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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. So, I kind of want to get a new computer going. My current is about four years old and just doesn't cut it anymore and it is set up that upgrading it is kind of a pain. So, if I were to go to newegg and buy all new stuff, what would I get? I have no experience with PC scratch building. I'm looking to spend about 600-900, if possible. I have XP stuff from my last PC, so I don't need an OS.

    I'm also going to be getting a job to pay for this, so it better be worth it :P My goal is to be able to play TF2 on max.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. Yes.

    You just use the platform over to the right.

    Or if you're coming back, a mildly interesting thing happens and you'll know what to do.

    seriously nothing is happening

    i got the ship grapple thing i think

    and i go out there and theres some gears and stuff and theres those evil bat things

    and nothing

    and i can't make the screw attack jump across

  3. Try tinyurl.com, or I could set you up with a subdomain on mine (i.e. supremespleen.ngst.nu)

    There's also http://www.freedomain.co.nr/, which only requires you to add a tiny little ad on top of your page.

    Tinyurl is no good. I'd like it it to last the rest of the school year. Also, my desired part of the domain is 'kevinanderik'. I would totally be down with kevinanderik.ngst.nu

    What the hell is .nu anyway?

  4. Noone mentioned 300 because it was a really really really bad remake.The fighting scenes sucked and wolves and rhinos don't look like giant monsters from some other planet.The people who did the remake did a horrible job.Watch the original.It actually stays with the facts.It's called 300 Spartans.
    I don't think you get it.
  5. Back to the Future movies have been great so far. I can't believe I've gone so long without seeing them. Watching part 3 tomorrow. Also watched Die Hard today. Talk about amazing. Lulz at Carl Winslow and Snape being major characters.

    As a sidenote, I rented Pan's Labyrinth, and it definitely was nowhere near as good as everyone made it out to be.

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