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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. My only complaint about it is that it is quite a crawl to grow, while the fee to play is more expensive than I've seen elsewhere. Asks so much time to get into it, while costing a pretty penny for each month of that time. Lots of good things about it though, I love the graphics and the sound, and the one server only business. I didn't try battle as much as I wanted, but I could see myself wanting the option to have more manual controls. I'd enjoy being able to control a little speedy thing flying so close to a big ship that their guns can't aim for it.
    The fee isn't that much. If I recall it was 13.99 or 14.99 a month, like WoW.
  2. I've been in a gaming midlife crisis lately, as I await Christmas (when I will be getting a Wii) - so I started to check out the mods for games I own. I was originally looking for a sci-fi conversion for Warcraft III, which I couldn't find.

    I found this this. It's called Damnation, and it is a single player mod for Unreal Tournament 2004. It's a several level long Western steampunk FPS/3rd Person campaign - and it's damn good. The 3rd person focus, which I thought would suck, is wicked. Slick jumps, platforming, etc combine with the ability to possess enemy troops and blow the fecal matter out of 'em with a steam powered sniper. Add in some giant robots and a scantily clad Indian girl, you've got one hell of a game.

    I also found this video of a Homeworld 2 to EVE Online RTS conversion. It is still in development, and the development doesn't look like it is going anywhere. Even so, it looks wicked. Too bad it is not going to be finished any time soon.

  3. Ok, just for you guys, here's a WIP of my very first FOF song.

    The Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wizards in Winter (remember, to play the song, extract the zip into FOF's data/songs folder.)

    So far, only Supaeasy mode is done (I'm following Guitar Hero rules for difficulty here, so it only uses the first three chords.) Ignore the Medium and Amazing settings, I copied Trogdor when I started this, so those notes haven't been deleted yet. I'd like to have Easy done for the next version.

    Please let me know how I've done so far.

    Pretty fun, even a bit challenging in some parts.
  4. Wait, is it or is it not grindy? Because if it's not, I'm definitively trying out the trial.

    Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it too, is it worth it?

    Yes. It is one of the most in depth and different MMOs out there. Check it out, make sure you do the tutorial though.

    FYI: The tutorial will be long.

  5. Castlevania stuff:
    How do I unlock the bonus stuff? Also, I get the real ending by casting Sanctuary on the vamp twins, right?

    Oh actually, I do have a suggestion!

    Try to use Vampire Killer when killing Dracula?
    I never got to fight him, just the vampire twins. Then Brauner was like, okay you win I'll destroy Drac's castle. And then he did. And that was it.
    Then you got the bad ending I think. Did you cast Sanctuary on the vampire twins?
    No, but I can fight again.

    also that is not a spoiler so i'm not tagging it

  6. Castlevania stuff:
    How do I unlock the bonus stuff? Also, I get the real ending by casting Sanctuary on the vamp twins, right?

    Oh actually, I do have a suggestion!

    Try to use Vampire Killer when killing Dracula?
    I never got to fight him, just the vampire twins. Then Brauner was like, okay you win I'll destroy Drac's castle. And then he did. And that was it.
  7. There are mods that turn off error sounds. Check out fretsonfire.net forums for them.

    Also some of my fave songs to play:

    Dragonforce - Heart of a Dragon

    Witch Hunter Robin - Shell

    F-Zero - Mute City

    Guns 'n' Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine

    Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son

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