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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. This mix is pretty good. Leaves me much more impressed than "Live at the Springyard," which I wasn't too impressed with, but this one's got groove, and a quality you don't hear very often on either OCR or VGMix. I'll be keeping this.
  2. Ok but seriously though now what do I do
  3. k. I'll just post it on VGMix or something.
  4. So arek how is my song? Need any other changes?
  5. Two bands would basically just cover bass cut/boost and treble cut/boost
  6. Yarr! But ok did you get my song yet or NOW do I e-mail it to you? Ahahaha... wow.
  7. Anyone checked out Schism Tracker? It's a near-perfect Impulse Tracker clone for new OS http://rigelseven.com/schism/ and the XP build can be found here: http://nimh.org/schism/
  8. That's what I'm supposed to see, I know, it's just... NOT THERE. Tell you what? I'm sick of this bullshit, just someone post his email, please.
  9. Dude, I don't see it. I've NEVER seen it. Please don't just dismiss me as a retard, I have already looked.
  10. You could, just, y'know, check his OCR profile first before you say stupid shit. No email listed, fgt. p.s. lol
  11. I mentioned in the first email that I didn't have Arek's email. And I am too impatient to ask Sorry about that.
  12. Glad to see so much attention towards this project.
  13. Heads up Kwarp, I'm sending you the new version.
  14. O.K. Stuff to look for in the next version [i'm keeping this here as a personal note, if you don't mind. Also, so you can see what I have planned]: -Turning down the bassoon -making the piano do... anything else
  15. Ok, nevermind about the recording being done today. I've been trying to record an 8 measure section for two hours and my left side hurts like a motherf***er. Because of the recording. You'll have to wait a while longer. F***ing hell. EDIT: You know what, never-f***ing mind, I'm using a synth or a soundfont or something. I am so incredibly pissed at how s***ty I am at recording audio KWarp: *censors swear words* Bit Vulgar there. <(; )>
  16. It's a good thing you have a gmail account ! Actually, it's not really that big
  17. Hell if I know. Anyways, I finished my song, for the most part. Tomorrow is when I record the live stuff/polish it up.
  18. you need to install a windows update
  19. So it can look like this? Simple enough. Go to View>Background. The rest should be obvious from there. And wallpapers will tile no matter what.
  20. You can a) change skins [i like "Alternate steps" because it's oldschool make a phony .bmp. Not recommended
  22. OIC. P.S. How many people here have actually heard Ubo's Restaurant? Good stuff, folks. It's sorta like this project I suppose, except audio only.
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