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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. Yeah, I subscribed, but I didn't see anywhere to enter in my Steam ID. Won't this make the process harder?
  2. Last minute change of plans... due to users already having lag problems with the server we were using tonight, we're swapping Monday's server to today:, with the server name "OTHER TEAM IS BABIES! | TF2Stats.net"
  3. To be fair, I scheduled them in the same order FireSlash listed them earlier on.
  4. Chances are, if we do move back to charging for reserve slots, we're going to restructure which commands are available to reserved slots and which are available to the public... but don't be surprised if reserved slots keep the ability to votescramble and things like that without it being public. On another subject, I've scheduled some events to hopefully help us get people to test the three servers. All 3 are scheduled at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT / 1am UTC. I realize this time is inconvenient for those of you in Europe, but this is more or less to test if the server remains responsive when it is full. Tonight's is on, with the server name "OCReMix TF2 Lag relief zone [http://www.ocremix.org]" Sunday's is on, with the server name " The Vanilla Pod - GamerNation.org" Monday's is on, with the server name "OTHER TEAM IS BABIES! | TF2Stats.net" Edit: I also fixed a long-standing bug with the MOTD. If your resolution is too low to see the entire thing at once, a vertical scrollbar should now appear.
  5. Perhaps we should schedule a game or two on each of these servers to see how well they work.
  6. An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include: Engine: - Fixed crash in SourceTV relay Team Fortress 2" - Fixed blood splashes not appearing on bullet hits - Fixed Achievement dialog text being cut off for certain resolutions - TFBot Changes: -Medics now respond when nearby humans call for Medic - If a Medic Bot is healing you and has an ÜberCharge ready, use the voice commands "Go go go!" or "Activate Charge!" to force the Bot to activate the ÜberCharge I will as usual update the servers, but not restart ones in use until tomorrow morning.
  7. OK, either something needs to be done about our current server or we need to get a new server now. Lag spikes are now coming every 3-10 minutes and the game is becoming completely unplayable because of it.
  8. Oh, I mentioned the TF2 update, but it was probably affected by the Orange Box engine update as well. That is to say: Updates to Portal, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include: * Fixed crash when local sound cache files were corrupt * Hide cursor when playing movies in game
  9. An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The major changes include: - Fixed client crash when rendering model panels - Fixed client crash when rendering text strings - Fixed client crash in the main menu - Fixed server crash related to bots and health kits I will be installing this on the servers shortly, but not restarting the ones in use when the update is finished.
  10. er... all the Macs I know of that can play TF2 come with that silly one button mouse (or touchpad) with the direction sensitive button, i.e. it can tell which side of said button you're pressing and reacts differently. Now... who knows why they didn't just make them separate buttons. Probably not aesthetically pleasing enough.
  11. Since we're actually starting to use RED again, I've taken a moment to synchronize its configuration with BLU's... mainly enabling everything that we have changed on BLU since RED's configuration was last updated. I also took the time to fix its mapcycle last night and fix its maplist (used by nominate) tonight. FireSlash was looking into the lag issue again tonight, but since I only saw a few things he told me, I think might be better if he explained what he's found rather than me.
  12. I banned subcell, the only person I saw saying stuff like that, but only after giving him more leeway than I should have. Speaking of which, this exposed an interesting bug in Sourcebans... it says I banned him from BLU despite me banning him from RED.
  13. I am going to redo our SourceMod installation from the ground up to make sure it or MetaMod: Source aren't causing the lag issues we're experiencing. This may take place as soon as tomorrow. Chances are I will reset all settings for it except for the reserved slot and admin lists, so don't be surprised if a few things work slightly differently than before.
  14. Two, actually. Garian hosts one, and palvls hosts the other. The latter is the same machine and account that the OCR Team Fortress 2 servers are located on, which is why I have access to it.
  15. This happens nearly every time TF2 updates. Speaking of which: An optional update (client bug fixes) is now available for Team Fortress 2. The changes include: Engine - Fixed a crash related to model caches. - Fixed a crash related to empty proxy files. - Fixed a rare crash involving corrupted voice-comm playback. Team Fortress 2 - Fixed some issues with the community submitted tips. - Fixed a case where servers could get stuck in an infinite loop while spawning bots. - Made the training HUD code more robust, so it doesn't crash if the client has modified HUD resource files. - Fixed a potential crash in the HUD during startup. - Fixed a level change crash related to Bot navigation meshes. - Disabled quickswitch UI in training to reduce confusion. - The Demoman's battleaxe now sounds like a sword. Missed a note from yesterday: - The Eyelander now collects the heads inside Eyelanders of Demomen it decapitates.
  16. Honestly, I haven't really liked any of the mutations, but I still update the L4D2 server on (ocrtf2.com:27070) every week.
  17. This is Team Fortress 2. Being on top of the scoreboard isn't my only goal. You'd be surprised, for example, how many people can be lured off points chasing people. Particularly if said person they're chasing is a Spy. If you're seriously doing things solely to place higher on the scoreboard rather than for the betterment of the team, I suggest you play a different game. On the contrary, the Dead Ringer is excellent for cart pushing because the cart recharges it quite fast. This works particularly well on PLR maps. Having said that, on most cart maps, I'm looking for sentry guns to sap when I'm on BLU.
  18. I thought about changing the server config to include it, but people go apeshit when I turn things on like that. Anyway, I vote we enable it. It would end team stacking (and any allegations thereof) right here and now. The only drawback is that vote scramble would be the only way to fix unbalanced teams. Of course, right now, very very few people are willing to manually balance teams, so this isn't much of a change.
  19. You can use any USB mice, and the newer Apple mice apparently can sense which side of the button is being pressed.
  20. Well, part of the point is to sap the sentry gun when your team is about to push. I also tend to push carts, cap points, and capture Intel as a Spy. None of which show up on a K/D ratio, but do in points.
  21. I'm sorely tempted to do so. ...and yet I went over to my parents place to install TF2 on my father's Macbook to get them. Edit: Also, the video on the Mac Update page shows the Engineer sporting a new Shotgun.
  22. Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Counter-Strike: Source Beta have been released. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include: Engine - Made several changes that improve stability for clients running low on addressable memory. - Changed all HTML controls to use Webkit for the rendering engine. Team Fortress 2 - Added Mac support. - Overhauled the main menu, and added help to Loadout, Backpack, and Crafting screens. - Added Training, with support for General gameplay & Soldier class training for now. - Added Offline Practice mode, with support for KOTH maps and Dustbowl. - The "Open Character Loadout" key will now go to your future class if you've requested a class change, but haven't respawned yet. - Community Requests: - Added "mp_forceautoteam", a server convar that forces all joining players to autoteam. - Added "mp_stalemate_meleeonly", a server convar that allows melee weapons only during stalemates. - Added "ExtinguishPlayer" input to tf_player for map makers. Counter-Strike: Source Beta - Fixed "wade" water sound not playing correctly on maps like Chateau. - Updated the scoreboard: - Fixed to scale correctly in 5:4 resolution. - Fixed so it can be closed during intermission - Reduced font size to accommodate seeing 16 players per side. - Fixed issue that awarded three points and a separate achievement when the bomb explodes after the round ends. - Fixed issue with round end panel blocking the view of the game. - Fixed issue in which you weren't given credit for grenade damage if you fired a weapon at someone then hit them with a grenade. - Fixed getting the achievement for shooting enemies in mid-air if the enemies were on ladders. - Fixed mapcycle.txt skipping over several entries in the list. - Fixed console warnings about missing materials. - Fixed an issue that could cause a single MVP star to appear as an entry on the scoreboard. - Fixed issue that made the FINISHER achievement impossible to get. - Fixed ai_test_los crashing the server. - Fixed the chat window so it no longer renders over scoreboard. - Fixed MVPs not being cleared when sv_nomvp is set to 1. - Marked mat_showlowresimage as a cheat command. - Updated several strings to be gender neutral. - The large radar is now disabled when freeze cam is active. - Achievements dialog changes: - Now displaying the Steam Achievements dialog instead of the in-game Achievements dialog if screen width is less than 1024. - The Achievements dialog is now closed if you have it open and switch to a lower resolution. - Repositioned the Fun Fact on the summary tab of the Achievements dialog and gave it a background to fix truncation and readability. - Added a priority order for displaying win conditions when multiple win conditions are set. - If timelimit exists and is not 0, then show timelimit. - If timelimit does not exist, show maxrounds if not 0. - If both timelimit and maxrounds are 0, show winlimit. - If timelimit, maxrounds, and winlimit are all 0, show nothing. Also, logging in from a Mac within the next 4 days will net you an Earbuds hat. The game is also 50% off right now. I have my priorities. The first is to take out enemy sentry guns, which I'm really good at doing. Hence why I have a gold (and now global) sapper award, but only bronze knife/backstab awards. Not that you can get Backstab awards right now, since FireSlash disabled the plugin that logs those.
  23. I can go with that, as long as you let me claim the same thing because I hold the global Revolver and Sapper awards.
  24. You're wrong, "Speem Gortress zmavailable on the Babac." is clearly supposed to be Team Portress available on the crack.
  25. Ze Goggles! They do nothing! No, seriously, they're the only hat to have a description (which reads "Nothing.")
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