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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. What did you ask for them? Spiritombs are actually rather hot trades right now, so the exchange is usually kind of high.
    Little things. After finding I couldn't get a Mewtwo I went for Octilleries, Likitongues and now I'm waiting for an Aipom.
  2. If you're thinking about using it for a professional webpage, animation or something of that nature, I'd personally recommend that you just buy the program. I have it; it's worth the cost if you're going to use it for more than just a hobby (and for some, it'd be worth it even if it was just a hobby). Unlike some programs that practically become obsolete when a new version comes out, you can typically get away with not upgrading Flash for a few generations, so in the long run it doesn't cost quite as much.
    I dunno. I just feel like animating something. I'm big into movie editing, but I don't have anything to edit.

    I figured if I animated I wouldn't need footage, I could just make everything. I don't exactly have money, though.

  3. Not that I know of. Probably because, if I understand it correctly, anyone who tried to do so could get their arses sued to hell.

    GIMP can get away with it because picture editing is a specific filetype or type of program. Flash, however, is. It's specific to that filetype and that program; no other program can edit it. I believe Adobe has the rights to the Flash filetype, and thus using their program is the only way to go.

    Ahh, I didn't realize that. Damn.
  4. I never said the Darkrai was good. Although it seems to be pretty lucky. I don't think I have ever missed a Hypnosis with it. As for the Celebi, Lugia, and Ho-oh, I got some o' Dems if you want em.
    Or you serious? Put me down for a Lugia.

    How do you get this stuff?

  5. Sure.

    By any chance, did you check out the IVs on your Darkrai? Mine is... well... bad. HP is middle range, Speed was actually pretty high, and everything else was rock-bottom. Zeros across the board.

    Well, it's not like I was planning on using it any way, but still... Ah well, at least I have one. Now to just find someone with a spare Celebi, Lugia, Ho-oh, Arceus, and Shaymin.

    Yeah, like that's going to happen. :roll:

    No. I'll look tomorrow. I don't really look at stats that much...

    Anyway, I was thinking about building an A-Team with the strongest non legendary Pokes.


  6. Yeah my code (use my Pearl code) is in the Database. Just AIM me when you wanna do a trade. I am usally available from 0100-0430 Japan Standard Time (I think that is like 1300-1630 Central time).
    Brush, I've got you added. I also sent you a whole bunch of messages on aim last night. Not sure if I ever will be around when you are though. Maybe send an extra to The Damned and he could hook me up?

    That is if you have any left. My FC is: 2620-9082-6449


    I'm usually around from 7:00-7:40 AM and then 8:00-10:30 PM.

  7. It took me like, five minutes for my computer to shut down yesterday. Anymore stuff takes ages to open, too. If I run any CPU intensive games, my computer barely wants to do anything afterward.

    It's about four years old, and I think I'm due for a backing up and purging, but is there anything I can do to lube up my computer and increase its response time in the meantime? I've tried defragging and running crap cleaner to no avail.

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