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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. [blade] Also, what're the names of all the plug-ins you use? Some of them are pretty good. Links would be greatly appreciated

    Sourcemod Addons:

    Pregame Mayhem

    Quake Sounds (although there's a new version that came out a few weeks ago)


    Deadchat (I don't think it's this one, though)

    Player All Talk/Team Talk

    Official HLstatsX Ingame Plugin

    TF2 Vote Scramble

    Sourcemod (Admin-specific) Addons:

    Spray Tracer

  2. So, thanks to Atma's suggestion & link, I installed a plugin for alltalk & teamtalk via button toggle.

    You must bind a button for alltalk, such like this:

    [COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#0000BB]alias [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]+[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]alltalk [/COLOR][COLOR=#DD0000]"voiceall; +voicerecord"
    [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]alias [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]-[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]alltalk [/COLOR][COLOR=#DD0000]"-voicerecord; voiceall"
    [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]bind h [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]+[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]alltalk [/COLOR][/COLOR]

    You can replace h with any button, such as F (which probably would be more accessible).

    *smack* I linked to that plugin in this thread weeks ago. Something like "maybe we should install this mod on the server"

    Also, 2 cart payload maps.

  3. I'm up for teamchat only days. I remember when alltalk had to be voted on, on every map change. Wow, that was quite a while ago.

    I remember the complaining that arose from that, which is why it got turned back on by default.

    In other news, I find that I haven't been enjoying playing TF2 lately. To the point where I rage quit twice on Saturday and once on Sunday.

    It's time for me to take a break from TF2. Sorry, guys.

    There's a certain irony in this, considering that I got something like 8 new people to get the Orange Box while it was on sale.

  4. Weird, the forums stopped emailing me telling me there were new posts again. I was wondering why there hadn't been new posts in like two days...


    I forgot how much OCR sucks.

    For some reason, I'm reading that as "please remove my reserve slot." Maybe I'm mistaken, though...

    So, hate to derail this lovely conversation, but I felt the need to share this gem:


    The map has been on the server for some time now (check the /nominate menu).

    As for challenges, no thanks, I'll pass. You could always talk to the [lions] folks, as some of them were talking about matches like that earlier.

  5. People don't like Arena_Greek?

    I personally don't. And given what happened on the server the last time I was on when it came up, I'm going to say that other people don't either.

    For reference, it went from 20 people at the end of granary to 8 people at the start of arena_greek (that's the count skipping round 1, as round 1 on arena is usually really small), slowly dropping until only 4 of us were left by the time the next map change happened.

  6. Oh snap, gonna have to keep a record of what my top defenses are from now on.


    ..um...I finished first on my team as Sniper once. No, twice!

    (Also, finals are done. Should be back home by tonight, so I'll likely be on for a looooooooong time tonight.)

    I have TF2 set to take a snapshot of the scoreboard at the end of the map. I forget where that setting it is, though... Advanced options somewhere probably.

  7. So I suspect the mapcycle is a bit messed up because of the sv_pure 0. I'm setting it back to 1, as the default whitelist is different from sv_pure 0.

    ...wait, you changed sv_pure to 0 at some point? As in "allow mathacks" 0?

    sv_pure has 3 settings in tf2:

    0: Allow the clients to use any files they wish.

    1: Use a whitelist to determine which files to trust from the client.

    2: Only allow files that match files on the server. Also disables sprays.

  8. yeah that's just dumb

    the thing here is that I was talking about steel, where the setup doors basically are the spawn doors

    Last time I checked, the motd specifically says opaque spawn doors.

    Which the setup gates on Steel aren't, not even the opaque one, because once it opens, it stays open for the rest of the round.

    The idea is that, if you can be killed by exiting your spawn, with no forewarning what-so-ever, and no recourse (other than ubers), it's not really fair.

  9. So, anyway, I just had a group of one regular and two semi-regulars complain to me about the number of new maps that are showing up for custom map night:

    9:50 PM - Depo 007: My biggest gripe is that more maps keep getting put on the server.

    9:50 PM - [OCR]Powerlord: Yup

    9:50 PM - Depo 007: So despite having the complete custom map set I still have to wait to download

    (Disclaimer: I initiated this conversation when I noticed they weren't on OCR's server)

    Depo 007 being Secret Agent Man who posts in this thread sometimes.

    I can kinda see where he's coming from... the 18th we had 17 new maps, and there've been another 4 new maps since then.

    ...and I'd have no idea that there were new maps if the map mirror list wasn't now sortable by date when you click on the appropriate header.

  10. Haha, Chadly, jeah, I think that was me. Wasn't pissed, just thought it was a pretty crazy chain of events. I think that was the third or so time I had gone up there. Before that, I had run into a recently teleported in pyro who caught me on fire so I figured I was dead, but you guys let me stand up there for quite a bit of time before I died.

    And yes, Rambo spy checking a pyro fresh outta spawn is hilarious. So good.

    It's almost as hilarious as spy checking someone carrying Intel!

    Baha: More people would attend if you'd, you know, schedule an event for custom map night.

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