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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. Warning: One should never judge on the basis of omg, this is suxors compared to teh originalz! That having be said, there are plenty of technical issues to resolve. The song feels sparse, as if some critical mid-range were being left out. Remember: good musicx is the least amount of instruments producing the greatest and most evokative amount of sound. Percussion is sparse or repeats much too often with the same hit or sound. Variety be the spice of da phat b33tz. There are also some odd pacing/mood changes that don't *quite* seem very well thought out. If the song is going to change in any great capacity, there'd better be a good reason for it. NO. -Fuller, broader range -More detailed, varied percussion -More... sentience with the arrangement, particularly arrangement choices
  2. watch me be all sweet with the missus here- Pixie, I bet you didn't even have to dress up tonight. People know an angel when they see one.
  3. I enjoyed it a lot. It dances between some kind of bleak sentiment and playful melodrama. Again, perfect for the season of Hallow's End. My only gripe is some of the vocal Xtreme THX FX were a little overpowering, and muddied up some segments. But those are truly piddling concerns, comparatively speaking. The vocal work is superb. Excellent vocal control, manipulation, pitch, etc. I will make a note to add you to my musical harem. *does the Rick James beckon gesture* YES
  4. zomg. Aurora, I hope you get to save teh wurld leik in that movie, the day we call tomorrowo
  5. PVP-RP is a healthy mix of the anal-retentive Dragonlance nerd and the malicious, ritalin-deprived pre-teen
  6. I wanna go there and do Pixie a good favor like show her some good halloween zombie movies.. I'm good at that.. Biff... you get your DAMN hands off her!
  7. Computer, engage my phallus. MAXIMUM WARP
  8. You know it's true Everything I do I do it for... ...Jews
  9. *LIGHTNING ROUND* -Takes a bit too long to get to the meaty section (gratuitous intro) -transitional parts pretty plain and drawn-out (much like the intro) -repitition without development/evolution NO
  10. I'll be the first to shout, "I don't judge sample quality! I'm the judge with a kind heart, and ample genetalia!" But upon the first few moments of listening to this, I might have to switch-up my position on that campaign. The introduction samples are pretty rancid. Particularly the piano, which is synethic to a siliconian degree. But such matters are forgiveable. It's the arrangement that gives me pause. The twinkly-high lead synth tends to wear out it's welcome in the middle. The wizzzy-paper-on-comb synth is also a little grating, particularly on high notes. But I can appreciate the depth and breadth of what is being attempted here. I like the sound samples (a rare occurance, to be sure), and I like the atmosphere. And, as we all know, the quickest way to Wingless' heart is through sentiment. Though the other judges are all about grim, draconian objectivism. YES
  11. /Aqua Teen Hunger Force "How can you fight back when you're... cold as ice?" Ah Kraid's Lair, how I adore thee. I especially enjoy the complete removal of the main theme during the long signature arpeggio's, leaving only the funk-enhanced baseline. I'm all but certain other judges will site this as sounding "empty" while I find it sparse... later on, when you expect it to develop a much broader, fuller sound, it never delivers, thus picking you up and dumping you back into that "empty"-sounding camp. It's a groovy little ditty, but it doesn't have enough development. Not nearly enough for such a good idea. NO
  12. I wuld have gno'd, but I wuz busy putting spermatazoa on Larry's mic. lawls. Epona ftw. The first reaction I had was, "WTF is this unholy bucholic [sic] crapulence?" And that reaction pretty much sustained itself for much of the piece, though it was tempered with an open-mind about such... radical usage of sound waves. To articulate what I like and don't like about this piece is something beyond me. But I'll tell you one thing, it's too damn weird for me NOT to pass up. YES and I garun-damn-tee you, if this gets passed, it's going to be the #1 sited reason why the panel is falling apart. I set my watch and warrent on it.
  13. I thought we weren't going to fault people for ass-candy samples. Shame on you Larry Oji. You have forgotten the face of your father. I'm very fond of the "Chill" atmosphere created, but I can't help but feel there could have been a lot more done. I don't mean pounding the song with more samples, as it is a species of chillout ambient. I am saying that it could be much more ornate, and could do with some more embellishment. Grrr, I'm torn with The Seal of Orichalclon. So I will go with my gasto-intestinal organ [sic] and give it a YES
  14. *LIGHTNING ROUND* -Sound effects are not being used in pleasing rhythmic gradations (1/64's 1/32's 1/16's), making for a sloppy sound. -FX could have been used to a much greater effect if interpreted as instruments, rather than random noise. -Some fx blaringly louder than others, adding to that sloppy acoustic implication. NO
  15. *LIGHTNING ROUND* -very repititious drums (boom, snickt, boom, snickt) -Piece has an oddly subued sound to it, as if produced under leagues of salty water -Drums need to be on par energy-wise with Guitar NO *those drums are a dealbreaker.
  16. *LIGHTNING ROUND* -Lame, ubuiqitous [sic] unintentionally hillarious vocal clips -Source material used too sparingly, like canteen water in the desert -odd transitions at points -lack of focus, cohesion, or integration NO
  17. Hey, Thanks alot Dshu! I'm going to try to update everything else on the site while I prepare to scatter my portfolio to the four winds this week. So... everything's getting a cosmetic or convenience facelift. Ah good, I've commandered the thread! Smashing.
  18. Wingless leaves the thread and there's instant Aurora hate. You fucking canooks love to turn on each other, dontcha?!
  19. The instruments don't hurt it. You n00bs evar hear of teh chiptoonz? Same difference. Instrumentation, so long as it is consistent across the board, will never preclude an imaginative arrangement. And therein lies the problem. I'm with Pretzel on this one about it's midi-ripocity (N. the quality or condition of being a midi-rip). The bass is a pretty dead giveaway. And even if that's proven to be false, why write the original with a few ornamental changes? Why not, oh, make it your own? Consequently, my biggest beef is not so much that it's a quasi-rip, but that it doesn't stray outside the sanctuary the original affords it. It's like the original song's director's cut. NO And Gray, that shit was NOT a good game. Frustrating, confusing, and unbelievably SCARY for a child mind. For shame.
  20. stfu n00b. That dood from The Fly will pwn their raptor-asses I like the Concerto for Saxaphone and Velocoraptor in G minor introduction. I mean really like it. We rarely have, dare I say, interpretive pieces here; certainly not in such a capacity as this. Then we pick up da pieces with a melody. Which, after the rather sharp and shrill strings, seems oddly reminiscent of a Film Noire private detective soundtrack for a dinosaurs. (Botchco would tear dat shit up!) Aside from some questionably deep reverb, it's a remarkably unique piece. The fact that it's tastefully phrased, arranged, and orchestrated doesn't hurt either. YES Far be it for me to deny OCR a dose of imagination from time to time.
  21. I've always been a big fan of the *crunchy* distortion. It works well here to create a species of diffused-and-entertaining chaos. Not the biggest fan of how subdued the main melody is, but at the same time, I can appreciate the stylistic turn-of-phrase there. Heavy accompanyment, light melody. It's odd, but it works, I think. Sound samples I could have done without, they don't add that much (and might actually be detracting). YES one girl pwns this. LOFLZ
  22. Oh Darkesword, you tickle me with your notions of "growth" and "raising your giz-ame". But I am off-put by the production values. The piano screams, "Check me out. I r teh mock-turtle of pianos. kekeke". But the arrangement can't be denied. Dynamics, tempo changes. Oscillations between massive chords, and delicate little pixie-feet notes. All the n00b is missing is the kitchen sink. I vote YES, on the grounds that I believe that the quality of the arrangement balances, and to a certain extent, surpasses the lack-of-quality in the instrument of choice.
  23. I'm in the Darkesword camp with this one. There are new ideas constantly being thrown around, evolved, permuted, experimented. The technical issues seem rather petty when scaled against this piece's more lustrous qualities. YES
  24. Wait. I'm confused. Who's my internet girlfriend again?
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