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Everything posted by Upthorn

  1. Well, last time I checked, I didn't make my partner burst into uncontrollable laughter in bed.
  2. I'd probably be "GeoffreyTaucer, USA - Kirby Superstar Victory" festival (soft-spoken, but fun) in everyday situations. And then either "DiscoDan - Megaman 3 BlueLightning" or "DistantJ - Sonic the Hedgehog Cryptic Marble" in bed. Okay, I probably don't live up to BlueLightning, but a fella's gotta have aspirations. For now, replace it with "LeeBro - Sonic 3D Blast Blissful Eruption"
  3. More like UR MOM sucks. Ooh, burn.
  4. Dude, I hated the 300, but grindhouse looks fucking awesome. Because, you see, unlike 300 grindhouse has no pretensions of being serious. Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness.
  5. Fuck all the other games. Be sure to bring Apples to Apples. Q. F. T. Bring that shit.
  6. Hahahahahahahaha. Nobody's gonna believe that.
  7. An observation: Somehow it feels like NiGHTS' flight controls should go well with the Wiimote, but when I try to figure out how that would actually work, I keep coming up blank. The only thing I've come up with that remotely works is that you draw a trail with the wiimote pointer sorta like Kirby's canvas curse, but that would make the game so easy as to be pointless. And while I've been looking forward to a sequel to NiGHTS for a decade or more... the desire not to see it screwed up like Sonic is even stronger. We should all wait for more info before we start creaming our pants.
  8. I am now confirming my attendance so long as the date doesn't get changed. The reason I wasn't sure to begin with is because I'm moving back to California in early April (the date I leave here has since been set at the 9th).
  9. Setting aside the fact that it's completely impossible to hold on to rings through multiple levels (since they're reset to 0 at the start of each one and all) you might be interested in http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_1/rings, http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_2/rings, http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_3/rings, http://www.soniccenter.org/rankings/sonic_&_knuckles/rings, and perhaps the ring attack divisions that site holds for every other sonic game, as well.
  10. My senior class had one of the coolest plans for a prank, ever but never actually got its shit together to pull it off. The plan was to sod over the school's entire parking lot, set up lawn chairs, and hold a luau for the entire senior class during school hours instead of doing the senior ditch day thing. Though, even if we'd pulled it off it wouldn't have come anywhere close to Trapical's thing.
  11. Happy birthday.
  12. The recital was indeed very well done. I was taken a bit by surprise, because I haven't been keeping up with OC Remix lately, and pixie's vocal skill has appearantly improved a great deal since its (already impressive) showcase in "The Place we Knew". Very well done, Jill, thank you for inviting us all (even though the group pic you posted makes me look like a stoner).
  13. Aww man, Zirc, Liontamer, Jiggles... it just keeps sucking more and more that I'm not gonna be able to make this one. Here's hoping this translation gig I got is awesome enough to make up for it.
  14. In Twilight Princess (GameCube) there is a named character who tells Link (among other things) "To talk to someone from a distance, hold L to target them, and press A." This, however, is solid evidence of it being a different Link.
  15. I agree! Also, it's obviously a different Samus in Super Metroid than in Metroid 2, because she doesn't start out Super Metroid with all the upgrades she got during Metroid 2. (Also, a nonsarcastic explanation of my stance): Game plotlines have to allow some leeway for things done for the benefit of the player. Otherwise you have to say it's a different Link each game, because he starts with 3 hearts instead of 20, and other stuff like that. There is some redundancy in Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Four Swords Adventures, but I suspect that it's done for the benefit of players who haven't played the other games. Especially since Minish Cap comes before Four Swords chronologically, but was released after. And especially in games where people say stuff like "Press L to roll", you have to assume that some of the dialogue is directed towards the player, not the character. So rather than Link being introduced to the Four Sword at the beginning of both games, the player is. Make sense?
  16. If you don't like the useless chatter, don't click the threads. You knew when you read the topic that the thread would be about zelda timeline theories. So don't read it. Solves your problem of being annoyed by useless chatter (because you aren't exposing yourself to it) and solves this thread's problem of people coming in and going "DUDE THIS IS POINTLESS STOP TALKING." So being completely uninterested in all zelda timeline theories makes you interested in a thread about them? Oh of course, it makes perfect sense! In very much the same way that you're allowed to walk into a Nissan dealership and go "WTF ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE DOING HERE? DON'T YOU KNOW THAT NISSAN CARS ARE ALL CRAP AND WHOEVER DESIGNED THEM SHOULD BE RAPED TO DEATH?!" Because we all know that postcount equals IQ, amirite? Guy. This "my character is stronger than your character" crap is why the internet community at large thinks of the gamefaqs boards as a gay orgy of retarded.
  17. Well, considering that Miyamoto's official line is that he has had an overarching story planned from before the first NES game was released... LINK 1 Minish Cap Four Swords GBA Four Swords Adventures LINK 2 Ocarina of Time -----> Majora's Mask (MM is a sidestory) LINK 3 A Link to the Past LINK 4 Twilight Princess LINK 5 Legend of Zelda Adventures of Link Link's Awakening Oracle of Ages/Seasons (great flood) LINK 6 Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass
  18. Download wasn't hard to find, but I concur with the sentiment that it would be nice if it stays where it is for a while. Some of us hadn't even had time to get used to the old new download placement.
  19. Due to Hadyn's additional WIP, I have revised my vote. My original vote has been removed from its post to avoid confusion. 1. Sir Nuts - Run for your life knuckles 2. DarkeSword - Sand Cap 3. Hadyn - Heads up for Tails 4. Ichitootah - S3k Sessions 5. Rayza - Azure Lake (wip) (Previously my number 5 vote was for Joker + Krispy - Unseenbeta)
  20. Edit: Vote revised due to additional song selection, moved to new post. PNG is better than JPG. do a PDF + PNG release. PDF only makes sense to me for the CD covers, but you could make a single PDF containing everything, and then just make PNG copies of each item available as well.
  21. Your link is broken, remove the ".th" to fix it. As for the poses, I like the flying tails, and the leftmost two on the bottom best, but I'm still not really feeling any of them. I think the balancing stance may really be the best choice.
  22. This is exactly what bittorrent was designed to do.
  23. How do you even make that typo?
  24. I'm sure the release date is still "when it's finished." Perhaps a better question would be, What still has to be done before it can be released?
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