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Everything posted by Vilecat
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Bumping this thread up, just because :3 starla, you should totally erase my pally from the list since I don't play it. And maybe put my sham there instead. -
Happeh barfday mang!
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Go ahead Arcana. You can try to whisper Rama, Starla or any of my toons to get a guild invite (these days I play either on Remeï or Murimae). Doesn't matter if you don't play all that often, you're still welcome. Some screens of my UI in a raid environnement: Naxx10 and Naxx25 Been working on my druid as feral once more, she does quite a decent job now as dps. My priest easily gets into 25man pugs and finally has the gear to tank Razz without MC breaking most of the time. WTB Doug and Michelle in game again, I miss you guys D: That and I wanna get my shaman in Outland for her alchemy, dammit! -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Yeah I'm using Pitbull. It may take quite a while to setup, but it has so many options integrated to it and it's so customizable, it's worth the time spent. I first found it perfect as a healer. Range check, visual heal, aggro check, different way to show someone with a debuff I can dispel and one I can't, who's highlighted, classes (simply by the bar colour) and so on. Above and under is FuBar, SimpleMinimap for the square clean look, QuestHelper and nQuestMinion (both hidden in the sc), Prat for the chat, Recount, Dominos for the bars and the random numbers showing on my skills are from DrDamage (theorycrafting addon). Satrina Buff Frame, DoTimer for the CDs. On the map you can see ClosetGnome (wardrobe), AtlasLoot and Minimap Button Bag to hide the others I don't use often. Other than that, I often look at EQCompare and RatingBuster for gear upgrades. Of course DBM and Omen for when I raid. Still got Bigwigs installed, just in case DBM gets dephased again like when Sunwell came out. I use more than that, but those are the basics. I'm such an addon whore D: Edit: Totally unrelated, but why do I always get gear on my druid when she's not that spec? First I got resto gear when I raided as feral, and today I got feral shoulders while I was resto > -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Bar swap? Dominos does it automatically if you set it right, like between when I'm in cat or bear form on my druid. But between specs, I use ActionBar Saver. It basically saves all your current actionbars (skills, items, macros, etc.) into a profile, and lets you change whenever you want. It even has features for whether or not you grab ceertain talents again in a spec you previously had. It will say if this or that item/talent/etc. is missing too and where it was. And I'm not all that great about theorycrafting, I just read a lot about it. As for not answering in game, sorry, I can easily be distracted. It doesn't help that my chat completely disappears whenever I ding -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Hey, there's nothing wrong with having more than one lv80 >_>; But I'd like if more were lv80, or if I weren't the only person with more than 1 toon. People are getting decently geared and at a quick pace, it's just a matter of hitting 80 and getting your toon itemized and specced right. We can easily help gearing up not only with runs, but with enchants, crafted items and the likes. It helps that we're all willing to learn how to play our class better and grab any useful information a few of us can help others too (you're so hot at theorycrafting, Opt!). Raids are going rather smooth too -well 10man at least-. Edit: My ccurrent UI. It sometimes feels cluttered, but I don't know/am too lazy to change it all over again. Bottom(main) and 2nd bar interchange depending if I'm targetting a friendly or hostile unit, and the top is generally abilities I'll click or press alt to interchange with the bottom bar. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Wut? Do I know of said surprise? Was it the same surprise that was supposed to happen tonight too? BTW, it's still worth rolling a toon, mainly if it's gonna be a healer (or tank if it's a DK). Even with the amount of DKs around, not that many end up tanking, the same way druids and pallies aren't all tanking (or healing). Either you won't be able to find a healer before a while or it'll be a tank missing to have a full group. Edit: and not that many DKs are running around end-game actually. Not more than any other dps class. A lot get discouraged by how "hard" they are (just takes a while to get at a decent level skillwise) and because it takes more than 2-3 buttons to mash each time. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
This thread totally didn't fall to the 2nd page. I'm totally not bumping this. Getting achievements from heroics is both a lot of fun and cussing. But I really want a proto-drake <3 Edit: I think the other WoW thread got eaten away or something. I blame Arthas. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
D: But-but-but.... not fair! -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
My FPS is starting to go through shit now when I go in Dalaran. That's a shitload of people in there now. Dammit you guys, level faster! xD -
Oshit FF Well I can't say if I'll be able to enter with all the extra work and assignements and WoW (the Bejeweled addon ate my souuuuul) If I enter though I'd like to try something completely different. We'll see
Vilecat replied to Bleck's topic in Competitions
obligatory 10 characters -
Vilecat replied to Bleck's topic in Competitions
ZOMG HOW CNA I CLIK TEH LINKZ I DUN C DEM!!1!11 Voted. 3rd one made me lol irl. Nice to see so many entries. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
My reg ping varies between 72 and 85ms. When there's lag it's usually server side. It hasn't lasted very long nor happened often lately. I think tonight was because of Wintergrasp. The guild's very laid back (i.e. just for fun), I don't see many people often other than Starla, Rama, Dyne and Suzu. Quite a few people have mains on other servers too, which is why they won't spend as much time necessarly here. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
BAHAHAHA! Makes me wish I could hear you guys. This winter I'll be able to ;P Well, when there's more than 2 mobs and the tank doesn't suck, I like throwing one or 2 SoC. Shadowflame is a nice lv75 spell every lock gets that does a decent amount of dmg and has a dot effect too. Changes from your regular shadowbolt spam. I never had a toon with real aoe spells, haven't really played my druid for other things than healing since the patch that took away the CD on Hurricane and priest Holy Nova can't really count as an aoe. I'm having so much fun with lock that way it's dangerous. There's a huge lack of healers now, it's not even funny. Good that Blizz kinda fixed the tank problem, but now healers are nowhere to be found. Makes me wish I was playing my priest, that way I could run twice as much stuff. Someone in the LFG yesterday was looking for a healer for Naxx ^No need to go Frost to tank. Just grab 5/8/5 (or 5/13/5) then pick the spec you want. I've seen a few DK tanking as Blood. Frost has a lot of oshit buttons but you shouldn't really need those for tanking regular instances. -
I was but kept getting ganked by a lv80 shaman each time I was in the middle of a fight. He kept doing that all evening to others too, just to blow his Spirit Wolf CD on horde. I went back to DB to finish the Wrathgate chain (fucking sweet but damnit I want the sound to work!) and go back to Icecrown later. If there's more stupid gankfest I'll proly alternate between Icecrown and either Stormpikes or Sholazar Basin. Stormpikes doesn't look that fun (certainly not on a reg flyer) but there's faction rep, and Sholazar has the Nesing chain.
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Ewww alliance [insert rant explaining why I can't stand playing them] Like a few, I'm surprised that with the amount of DK's around, there's still a lack of tanks when we try to get a group in Northrend. Healers are getting more and more rare. Makes me wish I played my priest again sometimes, but I can't deny how much I love watching my screen fill up with numbers when I have Shadowflame (like mage's Dragon Breath) with Seed of Corruption and Rain of Fire blowing everything up. Doesn't please all the tanks though My next toon will be a tank, but I don't know between pally and DK. it'll proly be DK since I might feel lazy on leveling yet another toon to 80, when I still have 2 70's waiting up on getting ready for end-game content. -
Hey, I wish I could roll Taunka Agreed it's a bit lame they picked the exact same voice and model for it though. The first lv or 2 takes a while, because of the difference between Outland and Northrend mobs (hp and all) and because the quest rewards until then are equivalent to Outland blues. Once you get some worthy upgrades it's all good. I outleveled both Rama and Starla, but since I won't be able (or shouldn't be) to play before the end of the semester, everyone and even Suzu should get to 80 before I do. Nothing compares to Northrend if you look back (except maybe certain raids). It's grandiose wherever you look, some of the quests/dailies are quite different and/or fun to do (LET'S GO KIDNAP BABIES!) and instances all have something to not make them completely boring and bothersome. Edit: the tabards for gaining rep in lv80 dungeons is a neat idea.
I saw the first 450 server-wide first aid yesterday night. Suzu, the whole DK thing with DC kept happening to me. Took me 20 mins to get my toon created. But then again it's because my internet has been sucking hard. No idea what the techs have been doing, but I'd gladly punch them in the face. Some people got up to 75min queue yesterday, that was around 7-8:30pm server time. The most lag I've had was 1k ping. They really did fix the lag after all. Only thing though, somehow my comp gets raped slightly by graphics in some areas, mainly the starting areas. The worse thing about Northrend is having all those n00bs ask stupid questions without looking around. "How do I get into Northrend" is probably #1 on that list.
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
And I dinged 70 yesterday. And I have yet to get in a group for any new instance because everyone and their mom has T5+ apparently. And there were lv68 DK already yesterday night (at least 2) and prolly some lv80 also. I saw a lv75 lock this morning and a bunch of 75+ are running around. It's really nice what they did to lesser the lag, I love it. I just hate those "kill this dude" quests because there's always 3 people waiting for the respawn too. -
TRANSLATION REVIEW NEEDED: Japanese, Spanish, French
Vilecat replied to djpretzel's topic in Site Issues & Feedback
Actually it's a basic typography rule to have the o and e together this way for specific words. And that notion applies to more than just "elitist French Academy cerebral mast*******" like you put it If it was written without the ligature, it would be a mistake. It's simply because of the etymology in this case. Edit: agreed for the whole comma thing -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
I've been wondering if I should bother to do the same as my priest or druid with this toon for end-game gearing. For my priest it was lotsa instances with the tailor crafting, and my druid was more PvP with a few lucky runs in instances (healing staff, moonglade pants AND scarab trinket all in the same reg BM run at lv69). For TBC I know that locks could do fine in PvP gear for PvE. Also, anyone would be interested in maybe lolarena when I get to 80? I really need to get better at it. 3s sounds not too overwhelming. I've never done 5s, since both my priest and druid weren't all that great for that bracket on my battlegroup. -
World of Warcraft Guild for the Arrangement Community
Vilecat replied to starla's topic in General Discussion
Daaayum. And here I'm striving to get my druid a better wep so she can finally heal most of the Heroics fine and maybe go balance/resto hybrid or something when the expansion comes out. Sadly I think my lock will take no time to gear and will proly get her full T7 before any of my toons on Aga get an epic form a raid or heroic (edit: ok maybe not the heroic part but still) 5h for a pugged Kara run. That's an average for a group with half the people being in there for the first time. Wipes only on the new boss and during Prince because of the infernals (many spawned because of the slow dps) and we didn't kill Illhoof or Nightbane. /sad panda -
Shadow priests didn't get nerfed at all this time <3 For TBC, I'm still grumpy on certain nerfs, but many were needed for spriests. It's just sad that they couldn't balance the classes more to be decent in both PvE and PvP like they've done now. Spriests finally melt faces again and disc can now do a little more than just shield themselves and outheal the dmg. And pallies are still fine. Many of those who PvP in my main's guild can wreck faces like nobody's business. I don't know about shams except that enhanc still is a pain to my undergeared druid in BG. I'll make sure to fix that at 80. As for playing with friends, it fails when I try IRL since they're either not on the same server as I am and/or don't play all that often. I prefer finding people online to play with, I tend to feel lonely when there's no one talking to me or in chat while I quest.
Vilecat replied to Bleck's topic in Competitions
Kickass theme this month. Not sure if I'll enter because of personnal problems, but if so I think I have an idea or two.