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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. On another note, I'm going to be moving the URL of the file mirror sometime tomorrow. Once I do this, the old URL won't work any more. However, since this is controlled by a server setting, you shouldn't be able to tell anyway. Oh, and the Map mirror list url is moving, too.
  2. If you mean Gold Rush as BLU, then some others did change classes right after someone mentioned it in voice chat. I myself would have, but people already changed classes by the next time I died (I checked).
  3. Really? I rarely recall seeing 4 snipers on a team at any given point... last time I did, 2 of them were spies pretending to be snipers (on 2fort) just to screw with the other team. Also, only 4/11 as attack classes seems a bit low even for OCR.
  4. I have no idea what you're talking about, so I can only assume it happened after I went to bed (which wasn't until like 1:30am EDT).
  5. The server stopped responding a few minutes ago. I restarted it. I'm not really sure why it stopped responding, though. Usually if the server crashes, it auto-restarts.
  6. Have you read Wikipedia's definition of fraud? Strangely enough, this is exactly what the idler program does. It intentionally tricks the Valve master server into thinking you're playing the game in order to receive items. Oh, and unrelated to the anything previously said Valve's Steam Subscriber Agreement includes: The Idler program falls into this definition, because it emulates the communications protocol used by Team Fortress 2 servers to the master servers (or the protocol used by TF2 between client and server, I can't tell which having not actually used it).
  7. Oh, apparently as soon as I joined a server then died, it moved it to my inventory.
  8. No idea, but I noticed that Valve employees also have special items, with purple names. Edit: lol, another one of my friends has a Level 100 Cheat Detector in his inventory too. Apparently that's there until you launch the game after getting the Cheater's Lament.
  9. I dunno... I equipped it on all my characters prior to opening my backpack to finally go clean it out. Turns out I had like 4 Kritzkriegs. Also, anyone know what the new (higher) drop-rate is for hats?
  10. Here's the best part: The Cheater's Lament hat doesn't take up a spot in your inventory: Powerlord's inventory
  11. Pretty sure you'd have to manually award them, as the achievement system is a mix of client side and Master-server side. Edit: I suppose you could make a stats processor do them, but I've no clue how.
  12. I'm too lazy to check how many pages back I said it, but I predicted that Valve would eventually crack down on idling programs.
  13. Due to the way the mapcycle works, if a map is the next one up in the rotation, and you add exactly one map to the map rotation somewhere before it, it will come up with the next map set to itself. The Mapcycle seems to keep track of which number map it's on in the mapcycle rather than which map file. It's a server-side toggle now: the tf_allow_player_use cvar. Like Clefairy said, it defaults to off.
  14. The Mapcycle only has it once, although it looks like the mapcycle was updated this morning at 12:48am CST. If a map is added to the mapcycle, it does funny things. koth_viaduct cp_granary pl_badwater cp_badlands ctf_sawmill cp_gravelpit pl_goldrush cp_yukon_final ctf_2fort cp_follower koth_nucleus plr_pipeline cp_steel ctf_turbine tc_hydro
  15. Given that the game was balanced for 24-players, it seems weird playing it with less. It also feels weird playing it with more (32-player server is just madness).
  16. Who says I'm not an admin any more? Yes, I realize my departure lasted a whole... 3 days. Incidentally, the new domain now appears to be functional. As a bonus, attempting to connect to ocrtf2.com directly in a web browser fails, but then most browers prepend www to it. Public servers bring in people skilled and not so skilled. And speaking as a person who plays Spy a lot, Alltalk restricts one of your more useful abilities: reporting on enemy movements. Even if enemies can hear you, the talk symbol appears over your head while you're cloaked and disguised. You may not have noticed, but the ! in the talk icon is team colored. Cashworks is terribly optimized, to the point of being unplayable on some computers. It also has some odd design choices, particularly between points A and B, where BLU has this huge back area it can go through that exits behind RED's point B spawn. If you know about this area, you can get up to it as a Demo or Soldier, but traditionally BLU uses this to harass RED with Engineers and offense classes (Soldier, Heavy, Demo, etc...). It also has an unnecessarily long straight chokepoint between points C and D. Last, it's one of the largest maps on the server. The only ones I know that are larger are tc_meridian, cyberpunk, cp_cyberpunk, and cp_glacier. (Incidentally, I need to fix the column sort for numbers on the map page). I'm surprised you aren't comparing Yukon to Badlands, as Granary is of the "vertical line" type, while Yukon and Badlands are in the "diagonal line" type. Yukon was specifically designed to "bring utility classes into greater use." The center point in particular is designed to prevent rocket-jumping or sticky-jumping across. I personally don't have that many problems with Yukon, though. Egypt needs balancing on section 1, point B. The defense has too heavy an advantage at this point (unless BLU caps it before RED can set up). There are only really two entrances into the last area, with one route eventually splitting in two. The open route can be effectively watches by snipers and engineers, the cave route by combat classes (Demos in particular). Section 2 starts with a vertical section that puts most of BLU's classes at a disadvantage. Putting a one-way door in-bound to the point at section 2, point B is a very odd choice. Section 3 also contains a vertical section, but it's a much wider area, and thus doesn't disadvantage BLU nearly as much as section 2 does. One last comment about Egypt: The doors open too slowly, even in their current incarnation (the original incarnation opened at half the current speed). The offense's clock starts ticking as soon as the doors start moving, not the 5-10 seconds later when they finish opening. P.S. It's a good thing you didn't bring up Junction.
  17. Normally, I wouldn't make a new post, but meh... At or around 11pm CST tonight*, the domain ocrtf2.com will go live. What does this mean? Well, for starters, you can now connect to the server at ocrtf2.com:27015 instead of needing the IP. Likewise, all the mirrored maps and stuff will now be on www.ocrtf2.com . There's not much on the site yet (it's the same site as tf2.vgmusic.com). I got tired of having to look up the IP any time I wanted to enter it somewhere, like on the OCR community stuff when scheduling events. Also, I hope it makes the map mirror and stuff easier to find. Who knows, maybe I'll build a real site for it at some point, too. *As long as I didn't screw up the DNS configuration.
  18. It should still be in the disabled folder. Anyway, that still doesn't explain why the team scramble vote still seemed to work the last time I was on.
  19. My first thought is that Bahamut didn't put the ScrambleTeams plugin back in the main plugins folder after removing gScramble.
  20. This is only vaguely associated to the topic at hand, but I noticed that sometime after the change to VBulletin I gained a custom title, listed after my name. Like the artist profile complaint, there does not seem to be any way for me to remove this title.
  21. Aw, I'm not in the video. Granted, I'm quite busy these days, especially on week days.
  22. Hey, wasn't Dr. Tiddlywink banned a while back for his non-stop complaining? Doesn't that set a precedent?
  23. That would explain all the balloons about 22 hours ago, even when party mode was off.
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