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Everything posted by SirRus

  1. awesome work guys! This is super ultra catchy and some real sweet live instrumentation and programming of sampled instruments... hi quality stuff. Anyone and everyone who has been in my room while this song was playing on my computer has commented on how they really liked this song. GT you just keep getting better and better buddy! Keep it up!
  2. This one really opened me up to Shna's style. I have listened to his stuff before and could definitely tell he had major talent, but had to let the songs grow on me with subsequent listens. This song is my favorite of his. Great work!
  3. as did the pride of africa.
  4. Yeah, that's what all the ladies are thinking too.
  5. Hey zircon, I'd like to join if possible. If not, I will be eagerly awaiting the release of this project from the sidelines.
  6. I Absolutely love this. When I saw these two big names doing a remix of At the Bottom of the Night I instantly knew I was in for a treat. Thank you two so much and KEEP COLLABING. It's amazing what you two can do together. Thanks again for this wonderful mix of my favorite CT song.
  7. that pitchbending trick on the cello at the end is pretty slick sir
  8. Yeah uhh "The New Beginning" is freaking sweet. Kudos man.
  9. I believe at first we were being limited to using the same free soundfonts like squidfont, cadenzza, etc. Then we all realized that only Bliz and Unknown can make free orchestral soundfonts sound like the shit. So we got to use whatever OMG$$$ samples we wanted. I am still confused about Unknowns use of guitar in his track, I think that might have been overboard or something.
  10. yeah i heard guitar in unknowns track wtf.. it is definitely one my faves though
  11. I have listened to nearly the whole album in random order and am now going through "chronologically" so to speak. A lot of these have rocked! I'll give my full impressions of some of my favorites later, but for now I have to say to seph, it's a good thing we threw in those church bells into our collab - it flowed real smooth into Darkeswords "Blue Skies" mix, I think it might even be the very same bell sample! Hah, great work everyone, I am very very impressed with all the talent that went into this project, from music composition to production to organization and presentation. We rock.
  12. A great choice to open Chrono Symphonic. They grow up so fast!
  13. hmmm youre right... the drums and whatnot don't capture the theme all that well, I'll look into it and change it up some. I should make it sound more like my Lufia II song I have on the WIP forum right now. Edit - updizzled same link, new drums, thats all for now
  14. da rules? like make good music? or the part about nostalgia/ambient/orchestral/rock/melancholy/fusion... I read the first post and related links I don't know if this WIP fits da rules, please clarify by yaying or naying the progress/approach of this GLORIFIED HEN HOUSE REMIX: http://students.ou.edu/S/Ravi.U.Sharma-1/SirRusHENHOUSEWIP.mp3
  15. could you all use any more mixers for the extended tracklisting or IS YOU FULL
  16. Very nice and nice timing... Thanks for sharing man.
  17. so i was watching rainman and i was like where have i heard the rainman theme song before... and i was like OYEAH it sounds like the intro to this song. yeah am i just making that up? but definitely eprops on using a recorder. dats da shit.
  18. yeah dude killer accent.
  19. i had a dream last night that i was downloading Chrono Symphonic. it was a wet dream. (im serious about sentence 1 and facetious about sentence 2 although I wouldn't have been surprised).
  20. Hey! Congratulations to both of you for getting this on OCR. Very memorable and a wonderful first for both of ya. GT you my boi. Bring us some more of this soulful sweetness you two.
  21. The probability would have been 1/13 = 7.7% if you consider 13 days left starting tomorrow... but there are 14 days left in November starting tomorrow so the chance is actually 1/14 = 7.1%
  22. Songs can impress me lyrically but for the most part I enjoy songs just as Harmony has described it. If anyone has heard of a band Sigor Ros they just sing a bunch of jiberish in a made up language and it is some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard, and their concept is based on Harmony's idea that the beauty is found more in the sound and how it makes you feel and visualize etc. In "Dragon Song" for example my favorite part is mostly the nonlyrical singing starting at 2:30 with the "uhhhhs" and "oooohs" and textures therein. It was at this part in the song that I definitievly acknowledged Harmony's sweet chocolate voice as orgasmic.
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