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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. well, it's notable that he's one of the few junglers without a gap close. he has a speedup, but it's not a dash, teleport, wall, or launch of any kind. like, jarvan has his dash, vi has a dash, zac has his jump, noc has a dash, diana has a dash and a stun, wick has a teleport. trundle also has a speed up but has that pillar. voli's got the speedup but he actually displaces people rather than just stuns them for a second.
  2. he gets demolished by cc and is rendered irrelevant until late game by a few wards. stuncopter is fun to play but there are a lot better picks.
  3. noc's great at nailing that out-of-position top early on, but beyond that his ganks can be underwhelming until 6. just keep that in mind, and focus on getting XP wherever you are. mid's going back? sit in lane and last hit a bit. top's pushed? get in their jungle and grab wraiths or wolves. characters like fiddlesticks and diana are the same way - they can get ganking kills before six, but it's usually because of something stupid that the other person did rather than a good play. they're just very item/ult dependent.
  4. i run vi 21-9 out of the jungle consistently. in fact i rarely run 21 defense out of the jungle - even mummy i use 9-0-21. bruisers, it depends on their role, i guess.
  5. he definitely isn't as good now as when he came out. just like udyr, he struggles against loads of cc. lots of fun in dominion or aram though!
  6. unfortunately prot (i think?) had access to it, and stole everyone's passwords. since everyone including me is a lemming, he was able to log in as them and post inflammatory messages. i had to change the password for most of my accounts. it was kind of frustrating. everyone on OCR who was registered over there was banned until djp could alert everyone and get them to change their password.
  7. i played a game as skarner once where we dominated them so i sold all my items and bought six different boots, claiming SIX FEET SIX BOOTS.
  8. the best play i've ever seen a zac make was where he survived a big fight in an aram with almost no hp and was the last one alive. he took out a tower, charged up a jump, and sailed over the newly respawned enemy team into their fountain, posting "IM OUT NERDS" in allchat. he got a turret death instead of a player death. brilliance in game form. of course, the fact that it wasn't a meaningful play says something.
  9. vi is a machine in the jungle. she's just so good, and she's one of my favorite characters to play.
  10. i'll keep an eye out for it. there's not a ton of used stuff available where i am but i want to look anyways.
  11. thanks for the notes, guys. lostream, anything in particular that you'd recommend about the ax300b? i've heard good reviews about the line 6 bass pod, boss GT-6B, zoom b2, and b9.1ut - anyone got any first-hand knowledge of those?
  12. i see the same thing a lot. i'll often jungle vi, and i can be stomping only to have a team of trainwrecks, or a support vayne, or something equally weird. it's very frustrating. hence, more ARAMs =)
  13. bronze something...i debuted higher and then ignored it forever because i had fourteen games in a row with an afk or leaver. i then stopped playing ranked games.
  14. so i've posted about this before, but i didn't hear much. there's gotta be a few bassists here willing to share some knowledge. i play bass occasionally around where i live, and i'd like to transition away from being a plug-and-chug bassist with just my bass and a cord to getting some equipment and developing my sound more. however, i know jack diddly about pedals, amps, and that kind of stuff. specifically, i'd like to know what 'must-have' pedals are on your board, and why they're there. alternatively, if you know of a good all-in-one unit that does everything with presets and that kind of thing, that appeals to me as well. i don't have a ton of money on hand right now, but i could easily save towards something if it was worth the cash. for reference, my bass is a POS 6-string, and i generally play in churches or my house. nothing huge and crazy. i usually have to plug into the house system, so a set of pedals or an all-in-one are preferable to an amp kit.
  15. with a movespeed teemo, kassadin, an afk ashe, and nid =D blind tanking ftw!
  16. thank you for taking the time to write something that wasn't purposefully inflammatory. i don't know if you meant it to be poking fun or something, but your statement makes a lot of sense - the issues people seem to have with the console are more directed at MS itself, and those issues either don't affect me (check-ins) or don't bother me (used games, OMG CAMERA HAX). and i DO like MS's exclusives - gears of war, halo, and lesser series like fable are all games where i've played them right when they came out, every time, because i like them a lot. i don't think that's because i prefer MS, though, i think they're just well-done series that were enjoyable to play. i struggled to find that on the ps3 when i owned it, but that was a while ago so i don't know if the situation has changed since then. so, is the primary difference for most people the policies behind the box? what about the games? someone mentioned titanfall as a potential system seller - are there others that look like they'll knock it out of the park? i admit i don't know a ton about PS3's exclusives - i played uncharted 1 and 2 and love them, and the resistance series and kinda enjoyed it, but found killzone to be not my style, and i wasn't into games like littlebigplanet or god of war. edit: didn't they shut down halo 2 because of network architecture issues? i thought they did that since the original xbox wasn't able to handle the stuff they wanted to do with XBL.
  17. hey, feeding from posts. whoda thunk. so, i guess i'm missing where they shut down servers. are we talking about halo 2 or something? wasn't that like seven years after the fact? look, i'm not trying to be anti-sony or something. if there's stuff going on, great! let me know! but don't spout random bullshit like only grandmas are going to buy an xbone, and then don't actually back it up with anything. that shit drives me bonkers. that's all i'm asking you. so, if i'm so anti-sony to you, change my mind. look at them as game consoles and tell me which is better (since that's what i'm looking at). then tell me why =)
  18. i'm not leaning one way or another. i just don't want all this idiotic drivel every time anyone says anything about anything. like what you just said there, do you seriously think any major console manufacturer will be shutting down their 'servers' which will prevent you from playing any game ever within a few years of a multi-billion dollar launch effort? does that even make sense, when anything called an xbox will continue to print money for years and years without any effort at all? do you even understand the concept behind the online authentication? do you know how MS handled this in the past - like, with XP authentications when they shut the XP auth servers down (they just basically allowed anyone to install it without an issue)? like, if you want to make a claim, that's cool! BACK THAT SHIT UP. it's not hard. just don't blather about the NSA staring at your naked ass through your turned-off kinect or PSN suddenly becoming jesus with bacon all over him or that my free games are better than your free games or whatever. it makes you look dumb. i would love to have a real discussion here that didn't involve baseless speculation and stupid - just plain stupid - statements like that. i thought for sure that OCR would be a haven from that kind of bull. i'm sad to see that it isn't. i had games. i sold them because i didn't play them anymore. i just haven't sold it because you never know when you might get something for cheap that's cool and fun again. that and a ds lite with a cracked case ain't worth much. was that supposed to be a dig or something? have we degenerated to that? i own two xboxes (one of them i got for next to nothing because it was banned ages ago and i never got rid of it). i'll keep one no matter what, so it's not like i won't have a box. i just won't be able to do online stuff, which isn't a biggie.
  19. AMEN because, you know, citing or explaining anything would be totally worthless. if you're going to say something so pointlessly inflammatory, at least explain (using small words) why you feel that way. if i wanted total bullshit, i'd go to the ign forums or something and chug Big Business's manjuice wholeheartedly. i'm attempting to get some info without the normal idiocy that goes on. edit: links, i thought about waiting to get another console down the line, but to be honest i only ever owned a PS3 because it was a blu-ray player. it was an expensive boondoggle the rest of the time (well, aside from two uncharted games i played on it). i really didn't like any of the exclusive games, and the controller caused me cramps.
  20. used games don't matter because i want money going to the game devs, not gamestop. system checkin doesn't matter because i do the same thing with steam right now. it is nothing new, and the only way it can be called crap is to call other digital delivery systems crap as well. please take your strawmen on their slippery slopes and go to gamefaqs, they like mouthbreathing nerdrage that has no basis in reality much more over there. (can you tell i'm annoyed by the baseless speculation everyone's making over those two topics?) dhsu, i didn't really think about it, but you're right - most of the big games i'd want to play are either crossplatform between consoles, or crossplatform between console and PC. damned, i have one. i have zero games for it though
  21. quoted for emphasis. i thought 13-2 was actually really, really fun, and the battle system was awesome.
  22. so there's been a lot of hype and misinformation in both directions for this generation of the console war. i'm still deciding if it's worth it to buy one of the systems. please help me decide which i should go for. i should qualify this by saying where i'm coming from. i currently own an xbox 360, and i used to have a ps3. i sold the ps3 because it was basically a fancy blu-ray player for me, and i wasn't using it near enough to justify having it. i preferred playing cross-platform titles on my PC or 360 due to the much better online service. also, while i owned an xbox and a ps2, i preferred the exclusives of MS's consoles over Sony's. so: things that don't matter to me include price (i just want the better console and i'd be willing to pay for that), system installs, backwards compatibility, the whole system checkin thing (i have broadband and don't care about country folk), or the used game issue. things that do matter to me include a functional and efficient online service that works (like, when i last had a PS3, PSN was literally a joke compared to XBL) and good games. if i can watch tv shows on the system from a website like CBS.com or something, that's a huge bonus. so, like, what games are system-sellers? what features are just too good (or bad) to pass up? because i'm still not sure if i want to sell my slim 360 before the relative worth of it goes through the floor, or hold onto it until the systems are out for several months and go from there. edit: i should clarify something. i have a lot of XBLA games, so if XBLA gets some form of backwards compatibility, i'd be interested. also worth noting is that i have no friends with a PS3, but almost everyone i game with has a 360. to an extent, what those people choose next generation will affect my decision.
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