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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. I don't get it....

    So adventure mode has turned basically into 2-d sidescroller like megaman/strider/viewtiful joe//mario/however the character you chose plays?

    EDIT: Haha, what the fuck was that movie about. That was....lame. "Enforcers" rain down and Zelda *WITH THE GOD DAMN ARMS BEHIND BACK RUNNING. I HATE THAT SHIT. IT LOOKS STUPID AND DOESNT WORK IN REAL LIFE* and Peach randomly coming to their aid?


    DOUBLE EDIT: Lawl at cloud theorizers. The clouds, they mean nothing.

    hahaha you're so annoying
  2. Although Earthworm Jim would be the best character ever (he'd probably manage to be funnier and more awesome than Wario), could you imagine an Earthworm Jim STAGE??? Especially one that involves launching a cow, which later falls on a player? I couldn't.
    Earthworm Jim makes me think of cartoons from my childhood.

    I think that would be a sweet game - CARTOON'S FROM SPLEEN'S CHILDHOOD BATTLE


    Earthwrom Jim!


    Mighty Max!

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand DEADPOOOL!

    I would buy that twice.

  3. Factions and Nightfall both contain very important skills to all classes regardless of whether you play the additional classes or not. If I had to pick one or the other, I would go with Nightfall for the hero system and Wurms. You know I'm so right.

    ten friggin characters

  4. ...

    Eve cards... seriously?

    It's actually a really fun CCG. Plays like a combo of Risk and Pokemon. I bought quite a bit, but there weren't many people in my area that played. On the EVE CCG website they list stores that sell it, and you can also order it from the EVE Store.
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