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The Coop

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Status Updates posted by The Coop

  1. Thanks Nonamer :)

  2. Thanks, and welcome to the site.

  3. Thanks, jmr. And a nice birthday to you as well :)

  4. Thanks, on both counts :-)

  5. Thanks. Hopefully I'll get a chance to make a new one soon. It's been a good while since I made one.

  6. Thanks.

    I told you you'd probably see those hugging frames again ;)

  7. The project files before blowing them up are 356 x 356. The CD is 300 x 300.

    And of course people are allowed to print them. By providing such things, it keeps the OCR staff in the peoples' good graces as said staffers plan their diabolical schemes of evil intentions.

  8. Two things...

    1- Holy shit! You sent me a message over a year ago, and I just now saw it for the first time. I'm guessing the FF9 album project's long since underway/done. Sorry about not responding.

    2- I don't know why it gets blocked. Are you able to unblock it? I've used it for a long time for sigs, images and whatnot, so I don't know why it would change to being unsafe. Out of curiosity, can you see my sig, or is Datanest blocked as well?

  9. Um, I'll... keep that in mind? :lol:

  10. Very late response (I forgot all about this visitor message stuff until today), but uh... no :lol:

    I was gone from May until August, taking a three month break from OCR. So, I wasn't around.

  11. Well, there's a problem. The sprites in Bahamut Lagoon don't seem to animate. However, I did find a number of GBA games with dragons...


    I don't know the first four, but the one on the right is Cynder from the Spyro game. However, I like the little red one (well, pink, but it can be recolored). Cynder has the most frames, but she gets cut off in quite a few of them (wings, tail, back... all sorts of areas). The zombie dragon only has a hand full of frames, and the bulky orange and gray one has more, but not a lot more. The blue one (sea dragon) has a good number of frames, but the red/pink one has the second most frames from what I saw on the sprite sheets.

    Personally, I'd go with the red one. It's kinda cute. Or should I keep searching games?

  12. What the...?

    I was wondering what happened to you. Haven't seen your screen name pop up for a good while. Where have and how have you been, Slut?

  13. Who are you calling an old man? Keep it up, and I'll beat you death with my walker... once I get out of my Easy Lift chair!

    S'up Arek?

  14. Yeah, that definitely wouldn't have gone over well. In UnMod? Sure. But OCR in general these days? Nope.

    By the way, did you happen to watch my signature in your BD thread? It goes with the text I wrote ;-)

  15. Yeah, that old site's basically been abandoned. 110MB kept crapping out for weeks on end (at one point, it was inaccessible for nearly six months because of a server problem at 110MB), so I went elsewhere. Namely, here...


    Someone already took my regular name and the underscore version, so I had to add the dash. I've been a bit slow to update it, but little by little, my stuff's getting on there.

  16. You're not the only one. Seems Brandon Strader has the same problem. Images there just don't show up for him either. Maybe your ISP has the site blocked for some odd reason?

    Whatever the case, thanks for the compliment. It was a lot of work to make the ponies and recreate the background from the show, but I liked the idea was determined to get it done.

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