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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Thanks. You bet I remember! Do you remember that one remix you did of one of my midis? The original was sort of orchestral, but you made it into a sort of light rock + strings sort of piece. I always loved that remix and wondered what happened to you.

    Hahaha I still have it and remember it well, I think ORC and PRC is all backed up somewhere by Doulifee. I've been away much like yourself and busy with life. This must be the month of debuts or something because I'm just a couple of weeks away from releasing my own debut album and site. I check here now and then but mostly everyone I'm familiar with has moved on, so good to see you around buddy :).

  2. I've listened to a lot of minimalist music and try to appreciate the presence it brings. There's some factors I enjoy about this, the processing on the accordion is very interesting it has an uneasy quality but it's so hard to appreciate as it just feels like the synth percussion and glitchy processing are fighting for my attention, that could be intentional but I find it more distracting than inviting. The rhythm seems to be complimenting the delay in the accordion but inevitably it very much feels like I'm listening to two pieces of music at the same time. I'm a little dissapointed but feel a little inspired by your use of accordion and sound processing.

  3. I wrote some pieces with stages in mind, really satisfying to do. The ambience sections are pretty nice though there didn't seem much difference between normal and critical situation, bit too much tremolo string for my liking I would have prefered the ambience to keep the feeling of of what's going on around 0:36 and the slight use of brass in the background had a calming touch, ambience critical could probably have used another layer of string to arouse tension. I really liked the groove and rhythm of the alarmed stage, personally around here or the hostile stage I would have used orchestration or more synth use to play on the slight melody created in the ambience section to create more memorable character. This is very good though in design I was surprised by the quality of it.

  4. How far did you get before stopping?

    Nonetheless Bayonetta did feel as if it did set a new standard to the game play that Devil May Cry had started in regards to action games.

    I played the demo alot and then my brother got the game (who never buys these types of games...perfect candidate really). I gave it a whirl for a while but university was stopping me finish it. My bro finished it though so I used to play on his file and carry on. But between DMC4 and this I had played Ninja Gaiden Sigma -- which was totally badass and haaard. So whilst playing Bayonetta I couldn't help but think it was just this big cross of the two with a woman that was like some stylish version of Alucard and much easier. But the music, the "story", it just did my head in after a while. You gotta give DMC cred for getting you pumped up for a fight (except DMC 4's fight music was horrible).

    Ah, badass DMC3 video. Makes me want to install it again but I know it'll suck me in for ages lol.

  5. One of the best tracks out of the series is
    by rungran.

    Hell yeah I thought this song was awesome in that episode -- and it was pretty good too.

    The best episode from what I recall has got to be the poker match on the boat. The anime didn't have much of a story but it was more like a fitting tribute to the style and character of Dante, plus it expands on his Devil May Cry shop and the kind of jobs he gets...better than DMC2 overall haha.

    But DMC4 had really bad characters, needed more demons and badassery like the wonderful DMC3. I clocked in at about 70 hours on it though mostly from Bloody Palace.

    I have stayed with the DMC series because I love it. I've never played the God of War games and *dont shoot me* but I wasn't a fan of Bayonetta from what I played of it.

  6. Dante wasn't just a cool character but a symbol for truly mixing up the action genre into something fresh and awesome. DMC2 was fun...better than games like stranglehold and such, so good enough for me. 3 brought it all back and was a kick in the face to others that immitated its style. Then 4 was a bit shit really like some corny anime and its visual appeal for me is more forgettable than 2's. But changing Dante...man, this is a character that has guest starred in other games because he's that iconic, you just don't change something that iconic. If you ask me if a dmc sequel is going to be made then capcom should get off their arses and put in the magic that makes them come back kings. Sadly I'll go into a store in the future picking up a possibly good game that I'd rather seperate from the dmc collection.

    plus who's going to eat all the strawberry ice cream sundae's?

  7. Downloaded. This is pretty slick, I was a bit unsure at first but then it all started to make sense! There's some great ideas in here, I think some of the ideas have awkward transitions but some of them are genious. Sure got my attention haha. My only true complain is the end when everything sounds too full and it's a bit disorienting. But still probably one of the best songs I've heard in a while.

  8. Depends really. I'm playing Mass Effect 1 on PC for the first time at the moment and there are times where I've just turned the game off because I made alot of progress and was absorbed into the game and then died...forgetting I hadn't saved in a very long time. I presumed there would be some sort of checkpoint system but apparently not...not a good one anyway. So you gotta quick save every so often which feels a bit like cheating.

    I think saving should be considered a rest. You're not supposed to play games for very long anyways (if you listen to health and safety) so they should be perfect break times to save. Level structures should have checkpoints but yeah some games give you a checkpoint every 10 seconds for some reason, thank you crap gamers. If a game is fun then an abundance of checkpoints would ruin it, take Super Mario World it has great gameplay and you get a midway checkpoint, perfect.

  9. Bought it, and horribly underwhelmed by it. Shoulda tried teh demo first I guess. Too much of it just feels like a "hey, fan service! money grab!" and the multiplayer set up for getting games together with friends sucks a big dick.

    I agree with this and yeah setting up games is a bitch. The best part about the game is probably the diversity of characters and what they can do, however all your stats are equipment based so just hope to find nice stuff as you casually play. I wanted to play as Alucard but I found myself playing as Jonathon the most as it just seems more fun. But the fan game nostalgia does start to seep in after a while, as levels are quite mish mashy and sometimes have their annoyances. Playing Chapter 1 by yourself has a couple of "time your double jumps as high as they can go" areas and that's not an understatement. Try not to get hit and you should survive the boss encounter.

    But then after you play it for a while and turn it off...think about it for a bit, just what the hell is this game? The controls are great and the characters do what they do best but then after a while there's no sense or purpose in what you're doing. It looks the part but doesn't feel like it.

    If you like Castlevania gameplay and like to just enjoy that in short bursts then that's what you're getting to the penny. But if you're looking for a rewarding and atmospheric experience then think about one of the Castlevania games you haven't played and go buy that one, or play Super Castlevania IV because it rocks.

  10. So for Blood Stone they've got the writer of the Goldeneye film with Richard Jacques doing the soundtrack, and about bloody time too, Richard Jacques is perfect for making a Bond soundtrack for a game. You only have to listen to the Pursuit Force and Headhunter soundtracks to realise this. I know it's going to surpass Sean Callery's Everything or Nothing soundtrack which was good and I love his music in 24 but that didn't quite click for me. Blood Stone is being developed by Bizarre Creations who did Project Gotham Racing and The Club. They do great racing but I thought The Club was dull as hell, but Bizarre is a UK studio so hopefully they will impress like Rare have as their track record is exceptionally high. It seems like it'll be a great Bond game and Bond experience but I doubt it'll impress much further than Everything or Nothing, I'm looking forward to it though.

    Then with Goldeneye on Wii they're updating the story with Daniel Craig as Bond with the soundtrack done by David Arnold (as I read in Official Nintendo Magazine). The game is being made by Eurocom who made Nightfire, The World is Not Enough...and James Bond Jr lol. Another UK studio. Nightfire was pretty good and had a decent multiplayer, but TWINE is probably the closest to a Goldeneye game anyone has come close to I believe.

    I have played Goldeneye recently on N64 and to me it still hasn't lost its touch. Great levels with exceptionally fun shooting and the Bond experience wrapped up immaculately in first person and believing it is a game without ruining the film experience. Challenging and very replayable, with enough guns and gadgets to keep things fresh and exciting, the only main stay gun throughout the game is the PP7 I believe so each level always had something new to tinker with. No other Bond game achieves this without breaking pace or style.

    I'm a huge Bond fan so I'm really happy that there are two very promising games coming. In terms of Bond games as a whole I haven't been too disappointed apart from the god awful Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, and I don't really have the will to play Quantum of Solace, I should really play that...but they should be really good and since Bond 23 has been delayed indefinitely untill MGM sorts out their business, these will fill the time perfectly.

  11. Ross! It's been a long time hope you've been doing good man. Pretty damn groovy mix man, the sounds are fun and there's a really catchy mood to it. I can't help but think there's some dissonance at the start of every four beats in the section after two minutes untill the end, especially the synth in the background that's more noticeable towards the end, but it's interesting. But I love the chords the progression is kickin'. Awesome work for a roadtrip though I can only imagine you on a laptop being pissed off at every road bump that comes by though haha. Keep it real dude hope to speak to you soon!

  12. Haha love the name, some of the quotes I can hear make me laugh. The beats are thick and punchy, though a bit repetitive, are nice to listen to. After two minutes and the female vox come in the textures all come together beautifully and simply, this reminds me of some fun I had years ago and it's really nice to listen to. Actually from when the vocals come in the song flew by for me, good stuff. I'm a bit disapointed that the piano comes out rather sharp in the end in contrast to the other sounds, a lush use of reverb and delay would've been really effective here and built on that mood. I'm impressed though man this is a good listen.

  13. Thanks guys! Jezon! It's been a long time I wouldn't have noticed it was you had you not said anything haha. I will surely check out your stuff soon :).

    The distorted sound is probably due to me testing out some reverb effects that are perhaps a little too much for the electric bass and guitar. I guess it's a little forgettable too, but alas I must go back to my project work and real life work which is more important.

  14. I don't usually frequent the site anymore but every now and then something will catch my eye, Goldeneye is definitely one of those games.

    There's some things I really like, the bass and kick feel great for instance it hits my body nice through my sub. It seems really loud but the production is pretty good so nice one on that, though I do think in places reverb and eq could have been used a bit more tastier on things like the Bongos and Timpani...the drums are great too though the snare personally could be a bit livelier. For me, it's all about that last minute, that's some groovy shit it really gets the feel down. My sister is sitting here saying she likes it too!

    Reading the artists' description hits home with me, it really makes me interested to hear the previous versions. I have no idea what you had to change but yeah more than once my inspiration got sucked dry here and I stopped submitting years back. Your inspiration is like your soul for writing, once you give that up to please everyone, that is like selling out and it makes me sad to read.

    You got some talent and it sounds like you'll be writing some great music in the future, I'll keep an eye out for the blackpanther.

  15. Haha I like how you're trying to use your own atmosphere to bring the song out more. The recording quality hurts, that's for sure...I really like it though. I noticed in the first version there was some really faint humming, although a tad out of tune I preferred it to the rain that blends so well to poor mic recordings.

    How are you recording your ukulele by the way? There may be a few recording tricks to improve that quality.

    I looked through and listened to Bard Owl too, the owls made me laugh man haha but damn, there's something about these light textures that is really appealing to me. In this song everything gets stronger towards the middle and I can hear your technique improve whilst hitting a bum note or two, how long have you been playing? Sorry for going ahead and commenting on that one.

    Anyway I prefer the first version, I totally think you should get in on that humming and see how soulful you can sound because it just blends so nicely with the ukulele sound.

    edit - oh yeah I see you posted the barred owl song haha, my bad

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