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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. I still maintain that half this crap should have been answered or otherwise just left out entirely.


    I feel like the writers pulled some kind of "bait and switch" bs on me, keeping me interested by introducing all these mysteries and making it seem like they were going to be important to the plot and then leaving everyone completely high and dry.

    I think the ending was beautiful for the characters, and I think we all fell in love with them to various degrees, but half the show was just bad or false writing. And I don't see how anyone can argue differently. It's one thing to leave something open-ended, but it's another for it to be completely nonsensical without any hope for reasonable explanation.

    I think it's sad that the college humor video can go on in a zero-punctuation-style for nearly 5 minutes full of legitimate questions that I had throughout watching the series.

  2. Heh, gotta love The Onion.


    NEW YORK—Desperate fans of the recently concluded television series Lost are speculating that the program is continuing on in a parallel dimension somewhere, and that alternate versions of showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are currently writing new episodes of the series. "It's very possible that a sideways world running concurrent to our own exists, and that a facsimile of myself is happy, fulfilled, and already gearing up for the season seven premiere of Lost," said 36-year-old Kevin Molinaro, who, along with more than 20 million other hopeless fans, has recently booked multiple roundtrip tickets from Los Angeles to Australia in hopes of traveling through a vortex in the space-time continuum. "I just have to find a way to get there. We all do." According to data from Google analytics, searches for "How to build/detonate/use a hydrogen bomb to open up a multidimensional wormhole" have increased 10 millionfold since the episode aired.

    yeah really :lol: that being said *SPOILER ALERT*

    I had mixed feelings about the ending. Very emotional, satisfying conclusion for the sideways-verse. I thought the conversation between Christian and Jack at the end was actually extremely well-done, considering how heavy-handed their explanations have been this season. It was clear about what the sideways-verse was, but it didn't feel too expository. Thumbs up. It would have been nice to see more characters in the church at the end, but I have a feeling getting all those actors together at the same time might have been an issue.

    But in the process of wrapping that up they really sold the danger and urgency of the island-verse short. Couldn't we at least have been told once and for all that the Man in Black leaving the island would have destroyed the world? It would have made that battle at the end matter so much more. Otherwise, why the hell do they care that he's trying to escape the island? Why does the island matter at all? I'm not asking for everything to be explained, I just want some indication that in the end, their actions meant something.

    Well-said. I was happy that everything was resolved for the characters, but it's almost like the plot itself was abandoned just so we could know that all the characters can appear in a warm-fuzzy after-life-ish reunion. And while that is good for warm fuzzies, it basically tells us "oh, all that other stuff wasn't really important in the first place."

    Here's an example/analogy I've been thinking of. If Lord of the Rings started the story right about where, say, Return of the King begins, and then doesn't really explain what led to the sequence of events unfolding before you, and then just as the ring is making its way up the slopes of Mt. Doom the movie cuts over to a sideways-reality in a similar fashion and everyone is just living their lives normally until, say, Gandalf decides to round them all up and explain that they had all died, and this alternate-reality was just a way they could all gather to sail to the undying lands, that would be a reasonable comparison to how the ending of Lost made me feel. Yeah, it's great to see a "happy ending", but I want to know what happened in the "real" world. I'd want to know where the ring came from, and why the hobbits were trying to destroy it, and why it made Frodo invisible, and why Gollum was following them, and why etc etc etc etc etc. That's exactly the case here. There were sooo many episodes and characters that apparently didn't matter (again, I'm guessing that was partially the network's fault because they elongated a series that was originally intended to be shorter than it turned out). And I guess that's what's going to bug me in perpetuity here. It's not a perfect analogy, but I think it explains my perspective a little at least.


    It would have been nice to see more characters in the church at the end, but I have a feeling getting all those actors together at the same time might have been an issue.

    I wondered that as well. And don't modern film-editing techniques offer plenty of ways around that? Where were half the characters there? I really feel like them showing so few characters in the chapel only added yet another gaping, never-to-be-answered-only-speculated-upon hole in the face of what might have otherwise been a more satisfying ending.

    But, they did answer a lot, and what they didn't answer they left us with a lot of hints...
    I'm not sure what show you were watching

    Yeah really ;)

    Again, all in all, as I've said, I think the ending was reasonably executed, at least from a "Character round-up" perspective--after all, the show is called "Lost" so it only makes sense that they all "find" each-other in the end, more or less (but mostly less :P). But I'm afraid the lack of reasonable explanation for so many of the other strange, and seemingly urgent/important issues in the series are going to leave me with a perpetually disappointed feeling that will conflict with my ability to enjoy the series with complete (or near-complete anyway) satisfaction. And knowing that after all the time I've invested into the series that many questions will NEVER be answered is saddening to me.


    If Lost was a submission to OCR, my vote would go like this:

    Pretty decent track, great use of instrumentation (characteres). One of the most amazing intros I've ever heard. The first minute of the song is fantastic, I could listen to just that part on repeat. After that however, the song sort of coasts and starts to lose focus. Some instruments just pop in or drop out (or both) at random and it's a little distracting. The mood and progression of the song are interesting enough, but the pace just becomes ridiculously plodding around the 4 minute mark, and the instrumentation and progression of the song has become a little hollow. The ending is executed very well and leaves me on a warm fuzzy note, so nice job on that. Ultimately however, there's just not enough substance here to carry the track for a full six minutes. Quite frankly, this really ought to be cut down to 3-4 minutes tops. The instrumentation needs to be reworked to be a little more consistent throughout the piece so that the ending, while warm-and fuzzy, is also actually cohesive.

    NO (resubmit)

    Hope that explains things on my end :)

  4. Since you mention it, I have indeed been trying to be careful to express my general feelings without spoilers, but on that subject, if soneone has not watched more than a few episodes of the show, would anyone really have the right to be upset if they're reading a thread called "Lost: the final season" and they happen to read one? I mean, that'd be like opening a book titled "the last 30 minutes of Return of the Jedi" when one hasn't seen any of the other SW films. :lol:

  5. yeah, to be fair, I suppose I'm not really upset at the ending, I thought it was fairly moving for what it was. I think the thing I'm a little bitter about are all the plot holes that exist from prior in the series, and I'm sick to death of people saying "oh, but all that wasn't important anyway", because if it wasn't important, then why was it in there in the first place???

    And again, I guess it goes back to the fact that it shouldn't have been in there, but ABC wanted to milk the series, so they had the writers drag it out and bloat it with probably 2 seasons worth of episodes (collectively) that DIDN'T MATTER at ALL. That's why I'm annoyed I think.

  6. I didn't watch it but I'm gonna say if Matthew Fox didn't reveal himself to be an actual fox then I'm gonna stop watching season 1 right now

    That's a fairly odd thing to say...

    Anyway, I think part of good writing is the ability to wrap up the loose ends you create. It's one thing to leave a few things "open ended", but the thing is, that was the end. There's not going to be a follow-up episode or movie or expansion of any kind. So rather than leaving me with a feeling of "Oh, I'll just use my imagination for this/that issue" I'm instead left with a "Why did they bother to even show us that in the first place since it just turns out to not matter at ALL after waiting patiently for six friggin years? Blah.

  7. So what'd everybody think?

    Ultimately, I have pretty mixed feelings about the Lost finale. Not quite sure what to make of it, and there's still a slew of questions that I'm not sure were answered.

    I realize it was said a while ago that "not all questions would be answered", but IMO that was more of a cop-out than anything. It just gave them an excuse to dismiss a ton of the nonsense that happened throughout the series. I can't say I hated the ending, but I will say it seemed a bit forced. I guess all things considered, they did a reasonable job wrapping the things they actually did wrap up, but I've also got some pretty steady disappointment floating across my mind right now.

    I'll probably watch it again and hit up Lostpedia to try to make further sense of it, but at any rate, there it is. Guess it's time to find a new series to get drawn into and hope that it's just as engaging, but manages to answer viewer questions a bit more easily.

  8. looks almost exactly the same

    I suppose if you're referring to the general placement of the video, then sure.

    if you have any sense you'll use adblock to remove the entire ratings and comments frame from every video

    while I don't waste a lot of time with comments, occasionally there's a few videos that I enjoy reading comments on

    you need better internet

    12 Mbps and I need better? I doubt that.

  9. I love chrome, and I love all things google. If they took over the world, it'd be fine with me.

    I on the other hand would be appalled. They've ruined Youtube, Chrome never worked right for me when I tried it a few months back (normal sites would crash the browser/not load constantly) and I DL'd the google 3d earth app the other day ad it crashes firefox pretty regularly.

    I do like gmail though, so that's one thing they've done right.

  10. I used to use Joomla. I switched to Wordpress recently and hoooooly crap, it is 1000x better.

    Joomla is horrible IMO. Doing things that should be simple (like building a navigation bar or adding a new page) are extremely complex and take about 5 more steps than they should. With Wordpress it's like a "click here, type words, click here" thing. Themes are super easy to install/change to if you get bored easily or just enjoy variety.

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