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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. the mix has a catchy chorus and a pleasant ostinato on bells (or piano?).

    both :)

    Very awesome mix: strong energy, passion, and excellent execution. I'm happy to see it on something like Songs for the Cure. One of my best friend's eldest brother passed away two weeks ago after a long struggle with Cancer. He was buried with his character sheet and dice; I get the feeling that he would have liked VG music being used to help find a cure.

    Sorry to hear about that, my condolences to your friend. :(

    Happy b-day mix Jimmy!

    I remember hearing a very early version of this on your site years ago. Was happy to see you finally finish the song off. :) Good take on a classic theme dude.

    Thanks man, it's a pretty old mix for sure lol

    It sounds amazing. At first I wasn't quite sure I would like it enough to listen all the way through if it had cheesy lyrics and an easy beat, but I took a look at the lyrics and . . . wow. That's all. This is an awesome piece.

    I need to work harder on making my lyrics cheesier then, right? ;)

    Got the chance to give this thread some love!

    FINALLY BGC gives us vocals for one of his OC ReMixes. I only want more of them! Beautiful track, Jim. Since you have so many FFA tracks, I take it that's your favorite game?

    Well, I wouldn't say it's my favorite game exactly, but I do love it a lot, and as far as Gameboy games go, it's got some of the best music on that platform, which is saying a lot, since I love a ton of GB soundtracks!

    I'm extremely flattered by all the kind comments here and on youtube where people are saying "You know I don't really like vocal mixes, but hey, this is pretty good!" To an amateur singer dude like myself, that's a wonderful compliment and warmly received.

    That being said, I'm a little ticked off at The Crakaz for stealing all mah vocal hate. :< SAVE SOME FOR ME NEXT TIME JOE :)!!

  2. So guys...

    The thing at the end?

    Up or down?

    I'd say down.


    Down. Saw it coming a mile away and it felt like a cop-out. (Though I'm sure if it fell people would have said it was cliche as well, but hey, what's wrong with a happy ending?)

    Overall, the film still gets 5/5 stars from me, but I did think the ending felt more like a "it doesn't fall" rather than "what do you think?" type thing. Besides, if it doesn't fall, that raises a few questions that make certain things not make sense for me, so I'm going to have to go back and watch it again and see if I missed any important details.

  3. Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the thread. Keep up the good work!

    Thanks for contributing nothing to community discussion except condescending complaints and your chipper butthurt attitude. Keep up the good work!

    Seriously dude, I maintain that you only pop up to criticize everyone who doesn't have anything to say that pertains to how awesome you and your own opinions are. Get over yourself or just stop posting. No matter how badly it hurts your feelings, people are entitled to their opinions. I made this point once before, but anyone who cares to ever look at any of your posts will quickly discover that they are in vast majority either promoting your own music or complaining about the opinions of others. Grow a tougher skin.

    Also, I like your music. More of that, less whining please.

  4. I have a question. I'm considering buying the complete composers pack since everything is half off right now. I'm probably going to go with the Basic pack just because I'm trying not to spend TOO much money. I was wondering if theres anything not in the basic pack that is just too good to not get. And is there anything in the basic pack that just isn't really worth it that would be much better supplemented with something else? I'm sort of fighting between buying the pack for 749$ or just buying Symphonic Orchestral Gold for 240$

    The basic pack is:

    Symphonic Orchestra Gold Complete

    Quantum Leap Pianos

    Symphonic Choirs


    Stormdrum 2

    Voices of Passion


    Voices of Passion is IMO largely worthless. It's more of a glorified vocal sample library than a playable instrument. I have no experience with QL Pianos, but personally I'd probably opt for something else just because piano plugins are a dime a dozen, and they all claim to be awesome, but really there's just not enough difference in most to make much difference. And unless you're writing stuff specifically for solo piano performance/realism, it's unlikely that anybody is really going to notice.

    Just my $0.02US.

  5. Depends, what kind of music do you want to make? Looks like the Signature bundle is a bit of an upgrade from the former XXL bundle, which was bloated with largely crappy plugins.

    Google shows a result where if you qualify for an educational discount you can get the Sig bundle for <$200, I'd do that.


    Basically, the Sig bundle is pretty good for what it is and what it includes (and definitely way better than the XXL bundle it replaced), but again, the true value really depends on what kind of music you want to make. If you're looking to do regular electronic stuff, the bundle's not bad. If you're looking to get more into pop/guitar/rock/orchestral/jazz, or pretty much anything else that's not electronic I'd get the Producer edition and put the other money in a piggy bank for some good 3rd party plugins.

  6. Yes, it is. Though you might sort-of-agree if you give Absynth to someone with a preference for symphonic sounds :<

    That makes sense. Also, I guess I was talking more about Omnisphere than Komplete. I think Spectrasonics is pretty far ahead of Native Instruments as far as their ratio of useful sounds to useless sounds. :P

  7. If you got Omnisphere and Komplete and only knew what the Next/Previous sound buttons did, the only thing you're doing a disservice is your wallet - since you're going to be out of sounds after you've listened to 'm all

    Which will be a long, long time. I have owned both for a couple years now and I'm probably not even a tenth of the way through the presets, especially if you also count Omnisphere's raw soundsource files and infinite synth capabilities. Plus, Omnisphere is not only a powerful synthesizer but it's also much easier than you'd think to create your own sounds. Here's a patch I made entirely from scratch in a couple minutes using zero samples:

    Just an example, and I'm really not a synth wizard by any stretch.

    (and only a few are useful)

    I typically generally agree with you on several things, but this is 100% false. and I've met a reasonably large group of musicians ranging from hobbyists to professionals who would agree. I will definitely agree that there are many presets that are pointless but for every sound I don't like, there are at least 10 that I do.

    Back on topic, yeah z3ta for $20 isn't a bad deal, whether you're a preset surfer or a DIY guy.

  8. If you're going for realistic acoustic drums, then I would recommend dropping a little money and picking up something like EZ Drummer, Addictive Drums, Groove Bias, or any other number of acoustic kits that contain round-robins (multiple samples for the same hit). This keeps hits from sounding exactly the same, and thus less mechanical and more realistic. It also eliminates the "machine gun effect" when you're sequencing things like rolls and buildups. Plus, most of these types of plugins are already pre-mixed by industry masters and further still, you usually have a variety of presets to choose from on top of that. Like if you want a roomy-sounding kit or a large, wide-open sounding kit, etc etc etc.

    EZ Drummer is, well, the easiest, but Addictive Drums isn't too bad either and has more kit presets to choose from and is much more tweakable. As far as the MIDI goes, many drumkit plugins also have a large library of MIDI files for you to drag-and-drop into your project. And they've usually been recorded by professional drummers, so the timing is always excellent, but still humanized and organic. And the MIDI files themselves are often good templates for you to use to change stuff around and customize them into something a little more "you". You'll also start to notice things in those MIDI files vs the ones in something like the Fruity FPC, where the velocities and timing of each note are varied, just as they would be if you were playing them live.

    Building your own acoustic kit out of samples is a tremendous pain and requires a lot of effort on all sides and even then, typically still sounds pretty mechanical and fakey in the end.

    As already stated though, if you're doing electronic music, it probably doesn't matter too much. Just learn to slap some EQ, compression, and whatever else on each sound and have fun with it.

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