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Everything posted by Neonlare

  1. Your both frigging wrong, look at Knightmare 2. They aren't "Castleroids" or "Metroidvanias," They're "Galiouses!" Or even further, "Dragon Slayer Two-sies."
  2. Guess who lives in Europe >: (.
  3. Back from Crete, it sucked. But these updates don't . Diddy Kong, K.K. Slider, and more on the SubSpace. Shame this is coming to Europe on the 1st quarter of 2008 . Better be real early quarter at that too :S. Anyhow, Anyone here get the feeling that maybe Totakeke might become a playable? The phrase "Heroes always arrive late" sounds like it could be hinting to something... NFP .
  4. Welp, I'm off to Crete for two weeks so I'll be missing these updates , what I'm gonna miss most though is being able to read you guys make silly posts about even sillier conspiracy theories . Ciao all! - Neonlare - Random Internet Guy (RIG). PS. Yes I stole your flame Jack Kieser, and it was hot.
  5. If that is true then I, Neonlare, will knock you all down! (Once I get Wi-Fi working in my house :/) Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the Space Emissary thing, hopefully it won't play out like a really bad Fan-Fic :S. [EDIT] Don't understand why there's a Super Smash Brothers Melee screenshot of Termina in the IGN page though :/. (15)
  6. Wasn't the Franklin Badge from the SNES Earthbound or something? I'm sure you got it after you defeated the weird blue paint cult leader .
  7. That is such an awesome game with awesome music, words can hardly describe it. Oh right, odd. It's an odd game, but it's really really fun, The Battle with the Gate Keeper needs to be remixed, it's so hard core...
  8. Wait is there something I wasn't aware of before? Time Dragon time! http://falkor.ytmnd.com/ *returns* Yes, it's confirmed, as is Little Mac. O wait...
  9. Screw that, I'd like a Tetris-themed level.
  10. Mmm, found this on the GameTrailers forums, looks interesting... It makes sense, because I remember that character having a similar ability in Sunshine, then again, it could just be Meta-Knight with Cloak Shield .
  11. Suddenly, it's Wright!
  12. Die, Monster! (Sorry, couldn't resist)
  13. Thanks for the comments, anyhow I plan on adding more instruments, etc to the track, although I don't know myself what direction I'm heading in <_>.
  14. Howdy there, after lurking for heavens knows how long, I heard about FL Studios 7, so as such I installed it and tried it out, after a while of getting used to it again, I decided to give Remixing a go, and what better theme than the Tantalus Theme from FF9 . It's a really early WIP though, only one Instrument Track and the melody isn't finished yet, but I thought I should post it here to get some feedback on what I have right now, anyhow, here are the links to the source material and the WIP. WIP http://www.savefile.com/files/823264 Midi http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/tantalus_V1_0_1.mid
  15. "June is Star Control month" Come on, you know you want to .
  16. Returning just to post something about the musicians... Some of the Musicians have vague information on the games they've composed for, whereas others have a much more defined amount. For example, ROMANCING SAGA Series, whereas others include names such as Golden Sun and Actraiser. My hypothesis is that the names that are thrown in deliberately (if they have a game after or before) may be hinting to characters, example would be Actraiser (there was a 2nd game) and Mother 3 (why not say part of the Mother series? Unless this guy only did Mother 3 music). Another strange thing is the way they've CAPPED CHRONO TRIGGER/XENOGEARS, because thoose games aren't usually said with CAPITAL LETTERS. They might be gesting at something...
  17. Damn it, after nearly a year of lurking, I'm forced to come back into activity. You can't get toxicated by your urine because it's sterile, and surely she'd wash her hands none-the-less, sounds like a hoax to me. [EDIT] Wait, ignore that, I read it wrong. Silly woman. (Goes back into hiding)
  18. I wonder, With Snake in it, I wonder if the guys that made Disgaea would want their characters in it. Laharl would be awesome. Heck all of the main characters would be awesome .
  19. Not like it's that bad. Well, the way this is going, all in all, Super Smash Bros. sells like hot cakes. It revived Fire Emblem, and boosted the reputation of other games... So it wouldn't be a suprise to see Square Enix characters, just to say "hey, look at us, we kick as much arse as these guys!" All advertisement, but it leads to awesome results. The Snake bit, must be a bit of a joke, I heard the producer of that series was a little ecentric, now I view him as godly XD it's good to see him.
  20. Wow, they were? But it seems like a big franchise for Sony, ah well, serves them right for stealing the motion sensor design of the Wii.
  21. Sony are either; Pissed. Joining up with Nintendo. Because I remember Snake being a very famous Mascot for the Playstation, that sceen was frigging hillarious, totaly mad, shame I've not a MGS game only demos... Meta-Knight All the way, but I want the Secret of Mana, Evermore, etc in there .
  22. I never heard Giacamo's voice acting. It infuriated me by the time I got to Gibari. So I turned it off. Giacamo has a very bad-ass english accent, Gibari's ok some times, but Mizuti I like most. It has the best voice in the game, with a strange echo to it that was done on purpose. Still, Giacamo was awesome, only thing that dragged him down for me was the funky outfit he wore...
  23. Not the hardest boss in history but, Malpercio from Baiten Kaitos, his final form, was the hardest boss (statisticly) in the game, making him the best formula for the Main bad guy. And Damn, he handed back my spleen after 5 attempts at him, I finally defeated him, he changes his element and does hidiously high damage with his special. But no, he weren't the hardest, not by a long shot. Giacamo and his cronies, on the Battle Ship, without a healing spot, but a save station, when your half hp and under leveled. After 10 attempts (no sh*t) I was tempted to sell the game, but it was only because of Giacamo's voice acting (along with Mizuti and, sometimes Gibari) I would never of had the option of it on.
  24. No, don't flame me, these are lyric's I've written, here they are. *cough* Well, intro first atleast. I've played a few Roms, and alot of games that never reached USA or England (Europe) had very decent music on them, and, fishing through some SPCs, I've written 3 "songs" if anyone's Interested... Here they are (SPCs posted with the lyrics) (Silver Shining Angel Silver star sky, Morning light, The cradel that holds our hopes and fears, hopes and fears. Crimson sunset, Glint of light, The heavens call unto us, faith of life, the goal is in sight. "Chorus" How many times, I've looked up, Onto the worlds so far above, Silver Shining Angel, Where have you gone? Silver Shining Angel, Is there any reason to carry on? How many times have I been told to never, dream my whole life away, Silver Shining Angel, Where have you gone? Silver Shining Angel, The reason still has yet to be found, and I don't know what to do. Silver star sky, Morning light, The cradel that holds our hopes and fears, hopes and fears. Crimson sunset, Glint of light, The heavens call unto us, faith of life, the goal is in sight. Maybe there’s a reason within logic, Maybe when there is still light, Maybe the wrongs can be righted, Maybe across space and time. Ooh, “Chorus” Silver Shining Angel, Don’t know where you’ve gone Silver Shining Angel, Gonna find a way back, Through the eye of the storm. http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/cyberkt1.rar SPC File (cyberknight_title) Cyber Knight 1 & 2, are, well, awsome games, you seriously need to play them to understand the in depth, well thought out plots and the awsome battles. Barambat’s Theme (Heart and Soul) Many times I ponder, Whether what I do is right. Many times I wonder, Is the end really in sight? Ho’! Prepare your guard, Don’t give up now, There’s still something to fight for, Whether it’s for my Heart and Soul. Stand forth! Charge! Maybe I should put away my arms, And cower away Maybe I should just give up now without the fight. Turn to flee. But no! That’s not me, I’ll fight to the end, Nothing can stop us now. The End is nearly in sight, Must use my Heart and Soul. Battle 1 (Onward!) Onward! Into the thick of it, Can’t keep my mind clear, Can’t keep my head on tight, Gotta Keep moving, It’s do or die in this fight. Can’t give up now, No way in hell’s plight! Must all this bloodshed continue? Must all this violence carry on? I can’t stop it now, But I know I’m right, Gotta keep moving, Onward! Through the Night. Gotta keep moving on. http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/monstan.rar I loved Monstania, it was, such a breath of fresh air,but a little too restricted with the flow of the game.(Episodic a la Disgaea, but with no replaying of chapters) Music kicked ass in it though EDIT OH SNAP! Wrong forums
  25. Guild Wars was a waste of 30 pounds and five months. I want to play a MMORPG where you don't have to level to be a better player, I want a Secret Of Mana esque game (that lower level'd players who have skill can defeat higher players)
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