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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. My understanding is that, once you have a key, they will invite you to one of the Beta Weekends rather than immediately. Also, I preordered the game today, went to enter my preorder code... and was told it was already used. So now I get to file a bug report. (Note: preorder code is a different code than the beta weekend code, I'm just venting.)
  2. You're wrong. Incidentally, that news article on the official site also lists the other sites that are offering Beta Test keys.
  3. If you need a Beta Test key, they're giving 75,000 of them away on Massively.
  4. On an off topic, if you haven't gotten a SW:TOR beta key yet, you can get one here. I wonder if you guys consider that off topic or not... Anyway, this is likely my last communication in this thread until Thursday unless there's a game update that I need to install on the servers. That just goes to show how busy I am.
  5. I haven't been playing much this week. The times I *have* been on was because I was testing SourceMod extensions and plugins (and hence was on one of two passworded servers I set up for testing... named Powerlord's Plugin Palace or Powerlord's Windows Plugin Palace). I'm not sure what servers everyone else have been on. I won't be playing much this weekend either because I have a weekend SWTOR Beta invite that's only good through midnight CST tomorrow... and I also have lots of things I need to do before Tuesday and Wednesday for class-related stuff.
  6. The best way is to add money to buy a Map Stamp. Buying a map stamp as your only purchase ends up giving you the Mann Co. Hat (all-class), the World Traveler Hat (all-class), and leaves $4 on your Steam account for any other game purchases you want to make. For map stamps, just choose your favorite non-Valve map. My preference is likely Steel or Frontier of the custom maps, partly because I'm too lazy to look through the custom map lists and I like those two maps even if Steel does confuse some people.
  7. I've updated BLU and RED and restarted them. This avoid the server crashing on koth_harvest_event, cp_manor_event, and koth_viaduct_event following yesterday's update.
  8. By now, you guys have probably already seen this, as it's shown to everyone when they log into Steam, but for those who haven't:
  9. BLU should now be back online.
  10. This happened several hours ago, but I wasn't around: BLU has vanished off the face of the planet, I'm trying to find out what happened with it. RED should have auto-updated.
  11. If Valve would stop overwriting the text motd every fricking update, the text one would be up to date, too. (I silently fixed the IRC thing right after Phill reported it)
  12. Good thing the BuiltinVotes plugin is working correctly. FTP to OCR BLU is currently messed up and I can't connect, let alone do any uploads/downloads.
  13. This just hit: Since it's optional, and seems to have no server-side components, I'm not bothering to update servers, SourceMod 1.4.0 has a bug that prevents my Force Holidays plugin from running correctly, so it's not yet installed. Otherwise, when it is working (in SourceMod 1.4.1), I'll likely turn on full moon mode, which enables just the Halloween costumes. Edit: If you see me hopping on and off servers tonight, it's because I'm testing BuiltinVotes changes dealing with Yes/No votes... and eventually testing L4D2 support (can't test L4D, not installed).
  14. As a reminder, Valve says the Halloween event ends today. Which, as I recall, is midnight UTC (24 minutes from now).
  15. After today, it appears that the BuiltinVotes voting style is now working correctly. Let me know if you see some issues, though.
  16. Thanks to the testing earlier today, I found a major BuiltinVotes bug and several (3) minor MapChooser Extended bugs. They've all been fixed now and I'll be deploying the new versions to BLU soon. But, the big bug I can't test alone... I need multiple people, the more the merrier.
  17. Sadly, no, because they didn't elaborate. I assume things like tricking the server into thinking bots were people, then allowing one person to run around collecting gifts and things like that. Likely, the Steam accounts associated with the servers got all their other servers delisted as well. On another subject, I scheduled a Good, Old Fashioned, Traditional Quest... er... game for tonight at 9:00pm EDT / 6:00pm PDT / 1:00am Saturday UTC. This doubles as a public test of the BuiltinVotes extension and MapChooser Extended 1.7.2a's BuiltinVotes support. If it crashes, I can unload said extension and continue with normal vote support. (Side note: US DST ends this weekend.)
  18. I just fixed a bug in MapChooser Extended on that server that caused it to stop working whenever a custom map was in the vote. However, BLU is now also running the BuiltinVotes extension, so expect it to look different.
  19. I was still ironing out bugs even as recently as a few minutes ago... a failsafe to cancel votes was trying to display the cancel screen even for votes that had finished. Whoops.
  20. I will need test bodies tomorrow or Friday. Why? Oh, a little thing I like to call BuiltinVotes and [TF2] MapChooser. It took me like four damn months, but it appears to be working in TF2, but I don't want to install it on our good servers. So... expect me to ask people to join me on Old BLU. However, I have things going on tomorrow night.
  21. BLU and RED are now both restarted. RED is now set up for Halloween again and should be unlocked. As for TEST2, no clue what it's doing. It's out of date, and I have no idea how to update it.
  22. Don't know, and given the glacial pace the server updater has, we won't know for at least 20 more minutes.
  23. I swear, Valve waits until I'm out doing shopping and then pushes required updates. P.S. I have no idea how to update the Multiplay (TEST2) server. I started the updater for BLU, and will start the updater for RED shortly.
  24. Gift boxes on koth_viaduct_event. All the plugin does is allow you to wear them after the event ends on the 8th.
  25. No, because that's controlled directly by the TF2 central item server.
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