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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. nice, k-wix =) i now require that you pay me eight meeeeeeeellllllion dollars for my assistance with your computer.
  2. nice, this is actually a good theme. EXPECT TO GET BUFFALOED.
  3. this would involve having money =) only reason i'm getting gw2 is because someone bought it for me!
  4. graphics card comparison. you're way above minimum, lol. i can't really recommend a processor without recommending the motherboard as well, since there's so many sockets, but any of the sandy bridge or ivy bridge high-clock duals or reasonable-clock quads are fine for the game. i'm still running an i5-750 and it runs totally fine. find a motherboard that gets four eggs on newegg and is in the 125$-150$ range. asus and gigabyte's got some good ones. if you want let me know your budget and i'll give you a more specific recommendation.
  5. i bought olaf a little while ago and started playing him to give him a shot after getting beast-mode'd by him in a few games in a row. i have discovered that he's bloody awesome and fun and if you think about what you're doing with him you can beat almost any top. the ones i've had trouble with were zyra (shaco fed her both buffs early and she was bursting a third of my hp off every time her CDs were up) and lee sin, who is tough anyways. i have had one terrible game with him, a few that weren't too great, and several that were really good or just plain awesome. picked up a quad in a 2v4 running late into a teamfight that had just ended, which was great. besides the fact that his axe allows him to farm effectively at a long range when against a higher-level foe, he's just plain fun to play. i've been using one basic build with him and modifying it a bit each time, but i'm getting the hang of what's good and what's not on him, and he's just entertaining to play. maybe it's because i haven't played top in a while. i wasn't as impressed with him when i jungled him. he vomits damage early so it's easy to cream jungle creeps and gank hard when the lane is pushed, but he can't manufacture kills like characters with a solid stun or CTG can (mummy, noc, xin, lee sin). the only reason i'd jungle him is if we had an ap-heavy team - like, an ad/lux bot with a bursty mage mid - to allow a non-jungling tank to farm top. most of the builds i see for him have him building items like maw, mallet, warmogs, tenacity boots, GA, atmas, and wriggles. i like that set but i feel he doesn't do much at full hp because he doesn't attack fast enough until he's absorbed some damage, and if i'm building mallet and maw before warmogs or atmas, it's tough for the game to go long enough to buy them, even with a lot of farm (you're looking at 10k just for wriggles, boots, mallet, and maw). he's very item-dependent late-game but he's still fun =)
  6. what's the difference between them? also a buddy of mine just bought me the game so he'd have someone to play with, so while i won't be in the early access i'll definitely be in the game itself. i am excited!
  7. this is correct. stink man was the worst theme ever. i'll go down the list arbitrarily. 1. X3 - Blizzard Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL3m1izjzHY 2. X3 - Gravity Beetle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5TanI96EdE 3. X4 - Jet Stingray 4. X4 - Storm Owl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vse756mAMfo 5. X4 - Magma Dragoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHuzsD0Z3Qs
  8. how do you mute someone? this sounds deliciously awesome. solo-queueing has been a drudgery lately because invariably when i only get kills on three out of four ganks out of the jungle i get the "gg jungle sux" or something from a teammate. i call more mias when i jungle than when i don't, simply because i don't have to stare at redbuff while i kill it usually, and because i'm always watching for pushed lanes and enemy ganks.
  9. and i already got a PM telling me to participate. nice =D alright, folks, who should i do? never played the games. nothing could be worse than carnival failtrain man or whoever i was last time...that was the worst theme of all time.
  10. skype is easiest, but a ptt mumble server is probably more functional in-game.
  11. the game is not multithreaded, so a quad core isn't required. just a decent clock speed.
  12. so i've heard so much awesomeness about sins of a solar empire. i love space games (although RTS aren't usually my thing). is it really as good of a single-player game as they say? if so, where do i start? should i start with the original game and go from there, or should i just get rebellion and start in there somewhere?
  13. the chance of me affording my seventh magfest is virtually nil, as i'll be a new dad as of a month before and will be freaking out just trying to make bills, let alone go to a convention. sadface =(
  14. that does it =) i'll test it more tomorrow. only issue is that it appears to permanently delete it, rather than move it to the recycle bin (which would be preferable). time for more testing.
  15. getting closer! @echo off setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir/b *.txt') do ( find /i "eservices" < %%a > nul if not errorlevel 1 echo del %%a ) pause this one only runs locally, but it finds the file. unfortunately, it just prints "del [filename]" and then gives me the press any key dialog, rather than deleting it and then giving me the press any key dialog. can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? is this permissions or syntax? also, if i can get it to run on a folder rather than locally, that's even better.
  16. returns the same here =( i tested it on a folder that only contained a copy of the cookie and it didn't find it.
  17. i'm trying to delete a cookie with specific contents using a batch file. the cookie has the word "eservices" in it. every once and a while it goes nuts and i lose some functionality in my work browser, and i'm trying to get a quick one-click solution for that. here's what i've got. @ECHO OFF CD C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files del /Q *eservices*.txt pause supposedly, this should delete any cookie with the word "eservices" in it, but i just get an error: "Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\bburr\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*eservices*.txt" there's the problem - the cookie's name is some jumble of letters and numbers. i'm trying to delete a cookie that has the word IN it, not in the name. ideas, anyone? i can get you a copy of the cookie if you want.
  18. we went with the rezound for me and the iphone 4 for her. i wanted her to get a phone that was technophobe-proof, with GPS and a decent camera for...upcoming events. i wanted a decent phone, period. looks like we got a good deal overall.
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