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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. was it on the mountain, fighting that flying sepharim construct of the bad guy? i remember that particular fight being very difficult both times i played it through. alas, blitzball is the main reason i want to play this game again =) it's all i did in the first one anyways. i wish that there was a standalone version of it or similar out there.
  2. you missed what i was saying. i was saying that someone somewhere will always lock onto some unknown game and think it was awesome. there's almost always a solid core of players who play way too much. it just varies drastically in size.
  3. you can say this about literally every mmo out there.
  4. so funny! and yeah, taric is kinda dumb =) we should have done rando pick but i guess that means someone gets sejuani or something. with what everyone picked i should have done rammus or malphite!
  5. ap MF's still a decent build because of her poison, particularly against heavy-healing characters. now, when i say decent, i mean "not atrociously stupid", like an AS naut build. it's not that great
  6. oh, sorry, i don't play normals anymore. i was talking about aram, where everyone's always in runon's range.
  7. crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight crab battle crab fight edit: bleck, you're right, though. hydra is too darn good even for people who forget the active. same reason runon's is too good on characters whose autos do on-hit effects, like varus, kayle builds, and twitch. but runon's doesn't give you crazy lifesteal AND some tank AND an activatable, it's just good AS.
  8. i have never seen anyone build ad akali, so i tried it tonight. it is surprisingly effective (on aram). hydra into hextech into spirit visage gives you 55% spell vamp, ~20% lifesteal with runes or masteries, and a 20% bonus to those regen effects, and a lot of good base stats. and you crap damage since you have a tiamat's. the magic resist and hp help a lot too.
  9. i admit i am super pumped about it.
  10. i am always interested when an actor that has no real known ability towards a role takes something on. sometimes it's awesome, like jim carey in The Majestic (he doesn't act like a loon, and i realized just how good of an actor he really is), and sometimes it's the worst thing you've ever seen.
  11. some part of me wishes that everyone wouldn't always roll good tanks to try for another carry. we had three ADCs, an ap burst, and singed last night in an aram...and singed rolled and got eve. needless to say, we got cremated. i don't get it - singed is super fun to play because you get tanky and still deal loads of damage. do people not realize you need tanks just as much in aram as you do in normals? along those lines is that it's really annoying when the other team makes fun of a tank that has a lot of deaths - even if that tank is setting up kill after kill. case in point - i was 2-10 last night as singed, and the other team is razzing me in allchat saying i'm terrible because i had so many deaths. it was 40-20 at that point, mostly because of a wretched zyra who missed her ult four times in a row and a sivir who never bought lifesteal and got dueled down by shen three seperate times. now, if i've got 15 assists and 2 kills when we've only got 20 total, i think that's darn good. i wound up having the second-most kills on our team at the end of the game, and being able to duel any two or three of my opponents, but the view that tanks are bad permeates aram and that frustrates me.
  12. don't get burned out before hex comes out!
  13. interesting that so many F2P card games are coming out lately, with hex, this, and that other game that PA was pimped a few weeks back (i admit i tried it but didn't get into it).
  14. we did a bunch of in-house games last night with 6-8 people. super fun! we were all on chat so there was a bit of joking and trolling involved, and as long as a player wasn't trying to throw we all had a ton of fun. we did one summoners rift game 3v4 (50 minutes! jax and jayce got fed and we rolled at the end) and then two arams that were 4v4 i think. additionally, i don't know why i ever build ap on malphite. i had 675 armor last night and killed two champs with thornmail alone. never going back to ap burst. edit: as a note, i've never built that much armor before, but not only is randuins stupid (5.5s slow), the difference between 400 and 675 armor is only 7% more damage reduction (80%-87%). never bothered to figure out the ratios before. kinda fun.
  15. nice =) on another note, WE DID DAT DUNK SQUAD LAST NIGHT. but we were terrible so we still lost twice. i think we did vi/darius/jarvan/trist ap/zac but i don't remember. we jumped a lot but mostly just died. first we turned into dank squad (at 3-12), then dink squad. there was a significant lack of SLAMMA JAMMA although we did facesmash an afk MF with all of our ults which was jawsome.
  16. i would complain that you're drowning the legitimate LoL discussion with this crab battle of an argument, but there is none, so whatever
  17. the fact that neblix is in silver IV and bardic is stuck in bronze is a clear indication of how broken the ranking system in LoL is.
  18. awareness is not a strong suit of some people =)
  19. haha, which gamestop was this? i live in rochester too. there are a lot of supernerds in the area thanks to RIT, i'm noticing. i was at a party with some friends and mentioned that i liked some random rpg and got facemobbed by a bunch of neckbeards, it was super creepy. i already had one guy ask me for my autograph (LOLWAT) because he figured out that i was on ocr
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