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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. I think it is awesome and would totally love to blog on (for?) OCR, especially if recent entries or good entries or something were featured on the front page. However, I definitely could not afford (and would not be willing) to pay for a blog D:

    Besides, it isn't like it would hurt the site if it were added, just would cost a bit. Though I don't like the idea of paying, one positive aspect would be that only people that were seriously interested would do it. However, it would also limit the pool of potential bloggers as well.

    Reader's digest version: I think it is a pretty awesome idea.

  2. Off Topic still allows for nonsense threads, "look what I did today" blog-style threads, generally 'mature' discussion, and so forth. But you can no longer post 10 fad threads in a row, make porn threads, harass other users, make threads with the sole purpose of trolling others, disrespect the site staff, etc. Wow, what a loss.
    In short, no lulz.
  3. A friend of mine and I have an internet radio show at our high school, "The Kevin and Erik Show." Previously it has been fairly stream of consciousness but this year we want to divide it up into segments to make it more cohesive. And instead of recording crappy intros and bumpers on Audacity and sounding like HS students trying to sound professional, we were hoping some of you OCR awesome audio guys that could also handle good voice overs would do stuff. We've no budget, so there isn't much of a way for us to compensate you except plug your name/website etc at the end of the show. We also have no problem with copywritten clips being used in the stuff.

    Here are the bits that we are looking for if you are interested in assisting!

    1. 30 sec intro to the show - Don't have any specific preferences on how this works, perhaps some epic sounding something or other with a roboty sounding thing introducing it as the Kevin and Erik show, mentioning Fridays (it is a Friday show) and something about talk radio. Really don't have any specific ideas for it, here is what we used last year: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L6HJ68YE

    2. 3-5 sec intro to game news segment - I'd like it to have that Samus Aran appearance riff, possibly the 8bit one, and any other cool chiptuney thangs. It would be swell if it also included something like, "Video games with Kevin and Erik"

    3. 3-5 sec intro to traffic and weather segment - This is a sort of joke segment in which we present the weather and traffic based on a sliver of light from the window. It would be cool if it sounded like a real news radio introduction to traffic and weather. "Weather zone with Kevin and Erik" would sound awesome.

    4. 3-5 sec intro to news segment - Clips of big events. Cool noises. Whatever. "News with Kevin and Erik"

    5. 10-20 sec Outtro that reprises the intro and reminds them that they were listening to Kevin and Erik and we're on Fridays. Feel free to include audio buy soandso at the very end of it.

    It isn't a serious show by any means and feel free to noodle around with lots of things. Mostly our goal is to have these sound clips sound more professional than we are able to pull off. Please contact me if necessary, I have boat loads of contact info in my ocr profile here.

    I also understand if no one wants to do that :P If so, just ignore this thread. It's also worth noting that it all has to be "high school" appropriate, heh. Thanks again.

  4. So my L-button on my DS phat just doesn't work at all anymore. I think somehow a grain of sand got stuck in the connection. Any recommendations? (Basically should I send it to Nintendo to get it repaired, and if so, how much does that cost - or do I have other options? I really don't want to get a new DS.)
    Ninty will fix it free.
  5. Alright guys, now that school is starting I want to get a handheld game because I have very little time for console games during school.

    What are some engrossing, console quality handheld games that I could get for 20 and under?

  6. I wouldn't mind if Metroid lost the exploring and backtracking aspect. I will be the first to come out and say it, that shit gets boring. I'd like to see Samus bust out with all guns blazing and kick Halo's ass.

  7. I don't think so...but I haven't played it. I just seem to remember people saying things about how it's impossible to press X/Y and B at the same time.
    Why would you have to do that? I mean, don't all you have to do is hit one button to jump and stuff?
  8. Personally, I'd recommend getting Punch-Out!! over Kid Icarus. Can't go wrong with that game IMO.
    Yeah, that's what a lot of people say. I'm kind of reluctant, I mean I already have Wii boxing... another boxing game?!

    Any other totally awesomely noteworthy NES games? I'm considering Ninja Gaiden. It's just that people go on and on and on about how awesome Kid Icarus is. I've watched videos, doesn't look that mindblowing to me.

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