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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. meant to be played with others. if someone set up a server i wouldn't complain, but i also wouldn't have a ton of time to play.
  2. FWIW, i did play vanquish when it came out on the 360, and loved it. not a huge fan of the anime bent, but sliding around in your suit and blowing things up was riotous fun. when you're really rocking, i compare it to mirror's edge when you come out of tough set of flawless jumps or moves, and then nail that perfect disarm on the way by an enemy just to go into another tough set of flawless jumps. it was so much fun, all flowing motion and headshots.
  3. studios don't like to make demos, because demos for bigger projects are literally proven to *not* sell games. just google "do demos sell games". a good example is this.
  4. https://picroma.com/cubeworld anyone else seen/played this? it's a voxel based action rpg that is mostly procedurally generated (maps, quests, enemies, etc). it looks pretty cool. they're in alpha now, but it still looks amazing. use http://direct.cyberkitsune.net/canibuycubeworld/ to see if the site's up if you want to buy or register. they're getting regularly DDOSed.
  5. oh yeah, i heard ni no kuni was really good. so it looks like i'll have to try it.
  6. i played FFXIII on PS3, actually, when i originally had one. as for XIII-2, i played it (and enjoyed it) on 360.
  7. that...actually sounds pretty cool. do i need to start at the beginning of the trilogy, or is it like mass effect where it's totally justifiable starting halfway through? only one controller, and they're too pricey to be getting more =( so maybe that's out for me. so, is there only one KH coming out? or is this it? is it the older games, or a new one?
  8. i said it before but i'll reiterate - i've played most of the multi-platform games on xbox, and i still own an xbox. i play my multiplatform games on there or on my PC. so i'm looking for exclusives only. i jumped on the pixeljunk series already, since i've played the ones on PSP a bit. multiplatform, but really cool! so, i don't know anything about the ratchet and clank games. they're platformers, aren't they? i've never been great at those. i admit i haven't done much research into them, but they seem to have done well at the critic's level. played a bit of MGS4, but i hate stealth games because i don't have the patience for them. KH HD looks interesting, though, since i never played those games on PS2 even though i own them looking at both games now. is the first one worth playing, or should i just go for the second? so you troll me when i was interested in an xbone, and now you troll me when i get a ps3? someone ban this hack already, it's like talking to myself multiplatform. i've even got the xbox faceplate for the game so, i usually don't get into action games like this, but my buddy swears by them. is it worth just playing the third game, or should i play the others?
  9. rather than figure out what next-gen console i want, i decided to trade my xbox slim (my backup machine that i got for cheap ages ago) and some games to a dude for a ps3 slim. so now, i'm on both sides of the fence. problem is, i don't know what to play, since i've been an xbox gamer for so long. i had a ps3 several years ago, but sold it because it was a CECHE backwards-compatible model, and those slotloaders are wonky and die easily. i figured i should cash in earlier rather than later to save me the hassle. so i've played games like resistance 1 and 2, killzone 2 (didn't like it), LBP (wasn't into it), and uncharted 1 and 2 (loved them). games i want to get (exclusives only, multi platform i play on pc or xbox): ico/shadow double pack uncharted 3 resistance 3 (not my favorite shooter, but it's fun and i like the guns) the last of us (of course) journey what else should i try? what are the big exclusives that are totally worth it that i might miss because they're old? metacritic is not the easiest to sort through exclusives through.
  10. because this is a crab fight, not a discussion. let others post kickstarters that are cool, rather than have you two dominate a few pages.
  11. haha, now we've gotten to the part of our program where you should take this to a pm, because nobody cares which of you is right.
  12. eight times above what was needed for what they originally wanted to do. he clearly bit off more than he can chew. that's an absurd amount of bloat.
  13. if you want to 'invest' in an mmo, i'd suggest one that's not your traditional WoW gameplay (unless you're into that? i don't know many that are still). there are a few upcoming ones that look good, like Pathfinder, and a few current ones that are still generating a lot of new content, like EvE and one or two others.
  14. just play a ranked game occasionally, it'll keep you up. i went inactive and lost my silver as well =(
  15. i haven't played ranked games in months and i'm still 6th in bronze 1 maybe i'll try and get out.
  16. FL always acts weird with the cpu bar in my experience. it'll say i've got 75% usage, and then i'll add a ton and it'll say 75% usage. i think that little thing doesn't function properly for the eight-thread processors. if you really want to test it, load up old projects and compare. while the cpu utilization might be high for real-time play, you'll likely have more headroom on the renders, and they'll render faster. also remember that names mean nothing. while your architecture improvements between whatever you had before and your new i7 (i7-what? 2500k? 3770k? 950?) should mean that 3ghz then doesn't equal 3ghz now, it does mean that 3ghz then might equal 2.5ghz now.
  17. resurrecting this again. ocr needs a sale outlet. cleaned-up first post to follow. things i have for sale: xbox 360 slim with 20+ games, cabling, and one wireless MS controller. pristine condition for everything. games are: mass effect 1-3, riddick dark athena, force unleashed, fable 1 and 2 (1 is lost chapters for xbox), kotor 1 (for xbox), gears 1-3, halo 1-3, ODST, anniversary, and reach, 50c: blood on the sand, red faction: guerilla, crimson skies for xbox, mirror's edge, ninja gaiden for xbox, afro samurai, earth defense force 2017, rock band 2 with no pieces, and crackdown. my XBL account with 20+ XBL games is negotiable as well. it's only ever been paid with cards so it's easily transferred. best offer - i know i can get 200+ in gamestop credit, so i'd expect it to be up there somewhere. 2x M-00 studio monitors, with original documentation and boxes. these were 250$ per when i bought them, i'll take 350 OBO now. they're in pristine condition. http://www.nhthifi.com/NHT-M-00-230V (230v version, mine are the standard version) <- there's the speakers http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar05/articles/nht.htm <-there's a review blue NDS lite, small crack over one of the hinges, case and charger included. no stylus.
  18. i wound up buying a line 6 bass pod live xt, for like 150$ with a gig bag. pretty nice little tool. already got a nice distorted lead sound that i used last sunday when i played in a breakdown - our songleader was like "wait, who has the lead guitar?" it's got a nice set of effects, too, the compressor is surprisingly decent for being totally digital.
  19. truth! i played her for the first time ever and went 15-16-12 in aram...with most of those deaths being me figuring out who to ult XD
  20. that's what i love about it. like, the joke with some of the people i play with is that i do movespeed builds - hextech sweeper, twin shadows, shurelyas, zephyr, movespeed boots, etc. AND THEY WORK. having a 525 movespeed taric, an 1100 movespeed rammus, or a 500 movespeed blitz without boots is not only hilarious, it is really tough to deal with in a skill-shot-centric gametype. being able to do other weird stuff, like hybrid yorick, or ad janna, is super fun too =) and no one cares if you dick around with a dumb build. edit: another fun one is on-hit soraka, and AS nautilus. his attack animation breaks around 1.9 or so, and he flails so fast that it's hard to see what's going on.
  21. i rarely play 'real' games now. aram is way more fun. it's awesome when you can get a strong team, but i struggle not getting someone being an idiot (teemo support for example) or just generally uncommunicative.
  22. i am going on a limb here. please don't be offended if i'm wrong, but this doesn't actually sound like LoL's community. it sounds like a caricatured version of LoL's community. since i've done a ton - a TON - of smurfing, i know what the game looks like to newbies. this isn't what happens until roughly level 20, when people know the basic champs but still don't really have a clue how to do anything. are you sure your view of the game isn't influenced solely by what penny arcade and ctrl-alt-del say? because, when you're under level 5, no one really understands the lanes at all. LoL's community has been commented and reported on extensively...are you sure you actually played and aren't just reading those articles? because in probably three hundred games of below-level-10 play, i've never ever experienced that kind of behavior. especially if you do coops. those are tons of fun and people never say a word most of the time. edit: also, unless you're doing customs, no one can boot you. customs are for people looking for specific matchups, and i doubt they'd want a brand-new pubbie in there. so don't know where you came up with that. edit 2: what sir nuts said is exactly right. in a game with the depth of strategy that LoL has, don't go in expecting to pick up a gun and get a few headshots your first game. it's a game that rewards delving into the strategies for each character, and behind team compositions. it's not for someone who has a bad first experience and then says "i quit". i mean, the whole point of the game is to deny someone else the ability to have fun for 20-45 minutes. you weren't expecting hearts and YOU WIN messages, were you? when it works, it's awesome and exceptionally entertaining and there's a great thrill of knowing you not only did a great job of working as a team and individually, but you prevailed over someone else doing their best to be better than you. that's a great feeling. it also means that you've gotta lose often, and i know my w/l record early was terrible as i got through that.
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