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Everything posted by Eon_Blue

  1. http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/Eon_Blue_Tiger_Heli_wip.mp3 An old wip I worked on when my guitar was set up to 'record'. It's gritty as hell - I would have liked to finish it, but I ended up moving and never setting my recording stuff back up properly. Sounds like a garage band or something, I guess it still rawks to a small degree...
  2. Super Metroid wasn't. I was thrilled when I realized that while playing.
  3. http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/Siamey%20&%20Eon_Blue%20-%20Noise%20Pollution.mp3 Latest update. Also, a title.
  4. Feedback?
  5. Still messing around with it a little bit - I don't think it'll pass without something straying from the original in the middle.
  6. http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/icecapzone.mp3 Updated a little bit. Cleaned up some EQ and whatnot. There's an ending now. Still working on a guitar solo and vocoder.
  7. I think you're right, I toned it back just a touch so there wasn't so much 'slap' on it - it was starting to interfere with the drums, I think... I dunno about actual vocals, I certainly wouldn't do them myself. Still trying to figure out this vocoder business... Yeah, absolutely - it'll go back into the rising bassline part, then maybe a guitar solo. What could be more cliche than a FADE OUT!? Yeah, I don't know if there's any overboard 80's remixes on the site right now - I know there's a few that could pass for 80's music, but none that really intentionally do it... Am I wrong? I think the whole 80's thing is awesome, I want to incorporate as much as I can. Yeah, perfect! That was one of the songs I had in my playlist while I was working on this - looking to emulate music like that...
  8. Hahah, no really. I wanted to do a hilarious 80's 'One Hit Wonder' remix of something - and what could be more cliche than Ice Cap Zone? So here's a wip: http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/icecapzone.mp3 I'd love to go way overboard on this - I'll add some orchestra hits, even MORE cheesy tom fills, maybe even a live guitar solo at some point (provided I can get my gear hooked up and recording properly). As soon as I understand how to get reason's vocoder working, I'm hoping to throw in some robot talking in certain spots - depending on how it sounds. I've still got a bit of tweaking to do on the synths, and right now it's too midirip even my tastes - but I'd like feedback so far. What are some 80's music cliches I can force into this? I'm thinking along the lines on A-Ha, Dead or Alive, Duran Duran, Corey Hart, etc....
  9. Does everyone still like my cover? Do we still need a website - because I can get on that. Something visual might help breathe a little extra life into this project...
  10. Yeah, I detuned that organ again, and now it adds an awesome effect to the wah parts at :55 and 1:47 - very cool. Also, no one's got any qualms with the water part at the end? It's not the greatest sample, but I don't think I was overdoing it too much. I thought it fit pretty well. I also added some of that reverb back - I like the echo sound it seems to add, and I think it suits the cave theme well - that was part of the point of adding the delays to several instruments. http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/spinball.mp3
  11. Who's doing the artwork?
  12. http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/spinball.mp3 Updated siamey's update on my original update. Not sure if I like the water at the end. Cliche much?
  13. Updated again, still hunting for collab. http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/spinball.mp3 Cleaned up EQ some more, fixed a few sharp spots regarding treble.
  14. Anyone have any experience with this? Hooking up a dance mat to be recognized as a midi controller for playing samples, etc. I understand there are some ways to have game controllers used the same way, a dance mat would be pretty cool as a drum machine or something. Er.. a friend of mine is asking, I don't use those gay dance mats.
  15. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Who the hell comes up with this shit?
  16. Who's that, sum n00b?
  17. Updated again. Looking for someone to collaborate with on this one. It's done entirely in Reason 3, I don't think I used any extra refills or samples. I figure maybe someone else can take it in that new direction - either that, or I can let it sit for a while until I get inspired again, I guess... Any takers?
  18. I thought the first rule of FF7 project is that you do NOT talk about FF7 project? Who's doing the art?
  19. Updated again: http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/spinball.mp3 I think it'd be pretty awesome to have some rapping over this - it'd at least lengthen it out a little, and the fact that it repeats a little bit wouldn't interfere with the flow of the song. This update just cleans up the EQ a little bit - I think that's where most of my problems lie with my remixes.
  20. Yeah, that's where I normally get stuck. I get in the habit of improvising too much, and it doesn't sound like a remix anymore... I'll keep working on it though - still looking to get some decent scratch programming in there somewhere...
  21. Updated: http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/spinball.mp3 Took a few of the suggestions and applied them as best I could.
  22. http://wii.ign.com/articles/714/714684p1.html IGN's got an article regarding Sonic's 15th birthday - check the one image about halfway down. They posted a shot of the cover, but didn't say fuck all about it.
  23. http://hosting.thasauce.net/eon/music/spinball.mp3 I know I need to mix it up a little bit - and there seems to be a point where things need to come 'up front' a little more - there's no real focused lead instrument. This is my first song in reason 3 though, so I think I'm doing pretty good so far. Also, I need to work on those scratches a little bit - I'd like to have a little scratch breakdown session in there somewhere, but I figure that'll take some real time before I can nail that.
  24. Thanks, man. ...I like the implied homoeroticism in yours.
  25. I am choking back a mouthful of vomit as I read this. While your advice is often useful, you are so full of yourself it's sickening. Flame on.
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