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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. you forgot the part where your team only gets a yi on a team already lacking in hard cc, whereas the other team has tons of non-ult hard cc AND lots of damage.
  2. 13-2, yes. too many letters. i did play 12, and loved the combat system's free-flowing style, but didn't like how unresponsive it was since you could move your dudes around. i'm fine with being locked into a sequence - i just don't want the ten-second transition between the 'real world' and the fight.
  3. haven't seen a lot of people on lately. diablo, titanfall, or ffx dragging you down?
  4. the best battle system i've played with so far in the FF series was in FFXII-2. none of the others comes even close to the flexibility, complexity, or responsiveness. great combination of in-depth theorycrafting for the best combos and twitch to keep you interested and involved, and not just slogging through five million HP using the same couple of abilities. i prefer having to set up my combos in advance far more than just swapping on the fly and you get what you get. the ability to swap instantly between tanks, dps, and support stuff, combined with no long-term damage after each battle, was awesome, and made stuff like grinding something that i wanted to do rather than something that i had to do. [prepares to die] that said, i like the ability to swap party members constantly in ffx, and i like the summon system too. has anyone else lost a few hours in blitzball already?
  5. i remember there being a bar that fills up, not a list on the right side that says when someone's going to attack. or am i missing an option? don't get me wrong - i like the list better, as i play this at night and am not as fast as i'd like to be because i doze during some of the battles
  6. i got a copy of the normal version but haven't played it yet as i've been out of town. just got home, see you all in 100 hours =P
  7. update: so now, i'm selling this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130661 for 100$. it's in fantastic condition and still is playing games at high settings and 1080p easily. let me know if you're into it. i can help determine if your PSU can handle it, too (likely can, it's a low-power card for the performance it pipes out).
  8. haven't bumped in a while. i'm selling my graphics card now (EVGA GTX 560), too, so if you're looking to upgrade i've got a nice, well-maintained one for you.
  9. blue, send me details of your card. i'm definitely interested. in an obviously unrelated note, i'm now selling my EVGA GTX 560 XD
  10. lee sin can do everything, really really well. he can support, he can tank, he can ad carry, he can bruiser, he can jungle, he can assassinate. he can do most of these from roughly the same build. he's broke as shit, dude, and it's time someone fixed him. dunno if how riot's doing it is the right way, but he desperately needs to be tuned. the biggest thing that needs to change is that the feeder sin is always your top lane, and the fed sin is always their jungle. fix that and he's actually more balanced.
  11. i apologize for not being any good at mid. this is why i am trying to play more mid =)
  12. sorry for the double post. this is a good point - while they're both low-mobility champs, they definitely have different focuses. i don't think that vel compares to karth or fiddles, though - his abilities have relatively narrow hitboxes and don't do the same kind of damage in an entire lane like karthus or fiddles or kat can. i can't think of another mage that has his ability to chain so much hard cc on someone. the ability to heavy slow -> root -> knockup -> root, combined with the huge damage that comes from that and his ult, isn't one i can think of elsewhere, besides maybe old xerath, but old xerath didn't have vel's low mana costs or crazy low cooldowns. maybe ziggs is a closer comparison? more functional hard cc but less mobility?
  13. my biggest issue with vel'koz is that they reset all the normal ELOs, and i haven't play enough normals to normalize. in four games with him mid, i've had a team with a proper support in bottom lane once. the others featured such fantastic combos like ziggs support. i won the one with a real support (my first game, 9-9-12) and have lost the other three averaging something like 5-10-13. part of that came with laning against akali, kassadin, and [someone who i beat, don't remember], where they went even against me but left, got kills on my derp bot lanes, and then came back and steamrolled me. in my three losses, too, i had a lee sin with 400 damage but zero tank who tried to throw three times before doing it (he was the 'tank'), a shaco jungle tank who only dived when i pinged to back off (that was the game with ziggs support), and a game where i fought a clearly skilled kassadin to a standstill in mid and outfarmed him but couldn't get a gank to save my life. he got a triple kill in bot lane and came back to eat me alive in late game. in short, i think vel'koz is just as viable as champs like lux are in the current meta - long-range casters with hard CC and heavy damage are fantastic to have with a real teamcomp, but they need proper support and beef to keep people off of them, and even then some teams just can overwhelm an individual caster. his lack of mobility really hurts him, too, but the relatively long range of his abilities is super nice, and having what amounts to three different hard forms of cc - his mega-slow Q, the rift, and the cho'gath knockup - mean you vomit damage in big fights, and if you've got that tanky initiation (malphite, mummy, and sejuani come to mind), you can land and chain CC and his passive enough that you can burst anyone down regardless of resists or tankiness. edit: is anyone else as sick of the "it's normals" comment as i am? yes, it isn't ranked, but you're still wasting a minimum of 20 minutes because you're a moron and decided to do double ADC bot when you can't last-hit. all three of my losses featured someone saying "it's normals" and then locking in something totally ridiculous. teambuilder literally can't get here fast enough. i will never play another normal game again. i'm all for crazy builds - i mean, look at all my movespeed builds on aram and elsewhere! - but i have more fun winning than getting stomped because my hard counter got fed munching on a 4-17 bot lane.
  14. he is everything i've ever wanted in an ap champ. and his ult is hilarious.
  15. just play twitch. the long-range ult shots he shoots split at the end like runaans. clearly this is the fix for this issue.
  16. that's a unique pick against him. can't say i expected that. i've seen two AP nasus players the last few games. is he coming back? i've wanted to try him but can't fathom throwing that hard if he turns out to be a giant lemon.
  17. graves is kinda tanky early anyways, so having taric's shatter bonus on him is crazy. you can get 80 or 90 armor in lane very eariy-on if taric maxes shatter first...levels 4-5 he's basically unpokeable if he starts with dorans into lifesteal.
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