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Posts posted by AMT

  1. I have a pair of BX5as, a FastTrack Pro, an ART Tube Preamp, and AT2020 and an SM57. Just today I added the two Marantz speakers in the corners and an Onkyo receiver to check mixes on / etc. I use REAPER for all my recording and mixing.




    These were put away in the photos above, but I've got a little Frontman 25R for guitar and a Rumble 100 for bass. Both work wonderfully for live and recording.


  2. The MIDI editor has been updated a bunch. Lots of little glitches it used to have are gone, and now you can see the chunk of midi you're editing in relation to the whole song instead of as a single part. Also it displays how it loops much nicer. I haven't played around with automation too much, but it's been heavily upgraded as well and seems to be much easier to use / record.

  3. I didn't even hear vocals, I'm not sure what you're talking about there. Also, I couldn't even tell the fake guitar was there until it played solo at the very end. This definitely does not have the feel of a rock remix to it, it already feels like an electronica mix. The drums shouldn't be wet at all; don't give them any reverb for a mix like this or they won't have the punch they need. Reverb on drums can work well when you're using a lot of live instruments, but for something like this, I wouldn't reccomend it, as it'll just make it mushy. If you want to make it more like a rock mix, use a bass guitar instead of a bass synth and use drums samples that sound real for the whole kit, not just the kick. Look for ns_kit7free or the mdk soundfonts for some awesome free drums. That fake guitar is really painful, so if you want to keep it rock I'd try and find a way to get real guitar or at least find a better soundfont. Also try putting the soundfont through an amp VST (Try something like Voxengo Boogex or Dirthead) to make it sound a bit more real.

  4. Alrighty, let's give this a listen!

    First thing I notice is that the kick drum sounds like a real kick. For a song like this, try getting a more electronic sounding drum kit. It'll mix in better with all of the syths. Also, by the time you have a lot of synth pads and stuff going in the middle to end, the drums are getting drowned out by everything else and aren't driving the song like they should. Take the background pads and solo them one at a time along with each of the other instruments, and cut frequencies in the EQ of the backing pads until you can hear the front instruments better. You'll probably wind up getting rid of a decent amount of the low end from some of them. In fact, most of the synths could probably use a hi-pass filter (It only lets frequencies higher than what you select through, so it cuts off low end). Only let the bass synth and drums take up the lower frequency range, and make sure they don't overlap too much down there. The middle to end part gets a bit repetitive, so you might want to try doing something new in there. Your lead synth could stick out more, I can't tell if it's the fake electric guitar thing through the whole mix. I'd replace it with an edgy synth instead of the guitar, otherwise it'll just sound meh. That's all I can say so far, keep working on it and adding more variety!

  5. v3-headss.jpg

    REAPER 3 has been released out of the blue! There's a new UI, MIDI has been totally revamped, and lots of little things have been polished over. I've only been using it for a few minutes but it's a huge upgrade and I'm really excited to see what it can do. What do you all think of it so far?

  6. Alright, here's the beginning of a WIP on the Forest stage from Tetris Attack. I just started it today so it's short, but feedback can always help. The second part of the song is still way under progress, I really only have the bass recorded for that part, but production advice / etc on the whole thing would be awesome. Thanks for listening!



    Another update! I completely re-did the mixing, it's much much nicer now. I also re-recorded the sloppy parts and generally made it much more pleasent to listen to.


    3 - http://tindeck.com/listen/xznc

    2 - http://tindeck.com/listen/nhan

    1 - http://tindeck.com/listen/ffci

  7. HAVE:

    Yamaha V50 Synthesizer - $150 + Shipping


    -Pokemon Emerald - $18

    -Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga - $11

    -Gunstar Super Heroes - $10

    -Scurge: Hive - $5


    -Donkey Kong Country 1-3 - $15 each

    -Yoshi's Island - $15

    -Stunt Race FX - $10

    -Super Mario All-Stars - $10

    -Megaman X - $10


    -Super Mario 1 (Not with Duck Hunt) - $8

    -Super Mario 3 (Boxed with instructions) - $18

    -Super Mario 2 - $10

    -Final Fantasy (Boxed with instructions) - $12

    -Hogan's Alley (Sealed) - Make me an offer!

    -Kid Icarus - $8

    -Dragon Warrior - $8

    -Legend of Zelda (With Instructions) - $10

    -Zelda 2 - $5


    -Fallout 3 (PC)

    -Unreal Tournament 3 (PC)

    -Cash dollars

  8. Definitely seconding what was said above about it being repetitive. I'd say you could cut the intro down a bit and make the drums come in at the same time as the orchestral hit thing. Other than that, it needs more going on, a new melody, the rest of the theme, another instrument during a lot of parts. I don't think I really hear more than 3 or 4 instruments doing anything at the same time until the very end. The sliced drums near the end are a great start, mix things up like that throughout the song. No real mixing issues that I hear, but since there isn't a lot going on, it's hard to say. Keep at it, this has potential.

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