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Posts posted by AMT

  1. Well, you don't really have anything original yet, it's just a recording of you playing the main riff. Sketch out a whole song, arrange it your way and interpret it differently from the original source and then post what you come up with. I can't really say if it would make a good OCR or not because all you've given us is 11 seconds straight from the original song.

  2. EDIT: Removed links for now, they'll go back up after DoD is over. Thanks guys!

    Alrighty, I updated a bunch of stuff, cleaned up the production, fixed mentioned issues and now it incorporates the Prime credits music too. Check it, yo!

    Rozovian: Yeah, the Ridley source doesn't actually come in until after the second repetition of the Prime menu. The whole first chunk is just the menu music.

  3. I worked on this most of the day today. It's a metal / electronic remix of the Metroid Prime data select menu music and Ridley's Theme in 6/8. Please give it a listen and let me know what you think!

    NEW 1/8/10: stats.png

    Updated a bunch of stuff, cleaner production and now it incorporates the Prime credits music too. Touched up the drums a bit, too. Check it, yo!

  4. If no one has claimed it yet, I'd like to give Tallon Overworld 2 a shot (The one that plays later in the game, with the whistle-y synth in the background).

    EDIT: This one.


    EDIT 2: DERP I READ GOOD. I might give Menu Select and Space Pirate battle a shot as one song, since they both are kind of short sources. If a more talented remixer wants to give it a try, go for it.

  5. Hey all, and old mix I did just made it through the queue and I got some sound advice on how to improve it, so I set to work. Here's the judges decision topic:


    I've made a ton of production changes and cleaned it up a lot overall. What else does it need? Here's the old one for comparison: http://tindeck.com/listen/qfiz

    And the new mix of it:



    3: http://tindeck.com/listen/vywx

    2: http://tindeck.com/listen/dyhl

    1: http://tindeck.com/listen/vemm

    Please listen and leave feedback, thanks!

    EDIT: Updated link, made rhythm guitars mesh with the vocals at the end better. Also smoothed out the intro a little bit so it should be easier to listen to.

    EDIT 2: Redid the mastering. It shouldn't be clipping / overcompressed anymore.

    EDIT 3: Got Addictive Drums, redid the production yet again. Listen!

  6. Off the top of my head I'd probably position the mic in front of a monitor, play back a sample of some sort, then switch what the mic is plugged in to and play the sample again without moving anything else. That's the only way I can think of, really.

    EDIT: Here's a quick test:


    Raw is the sound I played, ART is through the preamp and FastTrack is straight into the audio interface. What do you guys think?

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