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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. Those 2 videos weren't that impressive to me. I like metroid, i beat prime and own 2, but I'm just not sure i want to get corruption. What's so new and exciting about this one besides the control scheme and the dark samus thing?
    I like the fact that they've added Samus interacting with other characters. Should make the game a bit less lonely.
  2. The Metroid channel is cool, and that first trailer gave me chills with the get behind the helmet one last time bit.

    I wish there was more to it that channel, though. Would it kill them to just release a demo or something?

  3. My DS gets a better connection than my Wii...and from farther away, too. I swear, the Wii refuses to even connect unless it has a clear path to all that wireless internetty stuff. The DS works fine all the way up in my room.
    You have to clear the air to make room for the wifis.
  4. Allow me to quote myself, cause you seem to think I don't like the idea of using puppety type things?
    No, I was just saying. There's a huge group of people that say CGI is a fad, puppets ftw, etc.

    I like both, but puppets and miniatures do have a nice tangible quality to them. CGI is getting pretty damn good though, so it will soon be a pointless argument.

  5. Oh yeah I've seen those, but they were also very very HOT and uncomfortable and *heavy*. They used similar stuff with the giant guys in Fragle Rock too.

    It would be kind of cool if they did something like that and completely ignored CGI.

    There is a large group of people that prefer costumes and puppets over CGI.
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