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Everything posted by zykO

  1. that's just it; he doesn't lol ok on a serious note, his utter and complete control of his art makes even the most mind-bending stuff he does seem effortless to him. like this brilliant album here: Shnabubula - Free Play also, we shouldn't be making too much about what's behind his decisions to "delete himself" as he most certainly has his reasons. as the audience, all we can do is appreciate what he has created and shared with us because i'll be damned if it's not some of the most eye-opening, jaw-dropping music i have ever heard
  2. EDIT: FULL ALBUM AVAILABLE FOR FREE http://zyko.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-rebel-bite !! Live/unplugged recording of the 31 May 2014 show at Rebel Bite Despite all manners of technical difficulties, that night's performance was still every bit the representative recording I was hoping to get for this live album. The performance also offers an early peak at what you can expect, stylistically, from Sad Man on a Rock (as well as a previously unreleased track written years ago that is being re-fashioned for the new album!). I am excited to share this intimate late Spring evening with you so stay tuned! "Single" http://youtu.be/xbaahQjDhik
  3. i thought the interesting thing about the criticism above is that what made the break awkward for me is that the whole second part of the tune didn't jive with me the way the first part did, making all that more jarring. i think the break, on its own and as its own compositional device, works and works well if only it sequed into something that was, at least in my opinion, as engaging and entertaining as the first part of the tune. now the second part stands better on its own, to be fair as i walked away from this tune, came back a while later and played only the second part and found it a different experience. all in all, this is actually pretty nice and right on with that!
  4. i feel your pain about a year ago, during a bulking phase where i was doing a high weight/low rep regimen, i tried to force myself to do my chest routine on a really, really low energy day (just one of those days where even my pre-workout stim didn't do shit for me). i somehow finished up a decent workout and was wrapping up my day when, as i was walking away ready to grab my shit and go home, i walked past the bench again and noticed that the previous person to use it had left the plates on... a mere 30 pounds above my max at the time i was tempted. then i hesitated. then i committed, jumped under and went to power through one final to-failure set and my body was like FUCK YOU DUDE, WE'RE READY FOR BATH and the damn bar and weights slipped through my hands barreling towards my head. i luckily have catlike reflexes (kinda... more like a stoned cat, really) and was able to slip out of the way fast enough to where the bar merely glanced off my skull rather than oberyn martell me. the gym was particularly busy that day and gauging by everyone's reactions (a mix of WTF DUDE ARE YOU OK and DO YOU EVEN LIFTETH, BREH), i had made a total ass of myself. not to mention the headsplitting headache i would endure for another TWO WEEKS (a most definite concussion). one of my more embarrassing moments, for sure lol i almost considered never going to that club again haha
  5. ok, so remember that live show last spring? well i'm about to release the show from that very night as a live/unplugged album! read about it here: http://www.zykomazika.com/blog/?p=157 look for the first single on March 2nd, 2015 and the album to follow a week later on March 9th! DIG IT
  6. i mean i have a link: http://www.twitch.tv/zykomonkey but there isn't shit set up yet and no timetable on when it'll go live. i still have a lot of work to do
  7. i'm planning a "live" twitch "tour"/"concert" series full of weird shit.
  8. indeed! the downtime offered a nice reprieve from my stubbornness to keep training and playing ball on a hobbled leg (which is why the calf lingered so long to begin with... though to be fair, that was just a really awkward injury to begin with... an adductor pull turned lower hamstring turned calf tear lol also courtesy of being a stupid, stubborn sonofabitch). training goals, for the timebeing, are back to the mass gains schedule i was on prior to the injury (though i've gained about 10 lbs during the hiatus in the form of non-mass lol). i'm back on two-a-days because, counterproductively, i have to get some cardio in to build back up my lost stamina in light of my next football season starting in a couple weeks. normally, i don't do much cardio during my heavy gains cycle but i'm likely to pull another groin/calf/insertbodyparthere out there if i don't =============================== @MockingQuantum as for weight loss. all of zircon's suggestions are on point, there is very little for me to add... except that perhaps the most important suggestion he made is that of your mindset. i cannot stress enough how much your brain influences your ability to either lose weight or gain mass. it isn't just lip service to the old adage of "mind over matter" either... about four years ago, i had grown to about 215 which is well above my preferred target weight for both my frame and sports interests/hobbies. but it wasn't a diet or a weight loss exercise program that helped me lose 40 pounds that summer. instead, it was a commitment to being an entirely more active, less sedentary person ALTOGETHER... spending my lunch breaks taking a stroll around the business park while snacking on a granola bar and listening to awesome music (that i procured here, no less hehe), taking stairs instead of elevators when given the choice, walking to local grocery or convenience stores even if they were not necessarily "right around the corner." i simply set out to live a different life, one where i spent less time worrying about wasted time and what i fondly call "MMO optimization anxiety" of trying to optimize "cooldowns" on activities in order to "boost" productivity and maximize life... and instead taking my time... so take your time, doing things the long way, slowly, take every opportunity you can to do something that can increase your heart rate and you will get to where you want to go. (and also get lots of sleep and eat the stuff zircon suggested, have a consistent workout routine that includes weightlifting and not just cardio because it actually burns a lot more calories and fat than you'd think and you will be well on your way ) best of luck! [ps sorry about the long rant lol]
  9. just got back in the gym this week after a serious calf tear kept me sidelined for nearly half a year. i was (pleasantly) shocked that i was able to comfortably hit my previous marks and even level up on certain exercises this week is the warm up. next week, we start two-a-days. #theheartisalwaysthestrongestmuscle
  10. offtopic but i just realized i've never had a song removed from the site (despite the fact i'd have removed half of em lol) interesting...
  11. i am! your handle also seems vaguely familiar to me, actually
  12. this here is real talk you've got some sick flow, my dude. welcome to the community. let's get some more people in this thread and put something nasty together. i've got ideas, let's talk
  13. by the way, your poem fucking rules. good shit.
  14. pffffttttt that Strader; he's got jokes, man at any rate, welcome back Cerulean. Enjoy navigating this now fully tentacled, sentient monstrosity that is now OCREMIX. be DEVOURED by all its PLEASURES and WONDERS and STUFF like SONGS... but AWESOMER
  15. most annoying part is that it'll probably still kick ass like you were choppin off the tip of chuck norris' foreskin
  16. strader, you're nuts. your prolificness is ridiculousness. anyway, nice track
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