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Posts posted by AMT

  1. Wow, this is a fantastic song, I love the style and arrangement. It works very well. My only complaint is that the low end seems a little muddy. The double bass takes up a lot of that space, but I wouldn't take away from that, I'd just take a tiny bit of low end off of some of the other instruments that come near it. Maybe the low end is too compressed? I'm not entirely sure how to fix it, and it's really just a nitpick, it's hardly a major flaw. This is wonderful to listen to. Good job!

  2. FINAL:

    Just thought I'd update one more time with my final version:


    Polished up a lot here and there. Just submitted it today, wish me luck! Thanks everyone for the comments! Hopefully it's a song people can enjoy. Feel free to still leave feedback, I'd love to hear it!



    I put a ton of focus on mixing everything very carefully and making each element stand out. I also adjusted the dynamics of the song a bit. Thanks for listening and tell me what you think!


    Re-recorded the whole thing, much better playing and guitar tones this time. Please listen and leave feedback!


    Updated a bunch, check it out!


    I did a mix of this a long time ago, but I figured I'd give it another go from scratch. I like how it's coming along, and would love to get some constructive criticism. Thoughts?

  3. So I'm looking to sell my bass, it's a late 90's 4 string Jackson. It has a 24 fret neck and Duncan Designed active pickups. I've used this for the past semester as my performance bass and it worked great. I'm not sure how much to ask for it, so if anyone is interested, just make me an offer (Don't worry if you think it's too low, offer anyways) and we'll see. I'm in New Mexico, to give you an idea for shipping. Here are a few pictures:



    I don't have a picture of the headstock offhand, but as soon as I can take a picture of it I will. Anyone interested?

    (Sorry if this is the wrong board, I didn't know where to post this. Feel free to move it if need be)

  4. NICE!

    Man I can't wait. I remember following this back in the old days. You should set up some kind of little development blog or something like the Metroid games have.

    I might be down to make some music for this, depending on how it's coming (and if you actually need someone else for a few tracks).

    Yeah, music help could be awesome. We can talk about it once I get a thread going, but I'd like to involve some OCRers with the soundtrack.

  5. Anyone remember Isolation?

    I think Prophecy made the music for it, can't remember who else was involved... It wasn't a full remake, but was a similar platform meant to be used for something else, I think.

    Ha, wow, people remember it! Funny this came up now, because I've actually been working on it again in the past few weeks. It's coming along excellently; I'm using Game Maker this time around instead of C, and I've already gotten further into the project than the final build of the old version. It's just a standalone game that plays like the 2D Metroids, it's not a remake or anything. Prophecy isn't helping anymore, but I've had a lot more practice in both programming and composition, so we'll see how that goes. I'll make a thread about it here when I get to the point where I actually want to show other people. Without getting too far into it, I've already got flamethrower and gravity grenades done, along with a functioning ecosystem (creatures get hungry, sleep, etc) and day / night cycles.

  6. I didn't start playing any sort of instrument at all until my senior year of High School, and I don't really feel like that hindered me at all. Just pick an instrument and start learning, as long as you can give it some practice time in regular intervals you'll be fine.

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