's easy to disable all but one and just practice writing down what that one track has.
  6. listen to everything you can get your hands on, and get people you trust to listen to your music as well. beyond that, just remember that plagarism implies purposeful theft - if you recreate hotel california, that's different than nabbing a notable progression or lick and using it in your song. the second can often be fixed once you realize the honest error, the first is a result of not being intentional enough in your listening.
  7. fahrenheit vs celsius. coretemp is reporting in fahrenheit. hwmonitor does until you set it to c.
  8. i'd be surprised if original content keeps the mix out, as long as the majority of the remix was not original content.
  9. what does hwmonitor say? CPUs can run under load at temps in excess of 70c without any real serious effects, but i'm thinking the second set of numbers is more correct. also, there's no 'normal' temp for a processor, as it's entirely dependent on ambient temperature (if the air coming in is hot, it can't carry as much heat out) and the type/quality of direct cooling.
  10. could definitely be power if you pull the gfx card and it's suddenly alright.
  11. you don't upgrade laptop components. you buy a new laptop. the parts are welded to the mobo usually.
  12. sounds like the mobo to me, but no way to tell for sure without really digging in. is this the one i built for you way back in the day? i don't remember the 90 number on it, but if you give me the number i assigned to it, i can look to see what the parts are and if anyone had similar issues with your stuff.
  13. good to know. i guess i'll be sticking with my current headphones (which seriously make me look like a 14yo kid who likes those dorito taco bell things and CoD).
  14. sure, whatever. i haven't booted it in, honestly, a year or so. if i want to do music again i'll just install another SSD on my main computer and dual boot into w7 set up for it.
  15. both the MS store credit and the game are gone. i am, however, continuing to debate selling my music workstation. it's an older i7 (8 cores @3ghz) and 16gb DDR3 ram, with a couple TB of storage and a discrete graphics card for multi-monitor setups, in a really over-large rackmount case. it still handles large projects pretty easily, thanks to the huge amount of cores and the excellent i7 architecture, but would get blow up by any current i7 on the market. i could sell it within driving distance of rochester ny for probably 400$ OBO, or shipped for 50-100 more (i'd need a new case for it) plus shipping, likely around 30-40$ for a system of this size. i'd be amenable to trades as well, since it's just taking up space and i don't have any sunken investment in it. it is, however, way more computer than you could ever get for 400ish$, so if you're interested, let me know and we can talk it out. edit: forgot to mention that this is basically a perfect slave machine if you want to get into that kind of setup. tons of cpu power, no fancy extra crap.
  16. it's a corsair 500r. ton of room in that case. the side panel swooshes add a ton of space in the back, which is nice for people with way too many spare bits in a case. i didn't post them because i took few of the final stuff. this is it without the 8 sticks of ram in it, so pretty much done. still can't believe i hid the thunderbolt cable as well as i did. that's the rainbow cable next to the GFX card. for a non-custom wiring job, i think it turned out darn good, especially considering the amount of crap in the case. the optical drive could have been cleaner if i'd put it near the GFX card, maybe, but i wasn't in the mood to move it again.
  17. for some reason i transcribed skylake into i7 in my brain, and i don't know how. that's like apples and dishwashers. skylakes are doing nice because haswell-e is really only a power-user cpu, and skylake as a whole is totally worth it too. not a lot of people need the extra core, and you're right - they don't overclock without some effort. they're not particularly practical for most users because of the lga2011-3 requirements.
  18. i'm looking to upgrade from my current 2.0 headphones (which i love) to a set of surround sound headphones. i've had the x12s for about four years, so i'm out of touch with the market on gaming headsets. i'd love some suggestions. what do i need to look for? is there a difference between 5.1 and 7.1? i've heard that 5.1 is actually unique drivers whereas the 7.1 version is simulated. is that the case? any suggestions on comfort of fit? i'm not overly concerned about the price as long as it isn't bananas - i use them every night so i care more about comfort and consistency than everything. if they work with an XB1, that'd be awesome.
  19. new computer? =D nice! honestly i don't find the i7 stuff available now to be that overpriced for what it does. the 5930k is selling at about 580$ with an MSRP of 595$, so maybe i don't know what you mean?
  20. that's fair. i don't get the uncanny effect as much because i don't know lightning in any perspective other than those games, so i guess it doesn't bother me as much.
  21. ssd's the way to go, and i don't think i did anything too crazy with those cables. just some wire ties, i think. just make sure you've got an equivalent power connecter nearby and accessible and you'll be fine. make sure you've got a SATA-III cable too (6Gbps, not SATA-II, which is 3Gbps). they should say on the plastic casing around the cable.
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