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Everything posted by Vilecat

  1. I don't have that kind of sausage, unless one of you freaks have any idea. I proly don't wanna hear it anyway ;P I know Anso is planning to stick around more, so will I proly with starla and mebbeh Ramaniscence. I have noooo idea where I'll end up after MAGFest, I just know I'm only going back January 10th.
  2. So when's the next ban? Also: voteded
  3. WoW has me on that. Pretty much every game I enjoy and have been playing a lot recently will do that sort of things. FF, Disgaea, Atelier Iris, Smash Bros,... I'd either replay the entire scene/level in my head to see the possibilities on how to win, I'd have urges to use the in-game features/commands irl, or what annoys me the most, I'd think about something then the game will start "melting" in. I sometimes get that from movies when I just came out of the theater too. I probably have a too vivid imagination.
  4. Bahamut's room is gonna be a huge sausagefest, hahaha! S'ok guys, I won't judge you.
  5. Add me to the list already! Trip booked, prereg done! I even found who I'll room with, just waiting to see who'll reserve said room.
  6. I decided last week to give up on this one and wait for next month's
  7. To be frank I never played WC3, I only played WC2 before getting into WoW years later. So everything I read about the lore/storyline since WC2 might be either part of WC3 or between WC3 and WoW. WoWwiki is the place to go if you wanna learn more about the lore and history since the 3rd game. Only the cinematic of WotLK really shows wtf's gonna happen content-wise and it's only some sort of prologue to Northrend. The trailer for "vanilla" just showed different races/classes and them fighting between factions. TBC showed Illidan, who will eventually get his butt kicked, and the two new races added to the Alliance and Horde factions. More fights in generic landscapes, still doesn't show much from the game. If you judge WoW only by its trailers, then yes you can expect it to be nothing like the RTS games and more some mindless running around Azeroth as a cartoon version of a race.
  8. So I'm in the process of buying an all-around train ticket for approx 250$ CAN. which should leave me with plenty of money for the whole thing. I'll leave on the 30th and arrive in NY state (I think Penn.?) at 9-10pm before getting on the next train to Alexandria at 3am the 31st. I'll arrive in the morning at the hotel, and I've planned to stick around until the 9th where I'll have to take a similar trip back (5h wait or so in NY) before I get back home in Beaver-maple-moose-poutine-land. Oh, by the way, I'll try bringing all-dressed chips again this year. Just make sure you're quicker than Larry, last time he ate half the bag by himself (and claimed he doesn't even like chips).
  9. So the orcs finally being free of the demonic curse that flew in their blood is stupid? While I don't fully enjoy some parts of the old world and even some parts of Outland because it doesn't do much more than send you on critter killing spree with a weak "backstory", there's much more to discover in Northrend. With the new expansion, Blizzard found a way to play around with the "storyline" in an interesting way: I feel like I'm actually taking part of it, that what I do has a reason (most of the time). The Wrathgate chain is a very good example, with all the quests not included in it that still explain/affect the plot. I agree that a good portion of WoW hasn't done much to truly give justice to the lore (and its atmosphere) but I believe some parts of Outland (BT + patch 2.4 mainly) and most of Northrend are getting there. For the horde, baby!
  10. Bumping this back to page 1. Can't tell me no one else is interested in MAGFest.
  11. No idea who that is. I don't have any family related to him, if that's what you're asking

  12. Only if I get a chocolate with that <3
  13. Oh only 300-ish? That's very decent. And hey AnSo, nice job stealing my idea of staying around for a while
  14. So there are apparently cheap train all-around trips for 75-100$ just from Qc to NY (around 8-10h long), but the Amtrak site can't give me the price for a trip all the way to VA. If it's really this cheap then I'd be able to not only head there, but spend about a week over to make the trip worth it. Will anyone be there the 30th or the morning of the 31st?
  15. I might be able to this year. I'll have to check a couple of things, mainly my finances for my studies (senior year w00t). I'd like to find a cheaper but still relatively fast way of going there. The plane was quick but still costed around 580$ after I registered early. Taking a train seemed like an interesting alternative, but I can't find any info. And once again I doubt there's anyone driving all the way there from Québec Of course it is! It's also cheaper to fly from Qc to Florida than it is to fly to BC. And then they wonder why Canadians don't take the plane so often... Edit: Air Canada Jazz is proly the cheapest deal you can find to fly from Canada. Try looking into it if you can only fly to there. Fuck the bus, it'd take me 26h straight from Quebec City (no stops) Edit2: 930$ all-around trip price, much more costy than I recall
  16. Shyte, I suck at drawing people. I also suck at that game, I have that game for PS1 I'll find something to do. I have to, since I didn't enter the last 2 >_< Edit: I'm guessing that, to be fair, if we're not drawing a character you can find in either of the 2 games, it has to be a Marvel character doing something vs a Capcom character, to stay in the subject/context
  17. I'm terribad. I had this simple but good (imo) idea to draw one of the LK bosses, and instead I spent my whole time beating them up like pinatas. That or I went outside (gasp!) because the sun finally decided to come out.
  18. Happy barfday n00b!
  19. Tauren Marine! Don't forget the murloc
  20. Night elves? Eff alliance, unless you're talking about female Draenei, or Gnomepunting. There's nothing sexier than a troll chick ripping the hearth of her enemy out or a female orc decapitating opponents with a kickass 2-handed axe. For the Horde, baby!
  21. Bumping this, it fell down to p3 Un'goro is way too easy, the only threat there are allies and Devilsaurs. You generally end up seeing Devilsaurs more often too.
  22. Shit, I totally missed this. Grim Fandango imo I don't get where's the 3rd from.
  23. Ack! He linked one of my least geared toons D: But Doug is pretty much spot-on with this last post. We're able to enjoy end-game content while having fun together. I guess we can consider the guild casual for raiding while having the possibilty for progression (just lacking the gear and/or the people with their comp frying and whatnot). There's almost always someone online and it's possible to get help for whatever's needed. We also have the minimal amount of drama required to deserve the affiliation to OCR. Don't worry though, it's usually Doug and I disagreeing on min/max vs fun for very technical details and the likes. BTW, no need to be a boomkin to join us. We're just on ranged pewpew. Side-note: I'll totally do Recruit-a-Friend with someone, I'm easy to get in touch with and I'm a beast when it comes to leveling. Or I'm just nuts. Or both, since the latter is probably a fact now.
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