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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. The link is broken for me. I downloaded this a long time ago, when it first came out, but there were no songs on it, so I abandoned it. I recently played GHII at my local Wal-Mart (while waiting for the Wii), and I got interested again. Unfortunately, every time I try to download it, it breaks. :cry:
    Maybe tomorrow Smedricks or me will upload it somewhere else.
  2. From chatlog because I'm too lazy to type it again:

    (9:15:59 PM) me: download the guitar hero 1 pack

    (9:16:07 PM) me: activate the 'chilly' mod

    (9:16:15 PM) me: and then get more stuff here:

    (9:16:19 PM) me: http://songsonfire.co.nr/

    (9:16:31 PM) me: also fretsonfire.net has songs in their forums

    edit: some of the GH2 songs are kinda buggy to play, there are issues with the rhythm tracks. some are fine, though.

  3. protest, egg drops are inhumane against unborn chickens. or tell them you're religion forbids it. they'll have to give you an 'a'

    or say screw it and roll the egg in a paper, and chuck it at someone you really dislike. followed by 'damn, i guess my design didn't work'

    I kind of need an A.

    Without any funny business!

  4. Parachutes not allowed. I had thought of a cone as well, but it needs to last through several drops.

    I thought of making one with little paper protrusions all along the outside kind of making it look like a spiked ball.

    Don't think the paper would be strong enough to make it work though.

  5. I need to construct some sort of object around a raw egg to prevent it from breaking.

    Starting at a height of 1m and withstanding several drops until it is finally dropped from the bleachers in the football field.

    The catch is, I can only use 5 sheets of computer paper and a meter of tape. Any ideas?

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