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Everything posted by Vilecat

  1. Like the "full game in one song" medleys from virt and goat for example. I still have Scourge of 1690 on my HD somewhere or my old PC, epic!
  2. Same. Totally saving the wallpaper format too.
  3. I knew it was starla's b-day and wishedher a good one accordingly, but didn't know anyone else from OCR had their birthday the same day HAPPEH BIRFFDAY THAR!
  4. Streeeeeeeeeets of Raaaaaaage 2!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ^Spambot wut? Edit: Mod hits Spambot with his Ban Hammer for 8 754 232 345 damage(Holy) (999 999 999 Overkill)
  6. This month isn't necessarly about getting better at what you do; such skills take a lot of time to develop, mostly if you change your subjects constantly (human to non-human, different art styles of originals, etc). Take it as a new horizon to explore. Working on more than one media can be very beneficial, and it's good gymnastic for the imagination. I'll definitely try to enter this month, but I'll wait for the mid-semester break (Thanksgiving!) since a lot of my "3D" craft material is at home and not on campus. I'll think of my subject 'til then :3
  7. That's why you always have to keep a bottled fairy with you
  8. I find it very entertaining
  9. Vote sent! It's nice to see no one picked the same characters either
  10. Graphics (like the roads and artwork) remind me a lot of Unlimited Saga. I was actually expecting more than a Tetris Attack style game though. The genre isn't brand new though. This lil browser game here is very surprising and enjoyable. The music is catchy too, even if the loop is small.
  11. The music of the last boss IS damn epic. Now I wanna find the soundtrack!
  12. Geez how many people you have in your room Baha?
  13. Iron Maiden is only one of the few groups I have in my metal music library. I enjoy most of their stuff. I like certain genres of electronica, disco and dance as much as I like metal, it can give strange results on my shuffle playlist (like Devildriver followed by Nikki French)
  14. Definitely not entering this month, but for my defense, I'm taking care of freshmen and babies as part of my new jobs.
  15. ThatAlso, sorry Tauce but this year I'm sharing the bed with starla. I reserved the room, we're currently 3 (the receptionist insisted that there were only rooms with 1 king bed left) to stay in that room officially. No idea if there'll be anyone else, but there'd be plenty of space for more. Proly not in the bed though...
  16. Sorry I eated all teh cakez <3
  17. Nah. The only thing I'm wondering though is if it'll be another of those games people will quit WoW for during a few weeks to a few months then come back because it wasn't all that great or something along those lines. Just like when Age of Conan came out. I just find it silly. You can't really compare WoW to most MMO coming out. I mean, the game already had a very solid lore/story because of the 3 RTS and the game itself has been out for 5 years now. Blizzard had plenty of time balancing things out or improving them (there's still work to be done ofc). They have a rather big team working on it too compared to a good amount of the MMO out there.
  18. YES! Teh OGRE in #ocremix reminded me of this almost too easy but fun GBC game I used to play. Catchy music from the composer who apparently also composed a lot of Mario Party songs. Any song from the game will do, I'm not picky. The .GBS file can be found on zophar.net Edit: Strangely the GBS file doesn't have the name of the tracks, but YouTube has all of them listed /yay!
  19. Yeah at MAGFest 6 I ended up assisting to this totally awful panel of some dumbass spewing about machinimas. Most boring thing ever! Can you believe they let such people get in? ;P Seriously though, I'm attending for sure. Pre-regged and everything.
  20. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! So that's how you bail on me Anso? You ass!
  21. I'll see if this month will yet another round of procrastination from my part or an actual artwork.
  22. I've wanted to try this sort of thing for a long time. I still have a nice set of Beads from when I was 10yo but I can't find a place to buy bead refills. They have some at Wal-Mart but it's not from the same cie mine are and they don't offer the smaller size of beads I use, only the 3-5yo big ass ones that are incompatible with mine. I don't feel like buying the whole thing again while I could keep using my old one and improve it. There's a website but their online shop doesn't ship outside the US D:
  23. I think that's part of the problem here. Not many people have played the game. As for me, another month mixed of procrastination plus a good dose of working on my self.
  24. Happeh Barfday mang!
  25. Just look at the recent songs posted on OCR ;P
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