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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Collection time

    making the votepack now!

    Download ZIP archive here!

    So yeah everyone take a quick listen and, since there are only two songs, pick the one you like then PM me on these forums, catch me on IRC, or send me an email at overcoat@ gmail/.com and let me know, so I can tally up the votes. I'll count up the votes on Monday, November 2nd and tell everyone the results!

    Thanks so much El Nachato [and myself!] for actually submitting something.

  2. K. Praslowicz is what got me into OCR

    I found his Shadow remix on Napster and thought it was pretty kickass.

    He used to be on the #ocremix channel but it's been a while since I've seen him. It's also been a while since I'd been in #ocremix! Has he been in there at all in the past 4 or so years?

    Here's his music, plus original material:


    I actually get a bit nostalgic when listening to the originals, it's some fantastic stuff

  3. I would totally be open to TRYING another MMO if one of SUBSTANCE came a long (I've gone back to playing UO free servers a few times), but no one has even come close yet, and I can't figure out why =\

    Once again I will recommend EVE Online, since it gets everything right. The way PVP works in the game is very balanced, especially since they're going to fix the Doomsday devices on the Titans soon, the game is deep enough that you can manipulate the economy very similarly to real life, the community is surprisingly very mature, save for a couple crazy rednecks, and you can actually fight back against the chinese gold farmers, costing them real potential profit from selling ISK [there's an alliance called United Corporations Against Macros that merged with my alliance recently, we specialize in killing mission runners :3].

    Though I dunno if you like internet spaceships or not. Still, you could fly with me man I could show you how shit's done.

  4. If you and a bunch of buddies earn enough ISK, you can trade that ISK for game time last I remember. Personally I never earn enough to do that and I tend to blow my ISK on special projects. :lol:

    blow up a faction fit CNR/Golem chinaman and you'll have enough money from selling that Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster + all his other Caldari shit

    it's like magic. hard to find them though and even harder to get them to shoot, I personally have never found any :(

    You could also do it the scrub way and whore level 4 missions for a couple days a month. I actually have two accounts now :sleepdepriv: and one is fed entirely by PLEX

  5. Kontakt's format would probably be your best bet [.nki] as it's not program-specific, so if you switch to Cubase or Sonar or whatever else, you can take the samples with you. It's also probably going to have the most longevity due to it's popularity. You might get lucky and it'll last as long as .xi or .iti files have, which I still use sometimes lol. There's also the immortal ST-01-09 samples, but normal DAWs have a hard time using raw unsigned audio... Good thing Renoise can do that plus run kontakt on top of it :3

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