The wingless
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Everything posted by The wingless
*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Synth Sonic'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Me too. -
First Impression: I thought the intro was excellent... XLNT And I like alot of the ideas being thrown around, but I gotta agree with everybody else, there's not enough meat on the bones. Too sparse, especially compared to other areas that are kickin' up the ass. Lasting Impression: It needs to build, and then it needs to build to something No
OCR01055 - *YES* Chrono Cross 'Dream-Shore Sonata-Fantaisie' *FT*
The wingless replied to Israfel's topic in Judges Decisions
Yes. The world need MORE Chrono First Impressions: Ohhh... piano. Johnny likes. What the hell kinda quality is this? It's about as live as you can get without having a piano in the room. Very very nice. Wow... there's such a human pacing to it. And some of the composition borders somewhere between straight up gansgtah and breathtaking. Lasting Impression: You'd have to be a stone not to be moved. I. Like. Piano. I. Love. Mc YES YES YES -
*NO* Tetrisphere 'Junsei na Kyuu (Perfect Sphere)'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
I got my ass handed to me in this game. Who thinks in 3 dimensions!?!?! (goes back to playing HomeWorld 2) First Impression: Not being familiar with the source material... The synth/drum makeup sound pretty tight. I like it alot. And then those strings come along and muddy up the works. For one, they're too loud. For another, they're delay throws off the rythymn of the piece. They detract from the piece more than they add. Final Impressions: You had be until you took me to Stringtown. Considering the short length of the melody, there probably is no reason why this should be as long as it is. Remember: compact ideas and better then long drawn out mediocre ideas. If you can't get across what you want in 2:00 using the same exact melody and chord structure... why bring it to 4:00+ ? No -
Seph - i - roth roth roth First Impressions: Wow... nice intro. And some very nice ideas being thrown around. Very clean sound, which is a huge plus. you even brought a piano to the party. Schway You mix things up... there's dynamic change in the piece. All pluses Lasting Impression: Very, very, very nice. It works on alot of levels. You get a strong Yes, which is the nicest present anyone has ever given me.
I require PHAT B33TZ in order to survive First Impressions: Hey... the voice... it's BLACK! Automatic Yes. Even though it does repeat the same chords... he does make mentioned of, "Herzog", so... I guess people would recognize it as a Zwei mix. Losta swearing, which I like. I'm not sure if Pretz wants to keep OverClocked at a "G" rating, but this is rife with... how shall I put it... mother fuckers, as it were. Yes... bitches must indeed recognize the power of Herzog Zwei. Lasting Impression: Damn. Damn. Damn... My first TORN moment. One the one hand, it's rap and not half-bad rap. We seriously have a drought of that in OC. Plus, it's black as hell, and you know... we folk gotta stick together (f33r da black planet) But on the other hand, Protricity is right. 4 chords. Even on the change-up same four. If DJD & CO-2 didn't mentioend "Herzog Zwei" in the song, who is to say this isn't the Rygar castle theme. But I gotta go with my gut. They focused on the lyrics which is good. But I think they need to go back and put real effort in putting in some (more) zwei music... even if just as a refrain. Even I put some of the original in my songs, and I'm notorious for going RipShit with remixes. No, but with many, many props, for this is indeed the illest joint to cross my path.
I'm not familiar with the original so-- First Impressions: Umm... your can hear total MICage in the text. Especially at the end of "oF" and your p's pop like a highschool assembly. It's a believable little monologue... but when you hear constonants [sic] pop, it shatters our suspension of disbelief, which is a shame, because the atmosphere it creates is gangstah And... it's OVARRR. Since I don't know the original, I'm going to have to defer to Protricity's wisdom and assume that no, the melody only pops up at the tail-tail end. Final Impression: Clean up the monologue (because some of it is inaudible), and get rid of the pops. Then focus on bringing out the melody early, and using the rest of the piece to really expand upon an original idea. NO
First Impression: Yeah... that intro. Not the best. Alot of the notes clash, and even though I'd be willing to bet you meant some notes to be that way, it doesn't add anything to the piece, and is quite the distraction. Go through the notes and one by one, weed out the clashes. It'll give the piece a much cleaner feel. the sax sample is pretty unbelievable, but I can't hold that against you. Equipment is 'spensive. There are some pretty ideas here near the last 3rd of the piece... when it starts going into FINAL FANTASY LAND?!? Wut? But I like the transition. Didn't even know what was happening until it was too late. Lasting Impression: It needs to be cleaned up alot. You have some good ideas, but they need to be fleshed out more. Don't add any more instruments, because that would clutter the sound. Instead, try to use each instrument effectively and fully. You've got the macro-scale stuff down. Now, get down on your hands and knees and get all the little details. No
*NO* Clock Tower 'Blood-Soaked Lament'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Goolancer... luv da name. First Impressions: The bass! It's out of control! W-w-w-what is this power?!!? Seriously, I don't think it's just me, because the bass is so overwhelming that it's coming out of the non-subwoofer parts of my rig. what's the guy saying? I can't tell whether it detracts from the song if you don't know, or if it adds a certain air of mystery. But yeah... wash rinse repeat repeat repeat... with a bass that breaks spines. Lasting Impressions: It doesn't really go anywhere. The bass is unfathomably loud. It's repetative. I'm not sure what else to tell you, chief. It needs more craft to it. It has the atmosphere down, I think. Now it just needs something to hold up that atmosphere. No -
OCR01058 - *YES* Breath of Fire 'Flames of Valor'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Breath of Fire... Ass of ice First Impression: I seem to recall D from Vgmix as something of an orchestra man. Glad my memory is still sharp... and so are the samples in this piece. Sounds like Russel's got a contemporary. Wow... dynamic changes, tempo drops, real honest-to-god emotion and tension in the music. Awesome. I won't even bother to wait the whole way through-- Lasting Impression: I must agree with Pro. If it's a rip, then God help us all. If not, this song shouldn't even belong in the judging forum. It belongs on the front page. MAKE IT SO. YES +10d3 -
Zerg rush! kekekekeke ^_____________^ First Impressions: Dood, I love me some riffs. The guitar is excellent. But that main synth, the one carrying the melody, is so subdued. It's really oddly balanced. It seems more logical that the phat guitar would be picking up most of the melody, but, c'est la vie. Mixer's perogative I suppose. It's got a really hollow feel to it. Let's see: guitar, drums, and main synth. That's only 3 instruments playing at any one given time. It creates a very empty sound, which is not good. Sounds like a great house band with that key forth member too high on E to play. Pretty repetative and ends on kinda a *OOF* note. Lasting Impression: Had some much potential to be WIIIIKED, but falters on a few key issues. Namely: fullness of sound, development, choice of lead instrument, and variation. No
*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Enigmatic Forest'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Careful Robin... this forest is Engimatic! First Impressions: Already sounds like a carbon copy of the original, but with Tranquil Forest CD #2 sound effect rips. I'm a sucker for piano. These improv sections are very candy sweet. But then it goes back to being the twin sister of the original song. Bah! Lasting Impression: Too too too close to the original. And when things do get cosmic and the piano trickles around you ears like a girl talkin' dirty... the moment fades, and we're back to the original song repeating. No -
translation: TO WIN THE GAME YOU MUST KILL ME, JOHN ROMERO! ...or at the very least, play Daikatana... oh John... you suck balls! First Impression: I like the intro... and I'm really liking the creature effects. Who doesn't love a Baron of Hell's RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH? But after that initial coolness, it's kinda flat. Like the upgraded midi with a drumline and new synths. The Friday the 13th section is pretty sweet. But both sections are too content to be repetative. Couple that repetition with the flat midi-eque theme and it's pretty boring. Lasting Impression: Goddammit. If you had worked as hard on the rest of the piece as you did the intro (i.e. with the cool ideas), this would be excellent. But as it stands, its very very repetative, and very, very, flat. No. RAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Homeward Journey'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Dammit. When you write your labor of love in your submission letter... it gets me all Fah-Klempt! [sic] First Impressions: I decree this the year of Phat B33TZ. Nice chord progression. But I'm not loving the melody's synth. Has to much of the midgety high-pitched kitty MEOW sound to it. But the sound is SO full and rich, it's very nice, feline synths notwithstanding. The piano sample during the interlude is very nice. Some nice quality there. Hmm... but now that I think about it, the sound starts of full... leaving very little room for development. Instead what happens is that when it does develop, it gets crowded, detracting from the piece instead of adding to it. -0:58 is tres nice. I don't know what samples you're using for piano and guitar, but they kick all sorts of ass. Ending is a little flat, but certainly better than a simple "I'm the melody and I'm going to jump off a cliff now... blarghhhhhhh." Lasting Impression: Very rich texturing and fullness of sound. But it starts off too full, and gets a little crowded later on. The main micro-cat synth gets to me, and it really is the original with Year of the PHAT B33TZ behind it. If it went a little more outside the box with the melody, I'd say yes. But since it's a dancing clone of the original: No -
OCR01063 - *YES* Super Mario Bros. 3 'Lose-Your-Way Maze'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
mario... a game about shrooms, for the love of god. First Impressions: Pluck da shiznit. I like the intro and the warp woop woop woop effect. Very funky, and here, funky is used to mean "good". and it's DIFFERENT. I like that. It's half-jazz and half-70's funk. He didn't try to techno the hell out of it. He dared something different, and I think it works. Lasting Impression: Yeah, it's short. But I'd rather a good idea be short than a mediocre idea be dragged about seven times around the walls of Troy. This was just the right mix of ingenuity and craftsmanship to win me over. YES FUNKY COPS is teh greetest show evar -
OCR01054 - *YES* Flashback 'Nostalgy Dimension'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Flash... ayyy ayyyyy... savior of the universe First Impressions: Wow... nice intro. For some reason, this really sends me back to my old Jill of the Jungle, Apogee, Shareware roots. Just the right combo of synths. And WTF? Competant drum work? I am impressed. I'm not even a minute in and I'm really diggin' tha noize. And I don't mind telling you, the nostalgia factor on this song is unusually high. I've never played flashback, but it has all the right elements of the age in which the game was created. Perfect tunage for old PC jockies like myself, cleaning the kitchen to scrape up enough money for Epic Pinball or One Must Fall 2097. Lasting Impression: I am DIGGING this piece like I wanna exhume[sic] it. Very nice X Y and Z all around. My first really strong YES of my tenure as judge. YOU HAVE GAINED A LEVEL. -
Schala? Wonderful! The world needs more! First Impressions: That first synth. Right out the gate, I'm not feelin' it. (that's ghetto-speak for I don't gel well with it) But I am liking it once it takes off with a few more synths. It actually kind of works. like around -1:38. It has a very nice rough on one side, smooth on the other texture... like a first kiss (aww... keep it in your damn pants Wingless) And then it just kinda... goes limp... flaccid even. Probably the most imasculating way to end a song. Lasting Impression: Some interesting, and by interesting I mean intruiging, synth work. It sounds very new-agy which I like alot. However, it doesn't really go places, and eventually, it ends up just kinda falling down like Saddam's statue. Real awkward. I'd say, play around more with the new age sound. Really plot out where you want this song to go and what you want it to say. And work on that ending. After a play, most people only remember the last scene. No
What the hell was lost in translation between Rockman and Megaman? Initial Impressions: ewww... the synth that's carrying melody. A little to high on Frequency, to the point where it's a little grating and piercing. ...and... we're still repeating? Still? Well I'll wait. . . . Hey a pause! Yeah... it's really a carbon copy of the original with a madcap drum lead-in. It's one step up from being a midi-rip. And even if that is not the case, wayyyyyyyyy to repetative. If this were OCremix for ADD, I would say yes, but since it is not. Lasting Impression: Variety is the spice of life. This piece needs spice. Alot. In addition, it needs a better lead synth, a sense of purpose and progress. In other words, meticulous craftsmanship on the original and making it your own. No
I am the chosen one... alright First Impressions: WTF OMG BBQ!!! That woo woo woo woo was hillarious and SO out of place I'm having trouble writing this. *pause* Okay, back we go. Yep... its pretty typical of the genre that people are starting to dislike about OC. Drum loop goes doot doot doot doot, synth goes wah wah wah wah... Pretty typical. Nothing really to scream home about. And yet... a part of me really likes this. I don't think the quality of its composition warrents it a place in OC, but that woo woo woo had me reeling. So congrats, I'll be keeping this one. Lasting Impression: I'm not sure, so nobody lynch my black ass or start to panic, but I think he remixed the MOVIE tracks. I'm not 100% on it, but I am fairly certain that the themes in this mix are in the movies, which DQ'a it from OC. And even assuming it does not -- there not that much here. It's all one progressive movement set to voiceovers. I think the "bar-raising" of OC should include a decent amount of invention and originality. This is... textbook techno. No -- even if it isn't a movie rip
Shen-moo lives First Impressions: Aww piano. How did you know? A better patch would help make it more believable but I assume it's the best of what's on hand, so I won't hold it against you. But man... when them drums kick in, it's as awkward as that kid who brought his mom into Senior Prom. Protricity and I are on the same page with the crashes. They're really, REALLY sticking out there. Considering the sweetly fragile tone of the piece, the firework crashes are unnecessary. And the drums loop alot. With all the crashes going on, that looping is especially noticeable. Lasting Impression: Good start, inappropriate drums for the nature of the piece. Recode the drums, let the song build up to something dramatic, and you'll have teh winnar. No
OCR01060 - *YES* Dragon Warrior 'Kingdom Come' *FT*
The wingless replied to Beatdrop's topic in Judges Decisions
Classical ah... how I have missed thee First Impressions: Very nice start. But my man Isra is right. This is quite mechanical. I'm picturing in my head a full orchestra piloted by the robots that work at the Lexus factory line. Orchestra is rife with dynamic and tempo changes. Therein lies emotion, my friend. Remember: part of your job as a mix'r is too keep your eye on the subtleties of your piece. Orchestra pieces especially. I might go so far as to say Orchestra pieces are hopelessly dependant upon their subtleties. Lasting Impression: Orchestra needs emotion. Emotion comes from change. By the transitive property, Orchestra needs change. For your next orchestral piece, do pay special attention to the dynamics, tempo, and overall "soul" of your piece. What are you trying to say with the song? What do you want the audience to feel? That sort of mushy crap. I'm going to give it a half-assed No, which is a yes with too many reservations to quell my conscience. -
*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Evil Refactory' *FT*
The wingless replied to Israfel's topic in Judges Decisions
LoL. Your refactory period is the amount of time it takes you to "recharge" after each orgasm in order to have another. tee hee. Aaaaaaanyways-- First Impressions: Ooo... I like the druming. You can never have enough bass surging through the desk. Hmm... Vigi might be on to something. There is intentional chaos, and then there is chaos that tries to be intentional, but comes across as sloppy. I'm afraid this might be the latter. Intentional chaos has the benefit of landing on 16ths or 32nds, it gives the illusion if misplacement, when in fact, it is meticulously placed. This just gives off an air of, "Snip snip here, paste paste there". Also, it really is kind of structureless But -1:12 is pretty sweet. If there were a more direct and pleasing way to get from -4:16 to -1:12, this would be a very nice mix. But as it stands, it's like you using a squiggle to connect two points on a globe. Lasting Impressions: I'd say the meat of the piece is at -1:12. Give the audience something to hold on to up until that point. In other words, give them a reason to stay. The chaotic nature of the piece, while admirable, can be done alot better. Right now its not coming off as well as it could. Find out a way to connect point A (beginning) with point B (-1:12) in a captivating way, and you've got yourself a yes. But until then. NO -
My first evar judgeing... I don't mind telling you, I'm highly erect right now. Initial Impressions: _______________ I've always been a sucker for distortion and dissonance. So that's a plus. Right off the bat it distinguished itself from our healthy mix of metroid mixes. But it just doesn't seem to lead anywhere. It's like a meandering story. There's a beginning and an end, but the middle seems to just ramble. Maybe a more developed theme would help, but then again, maybe the artist intended for this mix to not have a strong melody, which I can respect. I don't have too much of a problem with the drums because they're a nice driving force behind the distortion... but still, there feels like there should be something in the core of the song, and that's what's throwing me. It's got a real hollow-apple feeling to it. Lasting Impression: ________________ If Vigi is right and there's an update to this, I'd like to hear it judge on that. This song has a unique sound, but I don't think that alone makes it the best piece it could be. A stronger middle section, possibly (but not necessarily) a stronger melody, and a much more focused sense of purpose would me make vote yes, but for now, it's a NO
OCR01048 - Super Metroid "One Girl in All the World"
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
OCR00996 - Star Fox "Godspeed"
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
thanks to everybody who responded. Normally I don't post anything on my own songs, BUT, this just baked my little noodle-- --What the fuck? Cordially, Wingless