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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Most servers you join are teamtalk only. That's where you get the people complaining about how much their teammates suck, just like Darkesword mentioned. When people join OCR and they realize it's alltalk, it gives them a different attitude about playing the game (and for some, it's their first time on an alltalk server). Combine that with the fact that we're talking like friends, and we get a lot of people who stick around, like our pubbies who have joined the site because they wuv our server so much.

    Alltalk is one of the highlights of the OCR server and if people want to get omgserious about the game and strategy, keep it to one night a week/month or join another server.

    I would hope that random pubbies would realize it's an Alltalk server... the server name has Alltalk in it!

  2. TF2 update today. Here's the copy pasta (I've bolded interesting/important changes):

    Obviously the last part about backstabs is the punchline to a joke that hasn't been told yet.

    The only reason that "joke" hasn't been told is because I didn't come here and bitch about it the other day after missing a clear backstab on a medic and ragequitting shortly thereafter.

    I suspect this was in relation to the hitboxes also being messed up. Earlier yesterday, I missed an obvious backstab on a Spy, who then turned around and facestabbed me. My point here being that I was apparently close enough to him that it counted the stab as to his face, so when he turned, he was close enough to me for the stab to count as my back.

  3. It'd be great if Valve released more stuff more often for free. But they can't, and they don't, so why whine about it?

    They can and they have with Team Fortress 2, a game that hasn't ever been as expensive as L4D: TF2 was originally $50 (now $30) in the Orange Box or $20 standalone.

    It'd also be great if someone anonymously deposited a million bucks into my checking account, but that is also not likely to happen. There's no point and no substance to getting upset over either.

    If people would quit feeling like the world owes them everything, there are a lot of problems that would go away. If you don't want to buy the game, then don't. But stop complaining that you're going to have to pay for it if you do want to play it. This is how the world/economy works.

    I could spend so much time drawing parallels to similar situations that would seem much more ridiculous, but if you're so dense that you can't do that yourself, I'm not going to waste my time.

    Right, but as pointed out earlier, Valve has with their other recently released multi-player game.

    In the year and a half since Team Fortress 2's release, Valve has added:

    3 new game modes

    11 new Valve maps

    7 new community maps

    18 new unlockable weapons/items

    235 new achievements

    9 new rare unlockable hats (cosmetic only, but still...)

    Additional air-blast ability to Pyro's Flamethrower

    Upgraded Engineer buildings

    Upgraded Spy's invisibility watch (not counting the two new ones)

    Improved Spy Disguise handling

    Granted, none of this has made it to the Xbox 360 version yet, but Valve says they need to rework some things due to memory constraints and then they'll release it.

    On another note, it turns out the Left 4 Dead logo at E3 is fake. I managed to find a link to the real one. ;)

  4. pretty sure I said it was parts 2 and 3 of hoodoo that were bad

    Part 2 is the one with the center building? There's at least one passage around behind it (I was playing Spy on this section and used it a lot) as well as an upper passage into the building. One the cart takes that point (Part 2 point A?) you can go around that building iirc in addition to the previously mentioned passage to past that building and the tracks through the building.

    I don't remember part 3 that well... as I recall, the cart dips through the water at one point on it, and there's still several side passages into the last open area.

  5. I am pretty sure that the idea of a chokepoint is that there is only one way to a place

    in badwater there are three ways of going to point a - if you're being blocked on the cart path, you go over the hill either left or right

    in hoodoo, if you're being blocked you just... watch your teammates run into sentries and snipers over and over whilst the heavy medic charges an uber

    one of these is good design, the other is not

    Hoodoo part 1 between points A and B has at least two routes... 3 if you're a Scout, Demo, Engy (using a dispenser) or Soldier.

    Even to the first point, there's an area the goes under part of the building around behind it. Pretty sure it's hoodoo I'm thinking of.

  6. anybody who does not know why hoodoo is bad has not played past the first stage of it

    either that or nobody played engineer or sniper on red during stage 2 or 3

    basically it's bad because unlike the good payload maps (like badwater) where they were designed to utilize as little chokepoints as possible, hoodoo is comprised almost entirely of chokepoints and sniper nests

    which is not a good thing

    You mean the badwater that has one long chokepoint before point A and another between points B and C?

    Surely you couldn't be talking about THAT badwater?

  7. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/06/01/left-4-dead-2-nov-17-on-xbox-360-pc/

    Damn, that was quick! Only a year between games? I'm guessing this will be more of a major up-grade than a full out sequel.

    No, that's less than a year (November 18, 2008 to November 17, 2009).

    I never was a big fan of L4D, but now I feel betrayed for buying it and having them pull the rug out from under us by charging us for future updates.

    Left 4 Dead 2? On my computer? It's less likely than you think.

    For that matter, I removed Left 4 Dead from my computer, as whatever inclination I had to play it just evaporated.

  8. I'm having problems with reserved slots...and I'm not quite sure why. Tomorrow morning I'm going to work on fixing it.

    Having glanced at the sourcemod error log, there's an error on line 1059.

    The problem was that two accounts had the auth type set to "Steam" but sourcemod only recognizes "steam" (in lowercase). I've since fixed the entries for SpectreShot and ouij007 so that they're lowercase.

  9. Full list:

    lol, I edited my post *right* before you posted that.

    Also, the Milestones have lower requirements than before. They're at 5/11/17 instead of 10/16/22 like the old updates.

    Now I can stop bitching. With 22 Spy achievements, I'd even have the unlocks in the old system. :D (Note: I haven't been trying to earn achievements; 22 is just from normal play as Spy. Incidentally, I only have 2 Sniper achievements.)

  10. New Update:

    Added Sniper/Spy milestone achievements as an additional way players can get the new unlockables

    and some other crap we probably don't care about:

    Arena Mode

    Added tf_arena_use_queue server convar. Turn this on to get the old queue behavior. Default is off

    Added tf_arena_round_time to set a timelimit on the round

    Added the userid of the player who built the teleporter to the "player_teleported" event

    Fixed player killed event causing server crash

    Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled

    Fixed attackers seeing the mini-crit particle effect for full crits if the victim has the Jarate effect enabled

    Fixed the Ambassador not doing damage to buildings

    Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects

    Fixed players killed by flaming arrows not showing the appropriate death icon

  11. Agreed. I've been playing at least three times as much lately praying to get something I don't have from the unlock system. So far I've gotten the huntsman, jarate, and dead ringer once each. Meanwhile, I've gotten five Pyro items and two heavy items, all of which I had already. Technically I also got the Uber-Saw, but I did that through achievements. I wouldn't mind the system if they had already implemented the ability to influence which items you get and/or item trading, but instead they released a half finished system that does nothing but get in the way of me enjoying the new weapons.


    I got the Scout Bonk drink on Sat or Sun by getting a 22nd Scout achievment... and have gotten two more since then. Yet I can't seem to get the Cloak and Dagger, Ambassador, or Huntsman at all.

    Anyway, I probably won't be around to play tonight... going to go see a movie with some friends.

  12. Hmm... I've been experimenting with Psychostats a bit... the latest stable version, 3.1, is a bit flaky.

    For whatever reason, I can't get it to do certain award types, and it insists on doing weekly awards even though I disabled them.

    Weapon awards aren't showing up at all, even though I have them enabled.

    It also refuses to run the daily awards for the 25th, despite it being the 26th today.

  13. I don't think 3 is reasonable because out of a max possible 12 people on a team, 3 of each would mean you could have a possible 6 snipers & spies on each team - half a team's worth at best. That is absolute garbage.

    When I get back from church I'll restart the server to start up the plugin.

    Since we're installing plugins to take care of things that annoy us, can we install a plugin to limit the number of spectators?

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