The wingless
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Everything posted by The wingless
N*GAGE DA PHAT B33TZ I really, really liked this 'mix. I'm torn between thinking there should be more instruments and believing that you're going for some consistency in the piece. While it does not expand in any grandeous way, I think it's very enjoyable, regardless. Horray for slowing down the judging process. YES
*NO* Guardian Legend 'Password Entry (TGL Pass Mix)'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
To quote Guys and Dolls If my heart were a bell it'd go Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding. That's when I found out there was a TGL mix in the fray. So perhaps my expectations were in odd places. To be fair, the original is quite short and repetative... but I don't think that gives you liscence to do the same. In fact, it gives you all the more reason to really break some new ground and test your creative waters. I don't hear these things in this piece. At least, not in any truly spectacular way. The password theme has given you about four measures of clay to work with. Mold it into something amazing. No -
Right before the main synth came on I was all, "WTF is prot talking about? He is teh ERROR" and that main lead came on and death became me. Alright, perhaps there was some hyperbole in that last statement, but it is apt in pointing out how abrasive and downright inappropriate that main synth is. Which, as Gray pointed out, is a damnable shame, considering the groove the rest of the piece has. It's actually quite a nice mix all around, but parts of it are far too outlandish to be ignored. Fix that main synth, work on the EQ'ing, and I will be one happy Blankman. LOOK, I'm A CRIME FIGHTAH! No
Being the last in the judging line... everything that needs to be said probably already has. But that wont stop me, for I love the sound of my own typing. There are a lot of really cool ideas being thrown around, but there is no solid foundation for them to really shine. In other words, the weaker parts of this piece exceed the stronger points and the cool ideas. I would love to see a redo of this piece because it's really just a matter of "out with the bad air, in with the good." No
NOOO!!! *drops to knees* KHAAANNN!!! For how long? In Larry O.G. voice: I've done far worse than kill you, Portent... I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me... as you left her. Marooned in the center of a dead planet for all eternity. Buried alive... BURIED ALIVE. Now, in Wingless' sexy-ass voice: KHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN of the O.GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!
Goddamn, Species, where the FUCK is my bukakke speech?!!?
OCR01075 - *YES* Hitman: Codename 47 'Chained to a Barcode'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Having played with artificial strings alot-- --The attacks for the strings are really slow. So when you have notes faster than, say, a half-note, there's a really noticeable drop in volume, which is like a giant pointer saying, "OMG, these are fake strings! CALL DA PO-PO". It's not a glaring flaw, but it is something to keep an eye on in future string pieces. Also, I'm not a huge fan of the delay effect on the piano, as it makes the sound muddy, and clashes with nearby notes. Again, not a huge problem insomuch as what I consider a slight design flaw. And *wham* it sound clip time! Making it softer with a slight reverb might lower it's sudden shock. It's a very sweet quote, and I think it deserves the time to be put in more effectively. But enough jibbah-jabbah. I really, really like what I hear. That garners you a solid YES p.s. I wuz not a fan of Hitman 2, but it's soundtrack was ass-tinglingly good. DO DAT NEXT. KTHXBYE. -
Tea and turkey?! WUT? Not much else to say that everybody else hasn't covered. Very nice sounds all around. Makes me remember my old garage band days... such as they were. My only real opinion is that, MM mentioned this song has a dry texture to it. While I agree completely, I almost think this works to the song's advantage. It makes it feel a little more believable, like it is fully and completely live. Again, it's just opinion... maybe even conjecture, but since this song is destined for front-pageness, it really doesn't matter either way. YES
I'm all for gradual development of an idea or theme, but I'm also a firm believer that there has to be something there in the meantime to entertain theme whilest the theme gets 'a goin'. Kinda like magazines at the dentist's office. Don't put a Highlights there, go ahead and plop down a Penthouse. But enough of Seinfeld... let's talk about you Like everyone else has mentioned, some good ideas here. But it is quite repetative and at times, feels a bit hollow for the genre. NO
Beware, Larry, for Hindu Bob has his vengeful eyes set upon you!
Congrats on the award! ...and HOLY SHIT... this kid was black all along??!?!?!? ::dies::
Right off the bat, the samples are a bit iffy, but I don't think anybody should be penalized for not dropping 50 g's on renting out a concert band. I do love the switch you made from orchestral to lounge/jazz. It's a good thing your composition skillz are better than your samples <ZING> I really like it. It's an original idea, a oft neglected genre, and I think it's all executed very well. Hell, the samples used give it a nice old-school feel (and perhaps, this was the creator's intent). My only complaint is the ending, which feels kind of weak. But, on the whole, it's very charming. Yes
after sex, women call me, "Quick man!" because I'm good in the sack! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't the instruments are used as effectively as they could have been. There is this pervasive sense of emptiness to the song. It really doesn't let up and for an audiophile like myself... it feels quite hollow. The reverb on some instruments also seems a little too high, making it muddy (which is an odd contrast to the empty nature of the piece) If this piece were developed more fully (rather than longer) I'd give it a yes, but- NO.
I have to agree with Fresh Young Malci-bee (Perfect Strangers... hey, remember the 90's?). The main lead's delay and high-pitch make it somewhere between annoying and grating. But I do enjoy alot of the design choices made. Yes it is yet another techo Phat B33TZ piece, but I think it zigs where are more typical (read: infamous) pieces zag. The choices made, or rather, the choices not made, make this piece stand out above what I consider our typically lamented techno piece. But yeah, ends flaccid. Really not the way to go on such a thickly timbred song. NO
Larry, I cannot live without hearing the sound of my own damn voice. I NEED THE RECORDING!!! GIMMIE!!!
OCR01062 - *YES* Xenogears 'Live from the Yggdrasil' *FT*
The wingless replied to Beatdrop's topic in Judges Decisions
First Impression: Nice lounge groove to it. The EQ'ing does make it sound small-crowd and intimite[sic], which is nice. Some of the chording makes it sound like it's straight out of Blue Brothers, which, of course, is tits. Lasting Impression: I won't wait for the song to finish to conclude a YES. This Jiggin gots it goin' on in a big way. -
First Impression: errr.... These things... coming out of my speakers... w-w-w-what is this? Already, you have lost points by throwing in EVERY SINGLE SOUND EFFECT you could lay your hands on. This song is a black hole of effects, from which, not even light can escape it's ponderously dense dark matter. The latter 3rd of the piece becomes a befuddling cacophany of sound, some of which works well, others that work... not so well. Lasting Impression: Huh... wow. Well, first of all, I think there is a distinct difference between bedazzling your audience, and confounding them. I do believe, not unkindly, that this falls into that latter category. This is incredibly dense and cluttered. At points, you physically have to strain to make sense of it. (Some would argue the same of Teardrinker, but then again, those people are dead now.) I'd say, work from the angle of clarity, then make it complicated, then remove everything that feels like it's detracting from the song, and you've got a intricate, but manageable remix No. Though I did enjoy the orgasmic "Oh gawd" and "I hunger" effects.
Alright! Halo! It makes me Xbox-shaped heart smile First Impression: nice drum samples. I can hear the theme already. It ain't no rip, so that's always a plus. My main problem so far is that it's really dancing around the melody... such as it was in the original. What you have here is the choral theme and some of the same chord structures from the title theme. It's wonderfully done, but it's a bit... frail on its own. I believe Protricity would call it a great intro, but nothing much else. Lasting Impression: It's good, laddie, I'll give you that. But it just really feels like a glorified intro. Clearly, it builds, it develops, and it certainly captures the timbres and atmosphere of Halo. I just really, really wish there was more. Beyond that, there really isn't much of the Halo theme in there. So, not only is it a very short song/long intro, it's a borderline original song with Halo whispers. Halo enthusiasts (myself included) will hate me for voting NO, but I needed more. Alot more. More of the melody, more length in which something (read: anything) is done. You've got the quality and the ear for composition, no doubts there. But...
Why Lawerence... is that an E*Penis™ in your pocket or are you just happy to interview me? GET THA FUKK!
My E*Penis™ is all a quiver with anticipation!
*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Synth Sonic'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
My first tie breaker! I feel like a kid in a candy store... with the ability to utterly annihilate that candy store's hopes, dreams, and wishes with a mere thought. And so... it begins First Impressions: Though I do enjoy the 80's, dare I say, I love the eight-tees, I can't find Metropolis anywhere in this song. Now before I go any further, let's have a moment of hipocracy, shall we? Q: WTF? Wingless, you fucking write songs that sound NOTHING like the original A: riiiight... But the original IS in there. Somewhere. Q: STFU NOOB! Having said that, no, I can't find Metropolis in here, so strike one. The arrangement is very, nice however. And it really captures the authentic 80's feel. So... ball one? Lasting Impression: So I guess, for me, it all comes down to a question of should a mix be posted on the grounds that it is technically satisfactory, but sounds nothing like the original. If I weren't the deciding vote, I would probably go No, on the grounds that some small but distinct part of the mix must be a part of the original. I've looped this I don't know how many times and can't find it. And I'm scouring. I vote No, and here's why: It's technically proficient. It's a very well put together little arrangement. But the sign on the door says OverClocked REMIX. And to that ideal, I submit. -
*NO* Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 'Final Hour Fatal Error'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Majora's Mask... the original --24-- First Impression: There seems to be some odd eq'ing. The hierarchy of instruments is there, but it's more of a sand-blasting effect. Instruments are overpowering each other, especially the strings. And whatever that hornet/bee synth is that vibrates with the string is very distracting. I must agree with my compatriots about that bell. It's as awkward as taking your mother to prom... then totally necking with her during, "Hungry Like the Wolf". Dood -- ur mom is totally teh bell Lasting Impression: It needs alot of love in the equalizing department. The bell either needs to go, or it needs to be quantified perfectly to a beat. Remember: good ideas must be implimented well in order to remain good ideas. I myself am a bellophile, so I won't deny you the pleasures of ringin' it up. I will ask, however, that you take much more care in the macro level of your pieces: volume stability, overall flow, instrument choice, tempo cohesion, etc. No -
First Impression: Does this sound alot like Wave Man from Megaman 6!?!?!! Anyways-- I really like the guitar-flute duo. Very nice. The beats that come in... I don't know whether that's a high-hat or a clap or both, but at least through these headphones, they're kinda loud. A little distracting, but I'll assume it's just my Fly Gear and keep going. Improv is nice. Rhodes is teh sexor. The ending is kind of a roadrunner scenario. Wily keeps running, never noticing he's off a cliff. Suddenly, it dawns on him that no, there is no ground beneath him and yes, he's going to plummet to his doom. I was Wily in this scenario, the mix was the ground. Ieeeeeeeeeeeeee Lasting Impressions: Very nice chill song. The high-hat/clap/UFO is kind of distracting. And that ending is Ieeeeeeeee material. But I don't think these two things justify me turning you away to weep in a puddle of your own sweet, sweet misery. YES And goddammit... does anybody else hear pure, unadulterated Megaman 6?
What the hell's a ROA??? First Impression: Yeah, that violin is out of control. My suggestion is have 2 violin tracks, one for the opening long attack, the second for the short attack, long release lagato. In other words, one track for the start the violin section, the second track for the rest of it. Damn, I just Mcguivered[sic] the hell out of that. I like the jungle aesthetic you've got going. It's pretty damn evokative, especially the deep drone parts. The ending fades. I'm pretty sure you could've come up with a more inventive way to close. Lasting Impression: I have a thing for "jungle" timbres. In that respect, this song captures the atmosphere quite well. The technical aspects though, are what's holding it back. That violin needs to be retuned. There needs to be more in the middle, a something, if you will. Use that time and space to really make it your own. And get a better (read: more inventive) way to close. Considering how much it already repeats, fading out is kind of a cop-out. No
*NO* Final Fantasy 8 'Desperadoes' (RESUB?)
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
First Impression: I like the sound of something that, when played in the car, would reverberate 15 miles outwards against every other car. It's a thick sound, which is a plus for El Techno. And out come PHAT B33TZ. Right... I'm loving the sound coming out of my headphones... It's not too big on variation, but for some reason, I'm able to look past all that (which is odd for me, being a change-up nut) Lasting Impression: Yeah yeah yeah, it's techno and we have our fair share here already and OMG WTF BBQ, nobody likes techno anymore, if you read the forums. But I like it. It's quite formulaic, but it's done well. My big gripes are that it does not need to be 5:00+ long. It also does not need to be so repetative, given that what it does repeat is a very short segment of 3 or so notes. Very torn... . . . I'm going to vote YES, on the grounds that it has met a number of criteria in my head so that, if it comes down to a shotgun yes or no, I'm leaning toward yes.