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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. lolz. u jerks still playing this gaem? rofflz
  2. Yikes! I know I've said I would never use my Caesar thumb to down a mix purely on samples. But double yikes. When you've got a string sample like that, used with such incredible reverb and clashing notation, it's hard to ignore. Hard to ignore like 50-cent with his pants down at a debutante catillion yelling, "omg, it's Conrad Birdie!". Next on the grrr docket is the flute. When you have an wind instrument, two natural phenomina occur. One, the player takes a breath. Two, the instrument naturally decrescendos. Niether of these natural phenomina occur, thus, making your flute quite unnatural (latin: against nature). The point is this: when you use synthetic instruments, particularly poor faximile [sic] instruments, you have to work doubly hard to suspend disbelief and make those samples sound great. Right now, the treatment of the samples (for emphasis: NOT THE SAMPLES THEMSELVES!) is this biggest con of this piece. NO -Cut the reverb down by one billion -Understand what makes an instrument satisfying to listen to: natural growths and drops in volume. Phrasing. Ornamentation. -Humanize this robot-orgy!
  3. Is it just me, or is that bassline way to phatty in the introduction? It's so thick, even though it's staccatto, it comes across as one sustained note. Other than that, I really, really liked this song, though as some of you may recall, I have a bit of a bias to this song. It's not the cleanest mix by any stretch of the imagination. The reverb is set to "BiYOU MUDDY", which is really evident on the hi-hat on the drumloops. But it really, *really* captures the feel of the techno-genre (oh noes, arguements about teh definishun of techno!). Concerns about the source material, I feel, are valid, but wholly contestable, as I can hear plenty. In classic Wingless style, I'm going against the grain and voting yes. Go ahead, motherfuckers, say no. Say no again! I dare you, I double-dog dare you. YES
  4. I enjoyed the mixture of samples, from the orchestra hits to the bubble sound effects. Is it just a pure cover? Mmm, hard to say. But it's clean, clear, and tight enough to get my yes. YES edit: Vig's comment is something to consider, I think. Certainly the bar is there, but whether that bar applies to creative loop-de-loops, imagination, or that indefaticable *something* inbetween is a debate. I think we all have our own little guages for what qualifies for imaginitive-enough, and this passed for me.
  5. Am I just a heartless, cold, unfeeling Negro for not having any emotional rise-or-fall with this song? Normally, I'm a sucker for the emotional, Analoq-femenine piano solo. But this one leaves me a little puzzled. I think it feels too sparse, where the author was obviously going for clean and clear. The "kaplunk" nature of the piano mixed with the stubby reverb makes it not work for me, I think. But those are solely technical issues. The arrangement is fine, with dynamics, tempo, humanism. It just makes my soul flaccid, is all. YES
  6. The fate of the galaxy rests with my black ass YES now, here's why I've read, carefully mind you, all the pros and cons of this particular song. When you are relegated as the last judgement for any song, it's really an absolute judgement. Meaning, for all intents and purposes, it's either going on the site, or back into the whirling vortex of musical oblivion. I am in partial agreement with Vigilante about how the complexity doesn't really serve a purpose within the song. Read another way: the complexity is there for complexity's sake. It doesn't really a well integrated part of the song, and it doesn't particularly have some vital stake in the overall arrangement. It sounds as though our charming remixer decided, "I want this to sound complicated because I like that style", and thus, a remix was born. But -- the reasons for dismissing this mix do not outweigh the reasons for posting it. There is a consciousness about the complexity, and a decent sense of clarity and spacing. The samples, while not stellar, are serviceable, and when viewed on the whole, remain consistent. There's some nice drum work, a few clever ideas here and there. I believe this is more worthy for application than it is for dismissal.
  7. Aurora's got a pic of a one-eyed monster on her shirt. I find it demeaning and insensitive that you would make her wear such attire. edit: grammar, bitches!
  8. Fixed. That's what I get for staring at Aurora all the time
  9. bearing in mind you have TWO Wingless sigs in YOUR sig even as I write!
  10. What the-, you've been getting designs from ANOTHER MAN?
  11. "I <3 Ah-woo-wah".. haha, I'm tempted to make that my new sig quote. I don't know if I like your "play originals from people around the scene" idea.. It would make for good filler, yes, but wouldn't that time be better filled with selected tracks from remix competitions/projects? [EDIT: btw wingless, your new sig is sweet] I'm not talking about originals, I'm talking video games. Edit and augment your post to admit your defeat before me
  12. anyone else thinks Arcana kinda sounds like one of those synthetic computer voices at times? kekekekeke. I'm just Joshin' yah, fella Meanwhile, if you good folks at VGDJ don't have anything to talk about, how about snagging some stuff from people's personal sites and playing that? Hmmm? Hmmm? Stuff that might not be on VGDJ? Hmmm? Yes. Edit: spelling, and an obligatory I <3 Ah-woo-wah
  13. omg. TEH GUARIDANZ LEGENDZ. INSTANT YES. I love the impromptu sound-effects created by the guitar to establish mood. And, by the way, that's another great selling point. There is a definite mood created by all the under and over-lying textures of sound. I'm not too keen on the humanized note rhythms [sic], though I know quite well that is a very personal Zyko signature move. So really, that criticism is a matter of taste and control. So yes, TGL-bias. Who's gonna stop me? African-American, please YES
  14. With due respect to my compatriots who are easily amused by the esoteric charm of Andy Kaufman, this song is an exercise in impractical repetition. Impractical in the sense that the repetition does not add anything of true significance to the whole of the piece, and impractical in the sense that it detracts more than it adds. There needs to be a world of variation, development, alteration, evolution, de-evolution, what have you - in this song. As it stands right now, it is a very long synthetic echo. NO --add more development --make the repetition work for the song, don't make it *be* the song
  15. KEKEKEKEKE, zerg rush
  16. what about white women?
  17. omg. U no flash and can sing 2? Who needz Aurora. lolzolzlz
  18. nothing gives you the right to use the African yes. NOTH-ING
  19. Actual quote: "It also has the ability to leave email with a person who's not online" ... brilliant. Absolutely brilliant
  20. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I don't judge on the basis of phat Jigga-samples that cost thousands of billions. I rate the muzak. Having said that, this song felt much too hollow. The only performers are the trumpet, strings (energetic though they may be), and some snares. That's hardly enough to fully realize the genre you're attempting. Doubly so, since your samples (hyporcracy!) are somewhat dubious in places. Simply put, it doesn't feel full enough. Or, put another way, the present set of instruments are not that satisfying to listen to, or to suspend disbelief that this is indeed the genre it proports to be. NO --needs mo' fulla sound, either through more instruments, or more complicated (Read: fully integrated) arrangement
  21. Well, I for one was impressed with the ideas thrown around in the arrangement. Rarely do I get a piece that places a lot of emphasis on the "journey" of the listener. This song is very conscious of where it's going, and where it's been, and in that regard, it's a welcome rarity to listen to. The section about 2/3's in is a bit dull and repetitive. But that's the only real mar I can find in this otherwise resplendant piece. Oh, and that 20 second delay at the end gotsta go. YES --provided we get higher encode --Lose the billion year delay
  22. So wait... are all the maps now available to download for free? Cuz I might get back up in it.
  23. Once again, no love for Wingless *sulks*
  24. In reference to the secret VGDJ recording- Ah, I am complete! I gotta tell you, when you Canadian's make love, it sounds... kinda boring In Chi-town, we do that 'gina right.™
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