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Everything posted by Vilecat

  1. Don't worry girl, it happens all the time. Then it's always fun to see the guys go "... ZOMG UR A GURL??!?!!11! *suspicious moment of silence*" o.o;;; Keep up the good work guys, i really wanna see the end result of this unusual OCR project
  2. By now, i doubt. It's been mentioned before quite a few times, if i remember well. And probably in the "All Time Easiest Boss" thread too.
  3. If he's out, i still hope he'll finish his remix and submit it to OCR, or at least post it on VGmix. Congrats to Kanjika?
  4. Boz, read the last 5 posts of this thread, and you'll have your answer.
  5. It's part of the album. A true 2 discer. Disc one is the MAIN game cuts though. 2 CDs? Bonus Tracks? You guys makes me drool about this project And i doubt any of you should be worried about Chrono Symphonics being almost finished too. I'd bet there'll be a month between the release of both this and Chrono remixing projects Don't give up guys! You're almost done!
  6. This song is cursed, it makes you turn bald from frustration. Joke aside, it seems no one who've tried Ice Cap has tried something out of techno-ish genre. If it can give someone ideas for it, why not try a more rock styled approach?
  7. Emerald and Ruby Weapon are friggin long without summons, but it can be done. For FFX, having zombie immune makes the battle against Yunalesca and Seymour on Mt. Gagazet far easier. The fights are incredibly more annoying without that (without mentioning they take ages to end), but not impossible. And Faust, the secret boss of Legend of Dragoon is probably the toughest boss in that game. The others weren't all that bad, but i did have to use quite a few items for some of them.
  8. The CD cover is the only thing left to do, and it's being taken care of right now (we're putting more and more time into it each time) You only need to sit and wait edit: like Linearity said, it's an odd style that none of us is used to but we're doing our best to meet DS' specifications. If you're an Art History master or something like it, then we'll be happy to have you enlighten us on how to do it. If it's not the case, sit and wait.
  9. EDIT - I understand that the joking has stopped and that the CD cover and name dicussion will be held in the other forums until KFC and Snapple decides it's time to make it a project focus. My own edit : I appreciate the answer, although i'd like the person doing this to just post instead of always editing my own posts. If asked that way, i'll gladly delete mine immediatly afterwards to keep the subject on the project. Bla bla bla, i'm not doing it anymore, bla bla bla, this one's the last, etc. Also it'd have kept me from posting 2 more times off-topic after the question i asked, with the edit incident. Stop doing that and i'll stop posting in the friggin thread if it what it takes you, geez =/ I can even erase all the posts i did in this thread if you're still not happy with all that.
  10. ah ah ah, the edit on my post is soooo funny. For project coordinators to act like kids doesn't give a lot of credibility to the project, and i think you know that. To joke around for a bit shouldn't be stopped, but please don't fall too far that way. I nicely ask that you don't transform my posts by adding such comments anymore. You may in your own by quoting me if you like, but this was childish acting. And i have a boyfriend already anyway. I do not feel the need for a Snapple cock, nor any other sort of cock. And those Snapple bottles are small imho, so for the rest... j/k
  11. Ok, that's enough. I want Snap's cock, not that kinda stuff x.x;; (to tell the truth, it's kinda a hot cock ) Edit: Who edited my post? I got a question that's more or less about the project right now. Will you make the name and CD artwork proposals publicly, or people will absolutely need to go on that -very dead- forum created a moth or so ago for that? I'm mostly sure it won't be any time soon (more after the next deadline), but it's good to know in advance.
  12. Well you'll have to sit for a while for the artwork to be finished. The 3 of us (Linearty, NeoForte and me) are loaded with assignements, projects and the likes for school lately. We've talked to each others a few times, discussed on how to mix our ideas (along with the art deco style) and even tried to draw a few rough concepts. It's developping slowly, but it's developping. We're not trying to rush it either, because a great project should have a great CD cover For myself, i'll only be able to give 100% after June 8th, which is when i finish school. Unless one of you wanna work on one of my projects for me, i personnaly can't spend every day on it, but only once each 2-4 days or so. I'm sure you all know how the semester's final rush is, so our collab team would surely be grateful if you'd be patient for a bit more. Don't worry DarkeSword, we'll still present you what we've come upfrom our brainstorming to very soon (probably in about a week or 2). It'll give us an idea of what to change, what to keep, the direction we should take/keep, etc.
  13. Don't worry, i didn't take it too seriously, although i didn't think you were joking about that single line. Or maybe i didn't think at all, i'm getting tired very fast lately and my attention span suffers from it. So a part of me is sorry for the other part not behaving like it should. And you better go finish those S3&K remixes of yours, yarr! >:0
  14. Geez, thanks for Linearty and me =/
  15. Sweet. I'll draw a draft of the idea i have in mind too. And sadly, even if i wish i'd have it, i'm not good enough with watercolors to call it a skill... if it is, it's a very very sloppy one ^^; Nontheless, i'll try to get that draft done before the end of the week, between 2 coding lines. I'll do it as a break from work. Oh, and if you want to have an idea of how art deco looked, the best thing is to help you with posters of that style. Other than that, in term of design support, there's not much offered that is not furniture, and books on the subject seem rare. Unless you have a Art History teacher that eats art deco for breakfast to help. One of the pictures i kept to give me an idea of art deco coloring style for Kirby... or something like that o.o; Btw, nice tutorials you found KWarp.
  16. Awesome, all this makes me even more excited about the final results. And BrainCells is onboard now? Cool. All the collabs are very very very interesting too. edit: Akumajo isn't doing Hydrocity anymore? Aaaw, i loved his song
  17. Sorry if i didn't answer before, i couldn't go online since Thursday ^^;;; The comp's power supply went poof, and i had to wait for it to be replaced. I just got it back Sunday afternoon, but the day was too good to sit in front of the comp I'm not against a collab, not at all. I already have a few ideas on how to do it art deco style, and i'm searching how to "render" certain other elements (like Kirby itself) the same way. Now i just wish i'd master more watercolor and i'd try something with it
  18. And when i was looking for the thread in GenDisc, heh. Congrats guys! This is a new -important?- step towards completion. I wish you the best of luck... as if you needed any
  19. KFC sounds like an answering machine o__o;
  20. Wow, such enthousiasm from so many people. Good luck guys, i'm cheering for you (without letting the other projects down, of course =P).
  21. It works with one of the ideas i had about Kirby's pose and the perspective. As for the art-deco look, i'll search a bit to have a good idea of the style. I'll try to come up with something worth of being shown publicly before the end of the month
  22. Health issue? Anyway, i'm happy to see the project's not totally dead (so many answers since the last time i decided to take a look around). On a side note : any news about the CD art? Doesn't have to be precise info, but it'd be nice to hear at least a word about it, since there's been "auditions" since the last month and a half or so. Oh, and yeah, congrats Sir Nuts... or something like that... well i mean i'm happy for you... so yeah.. *shuts up*
  23. Never, ever, cuss out your remixers. You can say what you have to say without being pissy. Try to maintain some professionalism. Dude. They didn't get the message when I asked. I even asked nicely. They need to get the message. I mean, if they don't understand when you ask nice, then what other way is there? Look, I'll start to ligthen up a little more, but there is still no real excuse. EDIT - Thanks to the lack of teamwork and helping with each other we lost 3 mixers. THREE mixers. THREE. You can still have the authority, without all the cussing in there. DarkeSword probably meant to not use the word fuck (at least not that often). And maybe not go too "personnal". If you have to blame someone, do it in a general way (example : All remixers need to visit the thread regulary/daily, not once in a while *you can put it in bold, caps, add !!!, or anything like that*). This is also part of being a good leader. I'm not saying you're bad at it, but just mesure your words. As little the detail may seem, it's part of communication, and communicating between leader <-> subordinates (project coordinator <-> remixers) is a very important aspect in the realisation of a project. Like many other people, i do not want this project to fail, and i am certain you're not wishing this either. But if in any way you show some "sign of weakness", the repercussion will be felt on the rest of the team too. Sorry for the semi speech, but i hope it can help you. Don't take it bad though, i'm not saying all this in a negative way. Watch out to not put too much pressure on yourself, you already have a lot on your shoulders. And don't forget guys, don't give up! ... I'll mind my own business now
  24. Need a whip KFC? True, semester finals and school projects are coming, but don't let yourselves be discouraged by it guys. I wish i could help more, but i can only help you with moral support And how come there hasn't been any news on the S3&K project being moved to the Site Projects board yet?
  25. First time i look through it. That's nice to see there are more developpements outside the OCR thread. [After looking at the artwork section] So you ARE the Hadyn i saw on DA. I almost asked if it was really you when i saw your zombie pic on the site, but i felt dumb if it wouldn't have been the case. Dude, i love your art style. ... Sorry if this is an unwanted topic in this thread
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